This page provides a "break out" of Portrait photos based on relation. If, a portrait has not been posted as Primary, it will not be here.
- Ancestors An ancestor of the base person, a better name for this is "direct line."
- Siblings A sibling of an ancestor, including half-siblings.
- Cousins Any blood relative more distant than those above, including those related through only one parent.
- Married A person who is not a blood relative, but is married to spouses of Siblings and Cousins, and "other" spouses of Ancestors. Persons linked only by marriage to one who is marked as M are not included; that is, the second spouse of the spouse of a Cousin is not included.
- Relation Unknown This includes anyone not marked with any other values. I don't include a "not-related" value because I'm generally not positive (the relationship could be undiscovered).