Sarah Sophronia Mullins1
F, b. 16 June 1866, d. 9 November 1956
Sarah Sophronia Mullins was born on 16 June 1866 at Mill Village, Nova Scotia, Canada.1,2
Sarah, at age 25, married Ellis L. Goodwin at age 25, son of George P. Goodwin and Caroline (Carrie) Dexter, on 26 May 1892 at Brockton, Plymouth, Maine.1
Sarah died at age 90, on 9 November 1956, at Sonora, Tuolumne, California,3 and was buried at Columbia Public Cemetery, Columbia, Tuolumne, California.3
Sarah, at age 25, married Ellis L. Goodwin at age 25, son of George P. Goodwin and Caroline (Carrie) Dexter, on 26 May 1892 at Brockton, Plymouth, Maine.1
Sarah died at age 90, on 9 November 1956, at Sonora, Tuolumne, California,3 and was buried at Columbia Public Cemetery, Columbia, Tuolumne, California.3

Family | Ellis L. Goodwin b. 17 Aug 1866, d. 4 Jul 1924 |
Last Edited | 16 Oct 2019 |
- [S30] Unknown author, Ancestry Web Site, Url:, Massachusetts, Marriage Records, 1840-1915
Name: Sophronia Mullins Age: 25 Birth Year: abt 1867 Birth Place: Mill Village, Nova Scotia Marriage Date: 26 May 1892 Marriage Place: Brockton, Massachusetts, USA Father: William H Mullins Mother: Peannie Mullins Spouse: Ellis L Goodwin. - [S27] Unknown author, Marker in Cemeteries, Record Type: Headstone at cemetery, Name Of Person: Name on Headstone, Date is from marker.
- [S63] Unknown author, Find A Grave web site, Url:, FindAGrave memorial # 55446391.
William Mullins
M, b. circa 1572, d. 21 February 1620/21
Relationships | 10th great-grandfather of Dianne Elizabeth Smith 10th great-grandfather of Ellen June Smith |
William Mullins was born circa 1572 at Surrey, England.1,2 He was The following biography was submitted by Eleanor Johnson. The primary source of the information is
William, married Alice Portetier Atwood in 1595 at England.
William left a Will
William died on 21 February 1620/21 at Plymouth, Massachusetts.1
William Mullins was born about 1572. The possible parents were John and Joan (Bridger) Mullins of Dorking, Surrey, England. He married Alice,her maiden name has not been proven.
William came on the Mayflower with his family, his wife Alice and two children, Priscilla and a son,Joseph.One source said that he brought over 250 shoes and 13 pairs of boots.He was a shoe and boot maker by trade. He died the first winter,21 February 1621.His wife and son also died the first winter. His will was written shortly before his death. He mentions his wife in the will and children Priscilla and Joseph, and his children back in Dorking, William Mullins and Sarah Blunden.
He is buried on the hillside above Water St.just overlooking Plymouth Rock...A sarcophagus is situated there with many people that died the first winter. William, Alice, his wife, and their son are buried in that memorial. The Pilgrims buried their dead at night in shallow graves so that the Indians would not know how many of them had died that first winter. Later the monument was built and the remains of the first winters dead were placed there on the hillside. I have been to the grave in Plymouth on a cold, windy day and it is very sobering to think of what they endured as they settled in this new land.2
William, married Alice Portetier Atwood in 1595 at England.
William left a Will
Will In the name of God Amen: I comit my soule to God that gave it and my bodie to the earth from whence it came. Alsoe I give my goodes as followeth That fforty poundes in the hand of goodman Woodes I give my wife tenn poundes, my sonne Joseph tenn poundes, my daughter Priscilla tenn poundes, and my eldest sonne tenn poundes Also I give to my eldest sonne all my debtes, bonds, bills (onelye yt forty poundes excepted in the handes of goodman Wood) given as aforsaid wth all the stock in his owne handes. To my eldest daughter I give ten shillings to be paied out of my sonnes stock Furthermore that goodes I have in Virginia as followeth To my wife Alice halfe my goodes & to Joseph and Priscilla the other halfe equallie to be devided betweene them. Alsoe I have xxj dozen of shoes, and thirteene paire of bootes wch I give into the Companies handes for forty poundes at seaven years and if thy like them at that rate. If it be thought to deare as my Overseers shall thinck good And if they like them at that rate at the divident I shall have nyne shares whereof I give as followeth twoe to my wife, twoe to my sonne William, twoe to my sonne Joseph, twoe to my daugher Priscilla, and one to the Companie. Allsoe if my sonne William will come to Virginia I give him my share of land furdermore I give to my twoe Overseers Mr John Carver and Mr Williamson, twentye shillinges apeece to see this my will performed desiringe them that he would have an eye over my wife and children to be as fathers and freindes to them; Allsoe to have a speciall eye to my man Robert wch hathe not so approved himselfe as I would he should have done. This is a Coppye of Mr Mullens his Will of all particulars he hathe given. In witnes whereof I have sett my hande John Carver, Giles Heale, Christopher Joanes.and was buried at Coles Hill Burial Ground, Plymouth, Plymouth, Massachusetts.2
Vicesimo tertio : die mensis Julii Anno Domini Millesimo sexcentesimo vicesimo primo Emanavit Commissio Sare Blunden als Mullins filie naturali et legitime dicti defuncti ad administrand bona iura et credita eiusdem defuncti iuxta tenorem et effectum testamenti suprascripti eo quod nullum in eodem testamento nominavit executorem de bene ect Jurat. 68, Dale.
[Translation of the Latin]: In the month of July Anno Domini 1621. On the 23rd day issued a commission to Sarah Blunden, formerly Mullins, natural and legitimate daughter of William Mullins, late of Dorking in the County of Surrey, but deceased in parts beyond the seas, seized &c., for administering the goods, rights and credits of the said deceased, according to the tenor and effect of the will of the said deceased because in that will he named no executor. In due form &c. swears.2
William died on 21 February 1620/21 at Plymouth, Massachusetts.1
Family | Alice Portetier Atwood b. 1575, d. Apr 1621 |
Children |
Last Edited | 19 Oct 2019 |
- [S109] Unknown author, The Mayflower Passenger List, Url:, Information was obtained from an online source.
- [S63] Unknown author, Find A Grave web site, Url:, Find A Grave Memorial# 28971892.
- [S109] Unknown author, The Mayflower Passenger List, Url:, Information was obtained from an online source.
William Mullins1
Father | William Mullins1 b. c 1572, d. 21 Feb 1620/21 |
Mother | Alice Portetier Atwood1 b. 1575, d. Apr 1621 |
Relationships | 9th great-granduncle of Dianne Elizabeth Smith 9th great-granduncle of Ellen June Smith |
Last Edited | 19 Oct 2019 |
- [S109] Unknown author, The Mayflower Passenger List, Url:, Information was obtained from an online source.
Arthur D. Mulvaney1
M, b. 27 November 1897, d. 23 October 1957
Father | James D. Mulvaney1 b. 10 Sep 1840, d. 31 Oct 1904 |
Mother | Rose E. Danforth1 b. 19 May 1867, d. 9 Sep 1935 |
Relationships | 1st cousin 2 times removed of Dianne Elizabeth Smith 1st cousin 2 times removed of Ellen June Smith |
Arthur D. Mulvaney, son of James D. Mulvaney and Rose E. Danforth, was born on 27 November 1897 at Maine.1,2
Arthur died at age 59, on 23 October 1957, at Keene, New Hampshire.3
Arthur died at age 59, on 23 October 1957, at Keene, New Hampshire.3
Last Edited | 1 Jan 2022 |
- [S33] Bureau of the Census Census of the United States United States of America, 1900 Twelfth United States Federal Census [database on-line], Record Type: 1900 Federal Census, Location: Washington, D.C., Bangor, Maine, Sheet 9 A, line 35.
- [S31] Bangor Daily News, Obituaries: Obituary, Url:, The Bangor Daily News (Bangor, Maine)24 Oct 1957, ThuPage 25.
- [S9] Unknown author, General Newspaper Items: Varied, Location: Varied, The Boston Globe (Boston, Massachusetts) 24 Oct 1957, Thu Page 35.
- [S33] Bureau of the Census Census of the United States United States of America, 1900 Twelfth United States Federal Census [database on-line], Record Type: 1900 Federal Census, Location: Washington, D.C., Bangor, Maine, Sheet 9 A, line 32 thru 35.
- [S31] Bangor Daily News, Obituaries: Obituary, Url:, The Bangor Daily News (Bangor, Maine) 24 Oct 1957, Thu Page 25.
Eddy Mulvaney1
M, b. circa 1866
Father | James D. Mulvaney1 b. 10 Sep 1840, d. 31 Oct 1904 |
Mother | Mary (?)1 b. 25 Dec 1840, d. 22 Jan 1890 |
Last Edited | 17 Nov 2017 |
- [S69] Bureau of the Census United States of America, 1870 (Nineth) United States Federal Census [database on-line], Record Type: 1870 Federal Census, Author Address: Washington, D.C., Bangor, Maine, Page 13, line 31.
- [S69] Bureau of the Census United States of America, 1870 (Nineth) United States Federal Census [database on-line], Record Type: 1870 Federal Census, Author Address: Washington, D.C., Bangor, Maine, Page 18, line 26 thru 32.