- [S3] Unknown author, Original Birth Certificate, Record Type: Birth Certificate, Subject: Birth Certificate, Number: 418 (n.p.: 29 Jun 1993, unknown publish date).
- [S4] Unknown author, Locust Valley Leader, Location: Locust Valley, New York (Locust Valley, New York: Locust Valley Leader, Varies). Hereinafter cited as Locust Valley Leader.
- [S6] Online Service: unknown subject, by unknown photographer; unknown series; unknown repository, unknown repository address. Online unknown url; unknown file name.
- [S12] Unknown author, Early Van Dyke Pictures, Subject: Family Photographs, Present Owner: Evelyn Van Dyke (n.p.: n.pub., unknown publish date).
- [S13] Evelyn (Van Dyke) Collins, E-Mail Message from Evelyn, Recipient: John & Dianne Van Dyke, Address: 21 Colonial Drive, Huntington, New York, Author E-mail: Evelyn (Van Dyke) Collins (n.p.: n.pub., unknown publish date).
- [S16] Ruth Rawstrom, Diary of Ruth Rawstrom, Location: Verona New Jersey (n.p.: 1921 -1926, unknown publish date).
- [S17] Unknown author, Nassau County Surrogate Court (n.p.: n.pub., unknown publish date).
- [S18] Unknown author, Dept of Health and Senior Services, Record Type: Vital Records (n.p.: As stamped, unknown publish date).
- [S19] Shirley Peterson, E-Mail from Shirley Peterson, Recipient: J. Van Dyke, Address: New Jersey, Author E-mail: Shirley Peterson <e-mail address> (n.p.: Various, unknown publish date).
- [S20] Unknown author, Social Security Death Index (n.p.: n.pub., unknown publish date).
- [S21] Unknown author, Death Certificate, Record Type: Death Certificate (n.p.: n.pub., unknown publish date).
- [S28] Unknown author, 1870 Mortality Schedule, Record Type: 1870 Mortality Schedule (n.p.: n.pub., unknown publish date).
- [S37] Unknown author, V A National Grave Site locator, Record Type: Individual Locations, Url: http://gravelocator.cem.va.gov (n.p.: n.pub., unknown publish date).
- [S38] Betty Jo Van Dyke, The Vibrant Van Dyke's (n.p.: 15 Dec 1996, unknown publish date).
- [S41] Unknown author, Flatlands Birth Register, Record Type: Births, Subject: Various People, Url: http://www.bklyn-genealogy-info.com/Birth/Flatlands/ (n.p.: n.pub., unknown publish date).
- [S45] Unknown author, St Mary's Church, Volume: Not Available (n.p.: 23 May 2005, unknown publish date).
- [S46] Unknown author, Naturalization Record, Record Type: Naturalization Record, Subject: Naturalization Record, File Number: As entered in Citation Detail (n.p.: n.pub., unknown publish date).
- [S49] Varies, "Brooklyn Daily Eagle, The", Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Url: http://eagle.brooklynpubliclibrary.org . Hereinafter cited as "Brooklyn Daily Eagle, The."
- [S52] Unknown author, The Olive Tree Genelogy, Url: http://www.olivetreegenealogy.com/nn/church/flatlands (n.p.: n.pub., unknown publish date).
- [S53] http://www.familysearch.org/ Compiler: LDS, Family Group Record (n.p.: n.pub., unknown publish date).
- [S57] Director G. T Minuton, Untitled, Recipient: John Van Dyke, Author Address: Glen Cove, New York (n.p.: 25 Sep 2006, unknown publish date).
- [S61] Peter Ross, A history of Long Island : from its earliest settlement to the present time (n.p.: Lewis Publishing Co, New York, 1902, unknown publish date).
- [S64] Compiler: John Van Zandt Cortelyou, Cortelyou Genealogy (n.p.: Press of Brown printing service, 1942, unknown publish date).
- [S65] New York, Collections of the New York Historical Society For the Year 1896 (n.p.: Printed for the Society, New York, MDCCCXOVII, unknown publish date).
- [S69] Unknown author, Early Bergen County Families / Pat Wardell, Url: http://njgsbc.org/indexes/bergen-county-families/ (n.p.: n.pub., unknown publish date).
- [S70] Compiler: Teunis G. Bergen, Bergen Family or the Descendents of Hans Hansen Bergen, The (New York: Joel Munsell, 1876). Hereinafter cited as Bergen Family Descendents of Hans Hansen Bergen.
- [S72] Unknown author, Family History Center, Film: Various Films (n.p.: n.pub., unknown publish date).
- [S75] Unknown author, INSCRIPTIONS FROM LOTT FAMILY BURYING GROUND (n.p.: n.pub., unknown publish date).
- [S78] Compiler: Various Individual Inputs, Searched Families (n.p.: n.pub., unknown publish date).
- [S82] David Van Dyke, E - Mail from David Van Dyke, Recipient: compiler (n.p.: n.pub., unknown publish date).
- [S83] Walter Kenneth B. S. B,. A. L.L.B. Griffin, compiler, The baptismal records of the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of New Utrecht, Long Island : 1718-1741 (Unknown: Unknown, 1911). Hereinafter cited as Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of New Utrecht.
- [S93] Mrs. Charlotte Bleecker Bangs, Reminiscences of Old New Utrecht c 1912). Hereinafter cited as Reminiscences of Old New Utrecht.
- [S95] Unknown author, Illinois Statewide Death Index, Record Type: Death Index, Name Of Person: Varied, Number: Varied (n.p.: n.pub., unknown publish date).
- [S97] Editor: Francis Bazley Lee, Genealogical and Personal Memorial of Mercer County, New Jersey, Volume: II (n.p.: Lewis Publishing Company, New York - Chicago, 1907, Digitized Sep 6, 2007, unknown publish date).
- [S103] Unknown author, Glen Cove Echo: House Walls Ripped Out By Violent Explosion While Owner Lies Dead, Location: Glen Cove, Page: Front Page (n.p.: 5 March 1942, unknown publish date).
- [S111] Unknown author, Newsday: Obituary (n.p.: n.pub., unknown publish date).
- [S114] John C. Van Dyke, Raritan, The, Notes on a River and a Family (New Brunswick, N. J.: Privately Printed, 1915). Hereinafter cited as Raritan, The.
- [S117] Compiler: D. A. R., Linage Book Daughters of the American Revolution (n.p.: Historian General, Washington D. C., Various Dates, unknown publish date).
- [S118] 2008, Compiler: A. VAN DOREN HONEYMAN Original from the New York Public Library Digitized Feb 11, Somerset County Historical Quarterly (n.p.: SOMERSET COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY, Somerville, New Jersey, Vol. VIII— 1919, unknown publish date).
- [S121] William Scudder Cooley, Hannah Louisa Cooley Compiler: By Eli Field Cooley, Genealogy of Early Settlers in Trenton and Ewing (n.p.: The W. S. Sharp Printing Co., Trenton, New Jersey, 1883, unknown publish date).
- [S122] Compiler: Compiled from the original Applications to January 1 1929, Lineages of Members of the National Society of Sons and Daughters of The Pilgrims (n.p.: Genealogical Publishing Co., Baltimore, MD, 1988, unknown publish date).
- [S123] Henry Van Dyke (son), Henry Jackson Van Dyke (n.p.: Anson D. F. Randolph & Company, 182 Fifth Ave., New York, 1892, unknown publish date).
- [S134] Unknown author, Mt. Hebron Cemetery, Record Type: Cemetery records, Name Of Person: Attendant at office, Reader: John Van Dyke (n.p.: April 2008, unknown publish date).
- [S136] Unknown author, The Montclair Times: Ludwig Backlund; Resident 67 years, Location: N/A, Page: Page 6 (n.p.: 01 Sep 1966, unknown publish date).
- [S137] Selective Service System United States, World War II Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918, Subject: World War II Draft (n.p.: Original data: United States, Selective Service System. World War I Selective Service System, National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C., unknown publish date).
- [S140] Shirley (Bowman) Peterson, Letter from Shirley (Bowman) Peterson, Recipient: Compiler J. Van Dyke, Author Address: Verona, New Jersey (n.p.: 11 Apr 2009, unknown publish date).
- [S144] Dorothy Weeks, E-Mail from Dorothy Weeks, Recipient: John Van Dyke, Address: e-mail address, Author E-mail: Dorothy Weeks (n.p.: 18 Sept 2009, unknown publish date).
- [S161] Compiler: Anna (Backlund) Seadale, Anna Backlund's Photo Album (n.p.: n.pub., unknown publish date).
- [S164] Penelope) Penny (Weis, "Reference to Denton's," e-mail message from (New York) to Compiler, Varies. Hereinafter cited as "Reference to Denton's."
- [S180] Census of Canada, 1931 Canada Census (n.p.: n.pub., . Hereinafter cited as 1931 Canada Census.