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Charlotte Christine Ackerman, wife of Henry V. Nystrom
Michele Jeanne Ancker, wife 1st to Eric K. Poletti; 2nd. Kurtis W. Bush
Brita Andersdotter, wife of Carl Matsson
Barbro V. Nilsson, wife of Erik G. Andersson
Hulda Emilia Andersson, 1 st. wife of Oskar E. Gustafsson
Ingegerd Irene Maria Andersson, wife of Terry John Siederer
Selma Andersson, wife of Edward F. Bergstrom
Anna Evelina Appelqvist, 1st wife of Nils Viktor Rudahl
Arvid Appelqvist, husband of Anna Charlotta Linnarsson
Arvid Teodor Appelqvist, husband of Margareta Regina Warhensted
Evelina Viktoria Appelqvist, wife of Karl Axel Karlsson
Catherine Edna Arthurs, wife of Russell D. Davis
Astrid E. Backlund, 2nd wife of Walter C. Van Dyke
Ernestine Bancroft, wife of Walter S. Van Dyke
Elizabeth Veroncia Bard, wife of Henry D. Larson
Clare Barone, wife of Larry Van Dyke
Katharine Becker, wife of Stanley N. Boquist
Edward Frederick Bergstrom, husband of Selma Andersson
Alice H. Berney, daughter of Ulysses and Anna Berney
Betty Jo (Berney), wife of Lester C. Van Dyke
Florence M. Berney, daughter of Ulysses and Anna L. Berney
Enst Rune Brkestad, husband of Jonny Cecilia Larsson
Augusta Bokvist, wife of Nils G. Gunnerbom
Nils Bokvist, husband of Kajsa Svensson
Esther Thyra Alzine Boqvist, wife of Zura Orthelo Waters
Jeanne Alma Boquist, wife of Francis Dunn
Stanley N. Boquist, husband of Katherine Becker
Anna A. Boquist, wife of Per Alfred Peterson
Carolina Boqvist, wife 1st of Emil Falk; 2nd Nels E. Ahlin
Warren A. Boström, husband of Ruby Luco
Fred Gerald Breining, husband of Louise K. Dorris
Anna M. Bäcklund, wife of Carl W. Seadale
Hilda Kristina Bäcklund, wife of Karl A. Rawstrom
Hugh D. Campbell, husband of Eleonore Elizabeth Von Trapp
Jane Campbell, wife of Dr. Barton P. Smith
Johanna Potentia Carlson, wife of Nils G. Boquist
Mary Anne Cleary, first wife of Walter Carmen Van Dyke
Jeffery M. Collins, husband of Heather C. Smith
Marie Evelyn Collins, wife of John T. Saunders
George Henry Dalton, husband of Ellen A. Peterson
Carol Margaret Davis, wife of Donald Glenn Gilbert
Betty J. DeMotte, wife of Earl L. Van Dyke
Cornelia Ann Denton, wife of Stephen E. Seaman
Henretta Johanna (Denton) Lemken, wife of Henry L Lemken, taken at her 90th birthday. Photo, thanks to her Great Grand daughter, Penny
Louise K. Dorris, wife of Fred Gerald Breining
Evelyn M. Elder, wife of Jack H. Mitchell
Photo courtesy of Tammy Vogel on Ancestry
Carl A. B. Engvall, husband of Kathleen L. Grusell
Emma Katarina Eriksdotter, wife of Lars Olsson
Harry Gustaf Fager, husband of Amy E. Holmgren
Robert Andrew Falls, husband of Joan Moberg
Elsa Ingrid Maria Forslund, wife of Olof Vilhelm Swensån
Betty Fournier, wife of Robert E. Van Dyke
Roy W. Grann, husband of Shirley Schofield
Hervor Sofia Margareta Groth, wife of Sten Erik Hornfelt
Laverne G. Gustafson, wife of Donald A. Koers
Fannie Brooke Gwathmey, wife of Andrew Reid
Elsie Mary Hammarstrom, wife of Alfred H. Seguin
Erik Gunnar Harnold, husband of Karin G. Nilsson
Henriette Lajoie, first wife of Dr. Rupert von Trapp
Peter G. Holmes, wife of Sandra J. Raymond
Annie E. M. Johansson, wife of Nils Levi Wist
Albin E. Karlsson, husband of Hilma M. Nyqvist
Ann Kristine Karlsson, wife of Anders Mikael Lindkvist
Gunnel Elisabet Karlsson, wife of Kent Gunnar Olsson
Hanna Marika Karlsson, wife of Johan Sjöberg & Folke A. Nilsson
Dolores Kindel, wife of Clarence W. Boquist
Cathrina Larsdotter, wife of Nils Persson
Daniel Larson, husband of Anna Olsdotter
Frederick August Larson, hosband of Mildred E. Lindgren
Melvin F. Larson, husband of Gladys ________
Jonny Cecilia Larsson, wife Enst Rune Brkestad
Lois Lee Lawson, wife of Frank M. Ziegler
Eleanor Virginia Lelo, wife of Floyd A. Bergstrom
Henry Lehman Lemken, about 65 years old.
Photo, thanks to his Granddaughter, Penny
Anders Mikael Lindkvist, husband of Ann-Kristine Karlson
Karolina V Lindkvist, wife of Christian Simon Stålhammar
Anna Charlotta Linnarsson, wife of Arvid Appelqvist
Hans Gunnar Lövstedt, 2nd husband of Evelina Viktoria Appelqvist
Doreen E. Maniachi, wife of Walter Carl Van Dyke
Carl Matsson, husband of Brita Andersdotter
Stella Miller, wife of Louis E. Ziegler
Jack H. Mitchell, husband of Evelyn M. Elder
Joan Carol Moberg, wife of Robert A. Falls
Sigurd Manfred Moberg, husband of Beda K. Rawstrom
Sherri Anne Mowder, wife of Douglas Virgil Wickman
Anna-Karen M Nilsson, daughter of Stig and Vera Nilsson
Hilma Maria Nyqvist, Albin Edvard Karlsson
Anna Olsdotter, wife of Daniel Larson
Marian Lois Olson, wife of Harvey A. Wickman
Anna Emilia Olsson, wife of Johan Elias Nordqvist
Hulda Karolina Olsson, wife of Levi Jonsson
Carole A. Pappe, wife of Stenis D. Stokes
Doris D. Pappe, wife of Gustaf P. Smedberg
Eileen Lois Pearson, wife of Erwin Wolff
Shirley J. Pearson, wife of Robert Boyle
Francesco M. Pesce, husband of Marian E. Wist
Ellen Amelia Peterson, wife of George H. Dalton
Esther Florence Peterson, wife of Nils F. Magnuson
George Edmund Peyerson, husband of Ruth Carlson
Anna Maria Pettersdotter, wife of Jonas Olsson
Beda K. Rawstrom, wife of Sigurd Moberg
Carol L. Rawstrom, wife of Stephen C. Schimpff
Charles A. Rawstrom, husband of Lillian Gibbs
Karl (Charles) Arvid Rawstrom, husband of Hilda K. Bäcklund; Photo courtesy of Shirley Peterson
Elsie Charlotta Rawstrom, wife of Harry Lawson
Esther Christina Rawstrom, wife of Frank Gibbs
Harry W. Rawstrom, husband of Edna S. Morrison
Ruth A. Rawstrom, wife of Sigfrid Bowman
Susan Ann Raynor, wife of Isaac Mills Van Dyke
Gayle M. Riordan, 2nd wife of Gregory D. Van Dyke
Angela Rizzi, wife of Harold E. Van Dyke
Anna L. Rochat, wife of Henri Berney
Carl Wilhelm G. Seadale, husband of Anna M. Bäcklund
Selina Seaman, wife of Stephen R. Van Dyke
Florence C. Severson, wife of Klas H. Källgren
Elisabeth Silset, wife of Bengt T. Eriksson
Dr. Barton P. Smith, husband of Jane Campbell
Bruce E. Smith, son of Dr. Barton P and Jane (Campbell) Smith
Dianne Elizabeth Smith, 1st wife of John W. Van Dyke
Christian Simon Stålhammar, husband of Karolina V. Lindkvist
Abraham Voorhees Suydam, son of Jeromus Suydam
Kajsa Svensson, wife of Nils Bokvist
Kathleen Tomaschtik, wife of John R. Johnson
Johanna von Trapp, wife of Ernst F. Winter
Carol Tyndall, wife of James T. McCarty
Gerald Albert Van Dyke, husband of 1st Alta Jones and 2nd Eileen Beale
Arthur S. Van Dyke, adopted son of Willet (Ray) and Rhoda Van Dyke
Evelyn Van Dyke, wife of Michael J. Collins
Frank E. Van Dyke, husband of Mildred R. Sengelaub
Gregory David Van Dyke, husband of 1st, Kathleen Poletti, 2nd Gayle M. Riordan
Harold E. Van Dyke, husband of Angela Rizzi
Isaac M. Van Dyke, husband of Susan A. Raynor
Hon. John Van Dyke, husband of Mary D.Strong
John W. Van Dyke, husband of 1st Dianne E. Smith, 2nd Bonnie G. Snow
Karen L. Van Dyke, daughter of John and Dianne Van Dyke
Lester Rushmore Van Dyke, husband of 1st Gertrude C. Walling, 2nd Thelma Nichols
Margaret B. Van Dyke, daughter of Percy & Ada Van Dyke; Photo is from her posted obituary.
Rhonda L. Van Dyke, wife, 1st of Harry J. Tomah; 2nd Tony Mark
Robert Edward Van Dyke, husband of Betty Fournier
Stephen R. Van Dyke, husband of Selina Seaman
Traci Lyn Van Dyke, wife of Brian Miller
Walter Carmen Van Dyke, husband of 1st Mary Anne Cleary, 2nd Astrid E. Backlund; Photo courtesy of Evelyn (Van Dyke) Collins
Woodbridge Strong Van Dyke, husband of Zina Ashford
Agathe Johanna Erwina Gobertina von Trapp
Eleonore Elizabeth von Trapp, wife of Hugh D. Campbell
Georg Ludwig Ritter von Trapp, husband of 1st. wife, Agathe Whitehead; 2nd. wife, Maria Augusta Kutschera
Maria Agatha Franziska Gobertina von Trapp
Joyce K. Voorhees, wife of Lee A. Harris
Edmund W. Voorhies, husband of Sarah Wyckoff
Hattie Sophie Warner, wife of Edward Wickman
David Bruce Wickman, husband of Catherine D. Hitzeman
Diane Joyce Wickman, wife of Timothy G. Wick
Douglas Virgil Wickman, husband of Sherri Anne Mowder
Stanley W. Wickman, husband of June L. Wahl
Torrey L. Wickman, husband of Rosemary Allison
Ethel J. Wiggins, wife of Victor F. Greis
Norman Nils Wist, husband of Joan Darienzo