Left-Clicking on Image, (or Arrow) above the Image will take you to the Related Person Page. Left_Clicking on the square box will open a larger Image.
Ingeborg Rebecca ______, 2nd. wife of George E. Boström
Nancy J. ________, wife of Wesley C. Van Dyke
Clara H. ________, wife of Arthur S. Holmgren
Louise C. _______, wife of August Andersson
Mary Jane ______, wife of Van Dyke Tyndall
Catharine ____________, wife of Samuel L. Ryder
Edwin M. Albers, husband of Olive F. Van Dyke
Disa I. Ahlborg, wife of Per Hilmer Carlson
Ellen A. Ahlborg, wife of Folke Borgman
Gustav Laurentz Ahlborg, husband of Ingrid M. Möller
Hanna D. Ahlborg, wife of Olof A. Grann
Margaret Carolyn Ahlin, daughter of Nels and Carolina Ahlin
Hon. William B. Aitken, husband of Catharine Beekman
Frank C. Albertson, husband of Lova L. Hoke
Della Ambrose, 2nd wife of Sven A. Boquist
Agnes A. Anderson, wife of August Erickson
Albert Anderson, son of August and Adeline Anderson
Alex Anderson, son of August and Adeline Andersson
Amy Anderson, wife of Arthur P. Johnson
August Andersson, husband of Louise C. ________
August Anderson, husband of Adeline M. Cristensen
Bertha Andersson, wife of Lawrence T. Sabella
Ethel Anderson, daughter of August and Adeline Anderson
Fredolph L. Anderson, son of August and Louise Anderson
Hilda Anderson, wife of Joseph Henry Beshel
Infant Daughter Anderson, daughter of August and Adeline Andersson
Mary A. Anderson, wife of John P. Suydam
Anna Marie, wife of John A. Denton
Olga Amanda Arneson, wife of Lyle O. Wickman
William H. Arrowsmith, husband of Gunhild Maria Sjöström
Hennrietta Ashmead, wife of Henry Jackson Van Dyke
Martha Backer, wife of Richard V. Voorhees
John L. Backlund, husband of Agnes Nugent
Robert Bayles, husband of Rebecca Gulick
Abraham C. Beekman, husband of Elizabeth H. Houghton
Catharine Beekman, wife of Hon. William B. Aitken
Margaret H. Beekman, daughter of Abraham and Elizabeth Beekman
Mary Scott Beekman, wife of Major Benjamin T. Biggs
Matilda Beekman, wife of Dr. Lewis H. Mosher
Eliza T. Beekman, wife of Frederick Van Liew Voorhees
Florence Bennett, wife of Edward C. Ryder
Jacob D. Bennett, husband of Florence Ireland
Michael S. Bennett, husband of Cornelia R. Ryder
Wilbur Remsen Bennett, husband of Margaret Fitting
Matilda Ber, wife of Martin Zinner
Irene N. Berg, wife of Roy A. Wickman
Ernest William Bergstrom, husband of Miriam L. Russell
Olof Fred Bergstrom, husband of 1st, Kajsa B. Krooks, 2nd, Mary B. Jacobson
Richard Otis Bergstrom, son of Ernest and Miriam Bergstrom
Arthur Gordon Berney, son of Arthur G. and Josephine A. Berney
Arthur George Berney, husband of Josephine A, __________
Harry Ulysses Berney, husband of Vera P. Whitney
Ulysses S. Berney, son of Ulysses H. Berney and Anna L. Rochat
Lola Beryl, wife of Harold G. Boquist
Joseph Henry Beshel, husband of Hilda Anderson
Major Benjamin T. Biggs, husband of Mary Scott Beekman
Frances R. Bisceglia, wife of Albert C. Larson Jr.
Amy D. Bjorkman, wife of Albert C. Larsson
Stanley Einer (Boqvist) Boquest, husband of 1st. Lova L. Hoke; 2nd. Jessie Fleming
Betty Eleanor Boquist, wife of Benjamin V. Johnson
Carl A. Boquist, husband of Ida Meling
Edwin G. Boquist, husband of Mary Alretta Smith
Regina Marie Boquist, 2nd. wife of Olof Helstrom
Stanley Nathaniel Boquist, husband of Alma E. Cook
Sven A. Boquist, husband, 1st. Emily K. Friedberg, 2nd. Della Ambrose
Harold G. Boquist, husband of Lola Beryl
Folke Borgman, husband of Ellen A. Ahlborg
David Elmer Bostrom, husband of Lois A. Butson
Elmer Robert Bostrom, husband of Walborg E. Liljengren
Emil R. Bostrom, husband of Gloadys P. Mason
Esther M. Bostrom, wife of John W. Davies
Janet J. Bostrom, wife of Jim Messerschmitt
George E. Boström, son of George (Sr) and Esther W. Boström
Lars M. Boström, husband of Martha Wiberg
Louis T. Bostrom, husband of Esther M. Lindblom
Olof Alfred Magnusson Bostrom, husband of Anna Kajsa Fjellberg
Victor A. Bostrom, husband of Hortense Marie Cecelia Palmer
Victor Boström, son of Lars M. and Martha Boström
George E. Boström, husband 1st of Esther W. Larson; 2nd., Ingeborg
Ruth N. Boström, wife of Roy P. Nordell
Robert R. Boyle, husband of Shirley J. Pearson
Levi N. Brewer, husband of Eliza A. Van Dyke
Margreta V. Brodin, 2nd wife of Olof Olson
Dr. Lewis Brookhart, husband of Sarah Elizabeth Van Dyke
Claude C. Brown, husband of Kathryn Oberg
Mary Esta Brown, wife of Peter W. Van Dyke
Sarah Brunson, wife of Abram Voorhees
Eva Buckley, wife of Michael Collins
Alfred Buffett, son of Henry and Cornelia Buffett
Eliphaz Buffett, husband of Phebe L. Williamson
Henry Buffett, husband of Cornelia E. Van Dyke
Lillian E. Buffett, daughter of Henry and Cornelia Buffett
Van Dyke Buffett, husband of Mabel L. Smith
Lois Arline Butson, wife of David E. Bostrom
Johan Ingvald Hansen Bye, husband of Ruth Maria Valborg
Oskar Julius Bäcklund, husband of Lisa Åberg
Elmer B. Campbell, husband of Ethel M. Oslund
Gilbert Campbell, son of Elmer and Ethel Campbell
Christina Carlson, wife of John Wickman
Hilmer A. Carlson, husband of Agnes E. Person
Per Hilmer Carlson, husband of Disa I. Ahlborg
Bertha M. Carmean, wife of Leonard S. Van Dyke
Virginia C. Carpenter, wife of Edgar C. Van Dyke
Harriet L. Carr, wife of 1st. Martin Wanser and 2nd. Albert N. Van Dyke
John S. Carr, husband of Emma F. Smith
Lydia Charlotte Cassel, wife of Oscar A. Wickman
Eva Charron, daughter of Moise and Helen Charron
Irma Charron, wife of Walter G. Soucy
Lafeyette G. Charron, son of Moise and Celine Charron
Moise Charron, 2nd. husband of Virginie Migneault
Pauline R. Charron, wife of Charles J. Clauss
John S. Clark, husband of Sarah B. Voorhees
Charles J. Clauss, husband of Pauline R. Charron
John T. Collins, son of Michael and Eva Collins
Michael Collins, husband of Eva Buckley
Mary E. Comstock, wife of Dr. Frederick W. Van Dyke
Claude W. Conklin, husband of Mae I. Ryder
Alma Ela Cook, wife of Stanley N. Boquist
Carl J. Cook, husband of Hilda L. Larsdotter
Edwin J. Cook, son of Carl J. and Hilda L. Larsdotter
Kathryn J. Cooley, wife of Richard L. Hanner
Ella Jane Cornell, wife of John Stillwell Ryder
Cornelis W. Couwenhoven, husband of Margaretta Schenck
Clare Cox, wife of Ralph Stratton Hersperger
John J. Cregan, husband of Alice Larsson
Adeline M. Cristensen, wife of August Andersson
Doris E. Crockett, wife of Elmer E. Nutting
Norma B. Crockett, wife of Alden G. Perry
Frederick Cruser, husband of Catharine Van Dyke
Adeline Emily Currington, wife of 1st. Nicholas F. Jonson, 2nd. Eber Meyer Armagost. 3rd. Arthur A. Wickman
John Davies, son of John W. and Esther M. Davies
Louis W. Davies, son of John and Esther Davies
Charlotte Marie Davis, wife of Lorne Edward Tjernagel
Don A. Davis, husband of Blanche Hanner
Russell D. Davis, husband of Catherine Edna Arthurs
Russell Hastie Davis, husband of Olga D. Bergstrom
Joseph A. De Joinville, husband of Florence I. Lundquist
Denyse De Nyse, husband of Teuntje Van Brunt
Ernest C. Dejonghe, husband of Ranghild E. Gräs
Catharine A. Denice, wife of John C. Sawkins
Anna M. Denton, Daughter of John & Anna Denton
Charles E. Denton, husband of first, Wilhelmina Behncke, second; Meta Lankenau
Daniel Denton, husband of Mary Lousia Lack
Edna May Denton, daughter of Walter and Clara Denton
John Augusta Denton, husband of Anna Marie _______
John F. Denton, son of Walter and Clara Denton
Katherine Denton, daughter of Charles and Meta Denton
Maria L. Denton, wife of George Sitzabee
Walter C. Denton, husband of Clara B. Fredrick
William R. Denton, son of Walter and Clara Denton
Andrew Jackson Diamond, husband of Mary Sullivan
Dinah Ditmars, 2nd. wife of Benjamin Van Doran
Dorothy E. Donnelly, wife first to Timothy Riordan; wife 2nd. to Al Benton
Francis Eugene Dunn, husband of Jeanne A Boquist
Jane Durland, 2nd. wife of John B. Tuthill
Nellie Durland, wife of Hiram Bartlett Tuthill
Eunice E. Ecks, wife of Joseph Gross
Carl M. Edstrom, husband of Elvira V. Larson
Charles W. Elder, husband of Elin (Ellen) K. Östholm
Sarah H. Eldert, wife of Nicholas A. Van Dyke
Marion E. Ellerkamp, wife of Donald F. Stuart
Richard Emerson Engvall, husbamd of Virginia Answorth
Ernest Ture Enquist, husband of Esther L. Roos
Signe Enquist, wife of Albert Peterson
Mary H. Eoff, wife of Kenneth J. Olson
August Erickson, husband of Agnes A. Anderson
Ida G. Evertz, wife of Martin H. A. Zinner
Margaret Fitting, wife of Wilbur Remsen Bennett,
Jessie I Fleming), wife of 1st. Lee Earl Daniels; 2nd. Stanley E. Boquest
Rhoda Mae Ford, wife of Willet Raynor (Ray) Van Dyke
Peter J. Fournier, husband of Ada Ryan
John Fowler, husband of Mary Ann Pilgrim
Susan A . Fowler, wife of John B. Tuthill
Clara B. Fredrick, wife of Walter C. Denton
Robert R. French, husband of 1st. Maude G. McElroy, 2nd. Dorothy (Mary) Ziegler
Otto A. Garnett, husbnd of Ruby K. Hanner
Hubert B. Geist, husband of Alice F. Van Dyke
Thomas Van Dyke Geist, husband of Joy Simmons
Lillian Gibbs, wife of Charles A. Rawstrom
Mary E. Gilbert, wife of Donald H. Larson
Anna Maria Grace, wife of Johan Gottfrid Hammarstrom
Olof Arvid Grann, husband of Hanna Dagmar Ahlborg
Victor F. Greis, husband of Ethel J. Wiggins
Joseph Gross, husband of Eunice E. Ecks
Kathleen L. Grusell, wife of Carl A. B. Engvall
August E. Gräs, husband of Hilda M. Magnuson
Esther M. Gräs, wife of Garfield W. Heggart
Ranghild E. Gräs, wife of Ernest C. Dejonghe
Major John Gulick, husband of Margaret Van Dyke
Rebecca Gulick, wife of Robert Bayles
Adla D. Gustafson, wife of Albert Wickman
Ella Hamish, wife of James Clinton Van Dyke
Alex Burl Hanner, husband of Hildred E. Hedges
Arthur Hanner, husband of Ruby P. Messenger
Nellie E. Hanner, wife of Allen F. Wambold
Blanche Hanner, wife of Don A. Davis
Harry Ross Hanner, husband of Verda B. Hedges
Hazel B. Hanner, 1st. wife of Earl E. Messenger
Joseph Allen Hanner, husband of Mae Zelinsky
Richard L. Hanner, husband of Kathryn J. Cooley
August John Harms, husband of Ella J. Ryder
Rowland Gibson Hazard, husband of Caroline Newbold
Rowland Hazard, husband of Margaret Ann Rood
Margaret Hazelwood, wife of John Van Dyke
Hildred E. Hedges, wife of Alex Burl Hanner
Verda B. Hedges, wife of Harry Ross Hanner
Marie Hegblom, wife of Syvert Sollid
Mary Hendtickson, wife of Cornelius Couwenhoven
Mary Henry, wife of John Honeyman
Ralph Stratton Hersperger, husband of Clare Cox
Charles J. Holmberg, husband of Sharon L Van Dyke
John Jacob Holmes, husband of Carolina Jonasdotter
Amy E. Holmgren, wife of Harry G. Fager
Arthur S. Holmgren, husband of Clara H. __________
Edith M. Holmgren, daughter of Nils and Emma Holmgren
Nils O. Holmgren, husband of Emma K (C) Larsdotter
Signe O. Holmgren, wife of Carl J. Nyman
Photo courtesy of FindAGrave.com member #53683958
Marian E. Hornowski, wife of Charles H. Meade
Clarence E. Hough, husband of Alice E. Van Dyke
Elizabeth H. Houghton, wife of Abraham C. Beekman
Helen Pearl Hunter, wife of Arthur W. Rathje
Virginia Hunter, wife of John R. Norklin
Thomas L. Igo, husband of Bonita A. Linge
Florence Ireland, wife of Jacob D. Bennett
Mary B. Jacobson, 2nd wife of Olof Fred Bergstrom
Anna M. Johnson, wife of John G. Nord
Arthur P. Johnson, husband of Amy Anderson
Benjamin Vincent Johnson, husband of Betty E. Boquist
Charlotta K. Johnson, wife of Charles Emil Lindberg
Ejnar A. Johnson, husband of Inez P. Larsson
Engebaar A. Johnson, wife of Mann Emanuel Oberg
Frida C. Johnson, wife of Pehr G. Holmes
John Richard Johnson, husband of Kathleen Tomaschtik
Lillian V. Johnson, wife of Virgil Dennis Wickman
Lois J. Johnson, wife of Edward B. McGovern
Neal L. Johnson, 1st husband of Bonnie G. Snow
Carolina Jonasdotter, wife of Johan J. Holmes
Jennie Jones, wife of Archie McElroy
Josephine A. _______, wife of Arthur George Berney
Klas H. Källgren, husband of Florence C. Severson
Edward Kavanaugh, husband of Mildred Voorhees
Margaret Keller, wife of Jacob Zug
Dr. Alexander W. Kretz, husband of Dorothy J. Turner
Mary L. Lack, wife of Daniel Denton
Benjamin Clayton Lancaster, husband of Mozanne E. McFarlin
Meta Lankenau, wife of Charles E. Denton
Gretrude Tappen, wife of Nathaniel D. Walling
Emma K. Larsdotter, wife of Nils O. Holmgren
Hilda L. Larsdotter, wife of Carl J. Cook
Albert C. Larsson, husband of Amy D. Bjorkman
Anders Paul Leander Larsson
Donald H. Larson, husband of Mary E. Gilbert
Earl Robert Larsson, husband of Barbara T. Erickson
Edwin O. Larson, husband of Matilda Peterson
Elvira V. Larson, wife of Carl M. Edstrom
Esther W. Larson, 1st. wife of George E. Bostrom
Philip Emanuel Larsson, husband of Florence A. Cote
Wilmer A. Larson, husband of Irene R Vistain
Carl A. Larsson, husband of Hannah Gustava Salgstrom
Inez P. Larsson, wife of Ejnar A. Johnson
Laura L. Lee, wife of Robert Pollack
Janet E. Leech, wife of Bertram S. Ryder
Dolores B. Leer, wife of Donald B. Petersen
Margaret Elsie Lemken, wife of Albert E. Weis
William A. Lemken, husband of Cynthia H. Lott
Charles Emil Lindberg, husband of Charlotta K. Johnson
Johanna Maria Lindberg, wife of Olof Fritiof Westlund
Esther M. Lindblom, wife of Louis T. Bostrom
Theodore Linge, husband of Marian B. Wickman
Albert V. D. Lott, husband of Mary Wyckoff
Cynthia H. Lott, wife of William A. Lemken
Emma B. Lott, wife of John S. Ryder, Jr.
Joanna H. Lott, wife of John L. Ryder
Johannes Lott, husband of Aeltje Rapalje
Samuel Lott, husband of Ryme Van Dyke
Laura G. Luce, wife of Charles Edward Ryder
Photo courtesy of FindAGrave.com member #47714083
Millicent F. Magill, wife of Charles C. Ryder
Hilda Maria Magnuson, wife of August E. Gräs
Mildred Manning, with of Kenneth C. Oberg
Gladys P. Mason, wife of Emil R. Bostrom
Ewell Constantine McCartney, husband of Ida Myrtle Lancaster
James T. McCarty, husband of Carol Tyndall
Charles Cornelius McCord, husband of Adeline V. Neal
Hazel Vorice Cccord, wife of Loren W. Van Dyke
Marion Eugene McDonald, husband of Dorothy Mae Van Dyke
Archie McElroy, husband of Jennie Jones
Maude G. McElroy, 1st wife of Robert R. French
Sarah Jane Mcelroy, wife of John Arthur
Mozanne E. McFarlin, wife of Benjamin Clayton Lancaster
Edward B. McGovern, husband of Lois J. Johnson
Ross Philip McKern, husband of Carolyn J. Anderson
Dorothea Van Dyke McLane, daughter of Guy and Dorothea McLane
Guy Richards McLane, husband of Dorothea Van Dyke
Charles H. Meade, husband of Marian E. Hornowski,
Susan Meighy, wife of Edmund S. Tappen
Ida Meling, wife of Carl A. Boquist
Ruby P. Messenger, wife of Arthur Hanner
Earl E. Messenger, husband 1st Hazel B. Hanner; 2nd. Effie Alice Reynolds Johnston
Oscar G. Meyer, husband of Marie Oberg
Virginie Migneault, 2nd. wife of Moise Charron
Lynda J. Milliken, wife of Carl H. Peterson
Edna S. Morrison, wife of Harry W. Rawstrom
Sarah Adaline Morrison, wife of Edward P. Carr
Dr. Lewis H. Mosher, husband of Matilda Beekman
James Murray, husband of Cornelia Ann Rumph
Ingrid M. Möller, wife of Gustav Laurentz Ahlborg
Anna L. Napton, wife of Matthew Van Dyke
Adeline V. Neal, wife of Charles C. Mc Cord
Benjamin Nelson, husband of Hilma Olson
George Herbert Nelson, son of Benjamin and Hilma Nelson
Gunhild L. Nelson, wife of Harry L. Olson
Helga E. Nelson, wife of John F. Schils
Nels Nelson, husband of Hanna Nilsdotter
Percy M. Nelson, husband of Hilma Olson
Ruth E. Nelson, wife of Arthur E. Walther
Ellen M. Nevius, wife of Henry Van Dyke
Caroline Newbold, wife of Rowland Gibson Hazard
John Newman, son of Jonas and Anna Olsson
Oscar G. Newman, husband of Lydia Nelson
Dorothy E. Newmiller, wife of Gilman A. Peterson
Nellie M. Nielsen, wife of Van Dyke Tyndall
Maria Nilsdotter, wife of Eric Olof Oberg
John G. Nord, husband of Anna M. Johnson
Roy P. Nordell, husband of Ruth N. Boström
Iris E. Nordqvist, wife of John W. Seaholm
John Robert Norklun, husband of Virginia Hunter
Agnes V. Nugent, wife of John L. Backlund
Elmer E. Nutting, husband of Doris E. Crockett
Carl J. Nyman, husband of Signe O. Holmgren
Hulda V. Nystrom, wife of Clarence F. Ostberg
Terry W. O'Berg, husband of Josephine D. Tavano
Charles G. Oberg, husband of Ethel V. Ipes
Eric O. Oberg, husband of Maria Nilsdotter
John Oberg, son of Eric and Maria Oberg
Kenneth C. Oberg, husband, 1st of Mildred Manning; 2nd Rosalia Oltean
Mann E. Oberg, husband Engebaar A. Johnson
Marie Oberg, wife of Oscar G. Meyer
Marshall E. Oberg, son of Mann and Engebaar A. Oberg
Robert A. Oehler, husband of Mildred E. Johnson
Alida Gouverneur Ogden, wife of Rev. Anson Rood
Axel N. Olson, husband of Nellie Mclain
Harry L. Olson, husband of Gunhild L. Nelson
Hilma Olson, wife of Benjamin Nelson
Hilma Olson, wife of Percy M. Nelson
Kenneth J. Olson, husband of Mary H. Eoff
Olof Olson, husband 1st of Maria Andersdotter; 2nd Margreta V. Brodin
Rosalia Oltean, 2nd wife of Kenneth C. Oberg
Axel W. Orner, son of Anders and Kerstin Larsson
Ethel M. Oslund, wife of Elmer B. Campbell
Joseph D. Oslund, son of Martin and M. T. Venne
Martin J. Oslund, husband of M. T. Venne
Vera Elizabeth Oslund, wife of James T. Hillcoat
Clarence F. Ostberg, husband of Hulda V. Nystrom
John Frederick Ostberg, husband of Janet Ann Robinson
Hortense M. Palmer, wife of Victor A. Bostrom
Roy Walter Pearse, husband of Rachel Miller Van Dyke
Sophia Peck, 1st. wife of William N. Smith
Agnes E. Person, wife of Hilmer A. Carlson
Charles H. Peters, husband of Margaret Stonebarger
Jeanette Peters, wife of James Ward Van Dyke
Birger Brinken Petersen, husband of Anna C. Wikström
Donald B. Petersen, husband of Dolores B. Leer
Wayne A. Petersen , son of Donald B. and Dolores B. Petersen
G. Albert Peterson, husband of Signe Enquist
Anier A. Peterson, husband of Iola Baptie
Christina Peterson, daughter of Peter and Cajsa Peterson
Edward G. Peterson, husband of Ethel H. Swanson
Jeanne Marie Peterson, daughter of Ainer and Iola Peterson
Mathilda Peterson, wife of Edwin O. Larson
Norman Frederic Peterson, son of Fred and Emma Peterson
Norval Ward Peterson, husband of Patricia Tarbet
H. P. (Simon Peterson, husband of Esther E.Engström
Walter F. Peterson, son of H. P. and Ester Peterson
Mary Ann Pilgrim, wife of John Fowler
Robert Pollack, husband of Laura L. Lee
Sidney R. Pollack, husband of Marjorie M. Gonella
Agnes M. Rainsfeldt, wife of Oskar L. Larson
Aeltje (Altie) Rapalje, wife of John Lott
Arthur W. Rathje, husband of Helen P. Hunter
William Mott Raynor, husband of Helen A. Van Riper
Ellen Ried, wife of Rev. Henry Van Dyke
Susan Riel, second wife of John S. Carr
Truman A. Rogers, Jr., husband of Irene Lyons
Rev. Anson Rood, husband of Alida Gouverneur Ogden
Margaret Eliza Rood, daughter of Anson and Alida Rood
Theodore Anson Rood, son of Rev. Anson and Alida Rood
Esther L. Roos, wife of Ernest Ture Enquist
Cornelia Ann Rumph, wife of James Murray
Eliza M. Rumph, wife of Albert Van Brunt Van Dyke
Miriam L. Russell, wife of Ernest William Bergstrom
Richard E. Russell, husband of Sarah J. Ryder
Ada Ryan, wife of Peter J. Fournier
Alletta Ryder, daughter of John L, and Joanna Ryder
Bertram Stillwell Ryder, husband of Janet E. Leech
Charles Cornell Ryder, husband of Millicent F. Magill
Charles Edward Ryder, husband of Laura G. Luce
Cornelia R. Ryder, wife of Michael S. Bennett
Edna Florence Ryder, daughter of Edward C. and Florence Ryder
Edward Clinton Ryder, husband of Florence Bennet
Elias H. Ryder, husband of Ann Stillwell
Ella J. Ryder, wife of August J. Harms
Jacobus B. Ryder, husband of Johanna Couwenhoven
John L. Ryder, husband of Joanna H. Lott
John Stillwell Ryder II, son of Charles and Millicent Ryder
John S. Ryder Sr., husband of Ella J. Cornell
John S. Ryder, Jr., husband of Emma B. Lott
Lawrence B. Ryder, husband of Aletta Van Siclen
Mae Isabelle Ryder, wife of Claude W. Conklin
Millicent M. Ryder, wife of Henry L. Hunter
Phebe Ann Ryder, daughter of John L. and Joanna Ryder
Ryme Jane Ryder, daughter of John L. and Joanna Ryder
Samuel L. Ryder, husband of Catharine M.V.S. Ryder
William Hubbard Ryder, husband of Isabella V. Magill
Hannah Gustava Salgstrom, wife of Carl A. Larsson
Capt. Edward T. Saling, husband of Edit Hillevi Boqvist
Albin Valdemar Sandin, husband of Rut F. Dahlström
John T. Saunders, husband of Marie Evelyn Collins
Alfred H. Sawkins, husband of Minnie C. Selover
Photo couurtesy of FindAGrave.com member # 46530203
Rolfe Janse Schenck, husband of Ghesye Hendrickson
Cyrinus Schenck, son of Joseph and Sarah Van Mater
Daniel Schenck, son of Roelof and Ghesye Schenck
Eugene D. Schenck, husband of Edna V. Tyndall
Garret Garretse Schenck, husband of Jannetje Van Couwenhoven
Garret Roelofse Schenck, husband of Neeltje C Van Voorhees
Jan Roelof John Schenck, husband of Jacamintje Couwenhoven
Jan Schenck, husband of Sara Willemse Van Couwenhoven
Margaretta Schenck, wife of Cornelis Couwenhoven
Sarah Schenck, wife of Joseph Van Mater
Gordon C. Schils, husband of Marilyn A. ________
John Francis Schils, husband of Helga E. Nelson
Robert T. Schofield, husband of Freda J. Shellenberger
Shirley Schofield, wife of Roy W. Grann
Juliet L. Scott, wife of Leonard W. Van Dyke
Hannah ___________, wife of Richard M. Seaman
Richard M. Seaman, husband of Hannah ___________
Walter Carman Seaman, husband of Elsie Hoche
Minnie C. Selover, wife of Alfred H. Sawkins
Freda J. Shellenberger, wife of Robert T. Scholfield
Rachel R Shepherd, wife of Jacob Van Dyke
William F. Shoe, husband of Pearl Van Dyke
George Sitzabee, husband of Mary L. Denton
Karl Henrik Sjödahl, husband of Botilda Olsson
Gunhild M. Sjöström, wife of Emmett S. Tranbarger
Gustaf P. Smedberg, husband of Doris D. Pappe
Benjamin Smith, husband of Emeline Scholl
Charity S. Smith, wife of William B. Vliet
Emma F. Smith, wife of John S. Carr
Jessie B. Smith, daughter of Lewis and Harriet Smith
Lewis H. Smith Jr., husband of Harriet L. Bergen
Mabel L. Smith, wife of Van Dyke Buffett
Mary Alretta Smith, wife of Edwin Boquist
Sarah Eldert Smith, daughter of Lewis and Harriet Smith
William N. Smith, husband 1st. to Sophia Peck; 2nd. Fannie M. Van Deusen
Syvert Sollid, husband of Marie Hegblom
Walter G. Soucy, husband of Irma Charron
Solomon W. Stelmok, husband of Martha C. Sundstrom
Cornelia E. Stillwell, wife of Howard W. Voorhies
Margaret T. Stonebarger, wife of Charles H. Peters
Adam Stonebarger, husband of Sarah Zug
Mary Dix Strong, wife of Hon. John Van Dyke
Ida Stryker, wife of Abraham Van Dyke
Donald F. Stuart, husband of Marion E. Ellerkamp
Frederick D. Stuart, husband of Margaret A. Van Dyke
Mary Sullivan, wife of Andrew Jackson Diamond
Martha C. Sundstrom, wife of Solomon W. Stelmok
Mary Sutphen, wife of Rev. Jacob Van Arsdalen
Daniel Lott Suydam, husband of Jane W. Van Dyke
Evelyn M. Suydam, wife of Robert W. Southorn
Everett A. Suydam, son of John and Mary Suydam
Harriet A. Sutdam, wife of Grant W. Wilkinson
Jeromus Suydam, husband of Harriet F. Voorhees
John P. Suydam, husband of Mary A. Anderson
Nicholas Van Dyke Suydam, son of Daniel and Jane Suydam
Sarah E. Suydam, wife of Stephen J. Voorhies
Ruth Svensson, wife of Eric Hultin
Ethel H. Swanson, wife of Edward G. Peterson
Edmund S. Tappen, husband of Susan Meighy
Josephine D. Tavano, wife of Terry W. O'Berg
Theresa Charron, 2nd wife of Arthur L. Van Dyke
William S. Tindall, husband of Catharine Van Dyke
Emmett S. Tranbarger, husband of Gunhild M. Sjöström
Dorothy J. Turner, wife of Dr. Alexander W. Kretz
Irving Elmore 'Gus' Turner, son of Alfred and Edith Turner
Hiram Bartlett Tuthill, husband of Nellie Durland
Infant daughter of John B. and Jane Tuthill
Infant son of John B. and Martha S. Tuthill
Infant daughter of John B. and Susan Tuthill
Edna V. Tyndall, wife of Eugene D. Schenck
Hannah J. Tyndall, wife of John H. Brown
Van Dyke Tyndall, husband of Nellie M. Nielsen
Robert Vandyke Tyndall, son of Ray and Lillian Tyndall
Van Dyke Tyndall, husband of Mary Jane ______
Janice Tyre, wife of Dr. Rupert Von Trapp
Ruth Maria Valborg Larsson, wife of Johan Ingvald Hanson Bye
Isaac Vaan Arsdalen, husband of Margaret Strycker
Rev. Jacob Van Arsdalen, husband of Mary Sutphen
Philip I. Van Arsdalen, husband of Margaret Wortman
Sara Willemse Van Couwenhoven, wife of Jan Schenck
Jannetje 'Jane' Van Couwenhoven, wife of Garret Schenck
Fannie M. Van Deusen, wife of William N. Smith
Benjamin Van Doran, husband 1st. Sophia Van Dyke, 2nd. Dinah Ditmars
Abraham Van Dyke, husband of Sarah Honeyman
Abraham Van Dyke, husband of Ida Stryker
Albert Nicholas Van Dyke, 2nd husband of Harriet Lulla Carr
Albert Van Brunt Van Dyke, husband of Eliza M. Rumph
Alice F. Van Dyke, wife of Hubert B. Geist
Anthony Ashmead Van Dyke, infant son of Rev. Dr. Henry and Ellen Van Dyke
Arthur L. Van Dyke, husband of first, Winifred Gertrude Zinner, 2nd wife Theresa Charron
Barclay Van Dyke, son of Leonard and Juliet Van Dyke
Bernard Van Dyke, son of Rev. Dr. Henry and Ellen Van Dyke
Catharine Van Dyke, wife of William S. Tindall
Catherine Van Dyke, wife of Capt. William Vliet
Catharine Van Dyke, wife of Frederick Cruser
Charles L. Van Dyke, son of John Van Dyke and Margaret Hazelwood
Cornelia E. Van Dyke, wife of Henry Buffett
Daisy Blanche Van Dyke, wife of Charles G. Jones
Dorcey C. Van Dyke, husband of Jennie Ware
Dorothea Van Dyke, wife of Guy R. McLane
Earl L. Van Dyke, husband of Betty J. Demotte
Edgar Van Dyke, son of James W. and Nettie Van Dyke
Elaine Van Dyke, daughter of Rev. Henry and Ellen Van Dyke
Eliza Ann Van Dyke, wife of Levi Nelson Brewer
Ella M. Van Dyke, daughter of Jacob and Rachel Van Dyke
Emma T. Van Dyke, wife of James J. Scott
Esther E. Van Dyke, wife of Forrest W. Wiggins
Frank B. Van Dyke, son of Jacob and Rachel Van Dyke
Franklin Van Dyke, son of James and Nettie Van Dyke
Rev. Henry Van Dyke D. D., husband of Ellen Ried
Henry Van Dyke, husband of Ellen M. Nevius
Rev. Henry Jackson Van Dyke, D. D., husband of Henrietta Ashmead
Ida Van Dyke, wife of Richard S. Vliet
Isaac Van Dyke, son of Abraham and Ida Van Dyke
Jacob Van Dyke, husband of Rachel Rebecca Shepherd
James C. Van Dyke, husband of Ella Lafever Harnish
James Ward Van Dyke, husband of Jennette Peters
Jan Van Dyke, husband of Anna Verkerk
Jane W. Van Dyke, wife of Daniel L. Suydam
John Franklin Van Dyke, son of John and Margaret Van Dyke
John Van Dyke, husband of Margaret Hazelwood
John M. Van Dyke, son of James W. and Jeanette Van Dyke
Leonard S. Van Dyke, husband of Bertha Mae Carmean
Leonard W. Van Dyke, husband of Juliet L. Scott
Loren W. Van Dyke, husband of Hazel Vorice Cccord
Lourinda Van Dyke, wife of William Wylde
Margaret A. Van Dyke, wife of Frederick D. Stuart
Margaret Van Dyke, wife of Maj. John Gulick
Margaret Van Dyke, daughter of Albert Emmans and Ruth (Hendrickson) Van Dyke
Martha Van Dyke, wife of George W. Day
Mary Van Dyke, wife of Stephen H. Hunt
Matthew Van Dyke, husband of Anna Louise Napton
Nicholas A Van Dyke, husband of, first, Margaret Emmans, second Sarah Hendrick Eldert
Olive F. Van Dyke, wife of Edwin M. Albers
Pearl Van Dyke, wife of William F. Shoe
Rachel Miller Van Dyke, wife of Roy W. Pearse
Rose Van Dyke, daughter of John and Margaret Van Dyke
Russell S. Van Dyke, son of James W. and Jennette Van Dyke
Ryme Van Dyke, wife of Samuel Lott
Sarah E. Van Dyke, wife of Dr. Lewis Brookhart
Sharon L. Van Dyke, wife of Charles J. Holmberg
Susan Van Dyke, daughter of Matthew and Anna Van Dyke
Wesley C. Van Dyke, husband of Nancy J. ________
Willet Raynor Van Dyke, husband of, first, Rhoda Mae Ford, second, Mrs. Betty Remsen
Woodbridge Strong Van Dyke, husband of Laura Winston
Alice E. Van Dyke, wife of Clarence E. Hough
Peter W. Van Dyke, husband of Mary E. Brower
Photo courtesy of FindAGrave.com member #46895980
Aletta Van Siclen, wife of Lawrence B. Ryder
Jannetje Van Voorhees, wife of Col. John Brinkerhoff
Neeltje Coertse Van Voorhees, wife of Garret R. Schenck
Cornelius Vanderveer, husband of Jannetje Wyckoff
Infant (son) of James and Jennette Van Dyke
Dorothy M. Vaughn, wife of August C. Boquist
M. T. Clara Venne, wife of Martin J. Oslund
Anna Verkerk, wife of Jan Van Dyke
Charles Vliet, son of Richard S. and Mary E. Vliet
George S. Vliet, son of Richard S. and Mary Vliet
Luella Vliet, wife of James E. Gillespie
James E. Gillespie, husband of Luella Vliet
Richard Sutton Vliet, husband of Ida Van Dyke
Capt. William Vliet, husband of Catherine Van Dyke
Clarence R. Voorhees, husband of Kathryn Zeller
Frederick Van Liew Voorhees, husband of Eliza T. Beekman
Harriet F. Voorhees, wife of Jeromus Suydam
Jacques Voorhees, husband of Altje Van Doren
Joseph H. Voorhees, husband of Garetta V D Vliet
Mildred Voorhees, wife of Edward Kavanaugh
Richard V. Voorhees, husband of Martha Backer
Sarah B. Voorhees, wife of John S. Clark
Abram Voorhees, husband of Sarah Brunson
Howard W. Voorhies, husband of Cornelia E. Stillwell
Jacobus Voorhies, husband of Eliza J. Van Dyke
Donald S. Voorhies, Sr., husband of Martha A. Walters
Stephen J. Voorhies, husband of Sarah E. Suydam
Cora Walling, daughter of Nathaniel D. and Gertrude Walling
Gertrude C. Walling, fiest wife of Lester R. Van Dyke
Nathaniel D. Walling, husband of Gretrude Tappen
Martha A. Walters, wife of Donald S. Voorhies, Sr.
Arthur E. Walther, husband of Ruth E. Nelson
Abraham Wanser, husband of Henrietta White
Jennie Ware, wife of Lora Wayne Van Dyke
Winfield Scott Ware, husband of Malinda A. Sears
Henrietta White, wife of Abraham Wanser
Agathe Whitehead, 1st. wife of Georg L. von Trapp
Martha Wiberg, wife of Lars M. Boström
Albert Wickman, husband of Adla D. Gustafson
Allen W. Wickman, husband of Melva Viola Swanson
Arthur A. Wickman, husband of Adeline E. Currington
Edward Wickman, husband of Hattie S. Warner
Lyle O. Wickman, husband of Olga Amanda Arneson
Marian Bernice Wickman, wife of Theodore Linge
Oscar A. Wickman, husband of Lydia C. Cassel
Raymond E. Wickman, son of Edward and Hattie Wickman
Robert Chester Wickman, son of Chester and Ellen Wickman
Roy Allen Wickman, husband of Irene N. Berg
Virgil Dennis Wickman, husband of Lillian V. Johnson
Ernest Wickman, son of John and Christina Wickman
Forrest W. Wiggins, husband of Esther E. Van Dyke
Anna C. Wikström, wife of Birger Brinken Petersen
Carl G. Wikström, son of Karl F. and Anna M. Wikström
Grant W. Wilkinson, husband of Harriet A. Sutdam
Phebe L. Williamson, wife of Eliphaz Buffett
Erwin G. Wollf, husband of Eileen Lois Pearson
Margaret Wortman, wife of Philip I. Van Arsdalen
Gerrit P. Wyckoff, husband of Sarah Van Derveer
Jane Wyckoff, wife of Albert N. Van Dyke
Jannetie Wyckoff, wife of Cornelius Vanderveer
Nett Wylde, wife of Edward Hibben
William Wylde, husband of Lourinda Van Dyke
Mae Zelinsky, wife of Joseph Allen Hanner
Kathryn Zeller, wife of Clarence R. Voorhees
Dorothy (Mary) Ziegler, second wife of Robert R. French
Frank M. Ziegler, husband of Lois L. Lawson
Lewis Edward Ziegler, husband of Alice M. Pabstman
Louis Edward Ziegler, husband of Stella Mary Miller
Martin Zinner, husband of Matilda Ber
Winifred G. Zinner, 1st. wife of Arthur L. Van Dyke
Jacob Zug, husband of Margaret Keller
Sarah Zug, wife of Adam Stonebarger
Karin Åberg, wife of John Erickson
Lisa Åberg, wife of Oscar J. Backlund
Elin (Ellen) K. Östholm, wife of Charles W. Elder