Sarah Gurney1

F, b. 1750
FatherZachariah Gurney1 b. 19 Nov 1695, d. 24 Dec 1764
MotherSarah Jackson1 b. 5 Jun 1707, d. 1802
Relationships5th great-grandaunt of Dianne Elizabeth Smith
5th great-grandaunt of Ellen June Smith
     Sarah Gurney, daughter of Zachariah Gurney and Sarah Jackson, was born in 1750.1
Last Edited14 Aug 2018


  1. [S135] Compiler: Nahum Mitchell, History of the early settlement of Bridgewater, in Plymouth County, Massachusetts, Found on Page 168.

Susanna Gurney1

F, b. 6 October 1796
FatherDavid Gurney1 b. 22 Jul 1765, d. 1 Aug 1832
MotherSusanna Bartlett1 d. 12 Sep 1851
Relationships1st cousin 5 times removed of Dianne Elizabeth Smith
1st cousin 5 times removed of Ellen June Smith
     Susanna Gurney, daughter of David Gurney and Susanna Bartlett, was born on 6 October 1796 at Bridgewater, Plymouth, Massachusetts.1,2
Last Edited19 Oct 2019


  1. [S135] Compiler: Nahum Mitchell, History of the early settlement of Bridgewater, in Plymouth County, Massachusetts, Found on Page 169.
  2. [S122] Compiler: New England Historic Genelogical Society, Vital records of Bridgewater, Massachusetts, to the year 1850, Found in Births, Page 127.

Sybil Gurney1,2,3

F, b. 2 July 1788, d. 20 January 1847
FatherJohn Gurney b. 7 Apr 1755, d. 11 Dec 1796
MotherMehetabel Southworth b. 23 Dec 1758
Relationships3rd great-grandaunt of Dianne Elizabeth Smith
3rd great-grandaunt of Ellen June Smith
Sybil Gurney, wife of Josiah Pratt
     Sybil Gurney, daughter of John Gurney and Mehetabel Southworth, was born on 2 July 1788 at Bridgewater, Plymouth, Massachusetts.1,2,4

     Sybil, at age 18, daughter of John Gurney and Mehetabel Southworth, married Josiah Pratt at age 24, son of Thaddeus Pratt and Rachel Churchill, on 21 June 1807.5,6

     Sybil died at age 58, on 20 January 1847,1,7 and was buried at Parsons Cemetery, Dover Foxcroft, Piscataquis, Maine.7


     She was probably the female age 40 to 50 listed in the household of her husband, Josiah Pratt, in the 1830 Federal Census of Foxcroft, Penobscot, Maine.8


Josiah Pratt b. 23 May 1783, d. 20 Jan 1848
Last Edited15 Dec 2021


  1. [S46] M. D., J. M. Mary Chandler Lowell, Old Foxcroft Maine, Traditions and Memories with Family Records, Found on Page 238.
  2. [S135] Compiler: Nahum Mitchell, History of the early settlement of Bridgewater, in Plymouth County, Massachusetts, Found on Page 168.
  3. [S122] Compiler: New England Historic Genelogical Society, Vital records of Bridgewater, Massachusetts, to the year 1850, Found in Vol. I, BIRTHS; Page 127; Reference name listed as 'Sibbel.'
  4. [S122] Compiler: New England Historic Genelogical Society, Vital records of Bridgewater, Massachusetts, to the year 1850, Found in Vol. I, BIRTHS; Page 127.
  5. [S46] M. D., J. M. Mary Chandler Lowell, Old Foxcroft Maine, Traditions and Memories with Family Records, Found on Page 238; Date is estimated.
  6. [S30] Unknown author, Ancestry Web Site, Url:, Information from Copy of Record of Marriage.
  7. [S63] Unknown author, Find A Grave web site, Url:, Find A Grave Memorial # 24871600.
  8. [S152] Bureau of the Census United States of America, 1830 (Sixth) United States Federal Census [database on-line], Record Type: 1830 Federal Census, Author Address: Washington, D.C., Foxcroft, Maine, Marked 393, line 27.
  9. [S43] Unknown author, FamilySearch, Url:, Town records of Foxcroft, 1741 - 1903 Page 22; Film # 007595362.
  10. [S46] M. D., J. M. Mary Chandler Lowell, Old Foxcroft Maine, Traditions and Memories with Family Records, Found on Page 239.
  11. [S30] Unknown author, Ancestry Web Site, Url:, Information from Copy of Record of Birth.
  12. [S69] Bureau of the Census United States of America, 1870 (Nineth) United States Federal Census [database on-line], Record Type: 1870 Federal Census, Author Address: Washington, D.C., Sebec, Maine, Page 19, line 29.
  13. [S43] Unknown author, FamilySearch, Url:, Town records of Foxcroft, 1741 - 1903 Page 22; Film # 007595362.

Thomas Jefferson Gurney1

M, b. 8 January 1803
FatherZachariah Gurney Jr.1 b. 11 Jul 1762, d. 12 Jan 1846
MotherMatilda Packard1
Relationships1st cousin 5 times removed of Dianne Elizabeth Smith
1st cousin 5 times removed of Ellen June Smith
     Thomas Jefferson Gurney, son of Zachariah Gurney Jr. and Matilda Packard, was born on 8 January 1803 at Bridgewater, Plymouth, Massachusetts.1,2

     Thomas, son of Zachariah Gurney Jr. and Matilda Packard, married Fidelia Wade.3


Fidelia Wade b. 1803, d. 1834
Last Edited17 Apr 2019


  1. [S135] Compiler: Nahum Mitchell, History of the early settlement of Bridgewater, in Plymouth County, Massachusetts, Found on Page 168.
  2. [S122] Compiler: New England Historic Genelogical Society, Vital records of Bridgewater, Massachusetts, to the year 1850, Found in Vol. I, BIRTHS; Page 128.
  3. [S135] Compiler: Nahum Mitchell, History of the early settlement of Bridgewater, in Plymouth County, Massachusetts, Found on Page 169.

Zachariah Gurney1

M, b. 19 November 1695, d. 24 December 1764
Relationships6th great-grandfather of Dianne Elizabeth Smith
6th great-grandfather of Ellen June Smith
Zachariah Gurney, husband of Sarah Jackson
     Zachariah Gurney was born on 19 November 1695 at Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts.2

     Zachariah, at age 30, married Sarah Jackson at age 19, daughter of Edmond Jackson and Mary (?), on 26 September 1726 at Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts.3

     Zachariah died on 24 December 1764 at North Bridgewater, Plymouth, Massachusetts, at age 69.4 and was buried at Ashland Cemetery, Brockton, Plymouth, Massachusetts.2


Sarah Jackson b. 5 Jun 1707, d. 1802
Last Edited10 Dec 2019


  1. [S135] Compiler: Nahum Mitchell, History of the early settlement of Bridgewater, in Plymouth County, Massachusetts, Found on Page 168.
  2. [S63] Unknown author, Find A Grave web site, Url:, Find A Grave Memorial # 131749753.
  3. [S71] Compiler: New England Historic Genealogical Society, Vital Records of Weymouth Massachusetts to the Year 1850, Found ub Vol. II, MARRIAGES; Page 81.
  4. [S122] Compiler: New England Historic Genelogical Society, Vital records of Bridgewater, Massachusetts, to the year 1850, Found in Vol II, DEATHS; Brockton data Page 331,.
  5. [S122] Compiler: New England Historic Genelogical Society, Vital records of Bridgewater, Massachusetts, to the year 1850, Births; Page 127.
  6. [S75] Compiler: New England Historic Genelogical Society, Vital records of Abington, Massachusetts, to the year 1850, Found in Births; Page 96.
Compiler, Left Click on License Plate to Send Comments: John W. Van Dyke: John W. Van Dyke