This includes anyone not marked with any other values. I don't include a "not-related" value because I'm generally not positive (the relationship could be undiscovered).
Benjamin A. Bailey, husband, 1st. Grace Belle Reed, 2nd. Carrie May Bridges
Photo courtesy of member #47273398
George Henry Dalton, husband of Ellen A. Peterson
Aaron Knowlton, husband of Ruth D. Lord
Paula M. Leblond, wife 1st of Marcelle J. Whitney and 2nd James F. Newcomb
Elwood Keith Lovejoy, Jr. husband of Elaine J. Poulin
Herbert Trafton Silsby, husband of Ruth M. Blaisdell
Alvin Hatch Stanhope, M. D., husband of Martha E. Harvey; Photo courtsey of The Piscataquis Observer book acquired online
James Ervin Thomas, husband of Deborah E. Hill
Richard A. Thomas, husband of Roberta L. Applebee
Stuart Charles Thomas, husband of Emma M. Carle
Wendy Lee Thomas, wife 1st., Tony R. Redmond; 2nd., Timothy Underhill
Marcelle John Whitney, husband, 1st. Paula M. LeBlond; 2nd.
Walter G. Whitney, husband of Patricia M. Rogerson