Robert Edward Van Dyke1

M, b. 26 March 1932, d. 4 February 2016
FatherWalter Carman Van Dyke1 b. 27 Jul 1906, d. 10 Jun 1957
MotherMary Anne Cleary1 b. 24 Aug 1907, d. Nov 1939
Brother of Evelyn Marie Van Dyke
Brother of John William Van Dyke
Brother of Walter Carl Van Dyke
Robert Edward Van Dyke, husband of Betty Fournier
     Robert Edward Van Dyke, son of Walter Carman Van Dyke and Mary Anne Cleary, was born on 26 March 1932 at Bayville, Nassau, New York.2,3,4

     Robert was mentioned in the 'Locust Valley Leader' as partaking in the 8th grade newspaper efforts. He was assigned the responsibility to sort, staple and deliver the papers. The class was hoping to produce 9 issues. The annual subscription rate was $.25 cents. on 10 October 1946.5

     His popularity must been out there shining, he was selected to be in the school Christmas play. It was a Christmas operetta and its theme was the old Christmas story written by Charlotte Ann Johnson of the 8th grade and revised by Irene Sawyers of the 9th grade. Bobby was playing a leading character. on 5 December 1946.6

     Robert was invited to attend a friend's birthday. It was Bryan Hahn's thirteenth birthday. There were a total of seven people at the party. on 27 February 1947.7

     Robert was invited to another party. Bobby was attending a birthday party for Suzanne Gise at her parents home on Buckram Road. There were a total of fifteen people in attendance. on 27 March 1947.8

     Robert was always on the run. He was involved with the 'Chef Club' of the Locust Valley school. It was entertaining its mothers night and they were serving turkey dinner. There were a total of nine people in the club. The article left no indication as to how it went. on 22 May 1947.9

     Robert was also involved with the Locust Valley Athletic Club. He, Alfred Magnusson and Mathew Cherico were added as new members. on 26 June 1947.10

     Robert was Arthur Donaldson and Robert Van Dyck left last week for San Antonio, Texas where they will begin their training in the Air Force'. on 3 May 1951.11

     Robert was stationed in Alaska as a 'Reconnaisance Scout'. He was to be there for two years on 16 October 1952.12

     Robert was This appears to be a letter from Bobby to the Locust Valley Leader. He indicated he appreciated the newspaper being sent there. And, he enjoyed reading it from front to back. on 30 October 1952.13

     Robert married Elizabeth D. (Betty) Fournier, daughter of Peter J. Fournier and Ada Ryan, on 3 February 1957.14,15

     Robert died on 4 February 2016, at Deleware, at age 83,16 and was buried at Delaware Veterans Memorial Cemetery, Millsboro, Sussex, Deleware.2

See pictures: The Picture Collection May be viewed By Left-Clicking on This Link.17


     Bobbie appeared on the 1940 Federal Census of Bayville, Nassau, New York in the household of his father, Walter.18

     Robert Edward Van Dyke appeared on the 1950 Federal Census of Locust Valley, Nassau, New York in the household of his father, Walter and step mother, Astrid.19


Robert E. Van Dyke

Bob Van Dyke was born on March 26, 1932 in Bayville, New York to Walter and Mary Anne Van Dyke. He has an older sister, Evelyn and two younger step brothers - Walter and John. He joined the Air Force when he was 17 years old and was stationed in Alaska. When he got out of the Air Force he got a job at Grumman Aircraft in Bethpage, New York and worked there until he retired in 1990. He met his sweetheart, Elizabeth Fournier, on a blind date on February 3rd, 1956 and married her one year later on the same day. Bob has 5 children - Bob, Bill, Mary Anne, Tom, and Dennis. He also has 7 grandchildren (in age order) - Scott, Ceejay, Luke, Thomas, Sarah, Billy, and Hannah. His greatest legacy in life was that he became a Christian in 1975 at Grumman and came home and shared his faith with his family. The presence of Christ in his heart changed his life and the life of his family for this life and for eternity. 'If anyone is in Christ he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come.' 2 Corinthians 5:17. He helped lead a weekly Bible study/outreach in his plant at Grumman at lunch time and at the time he retired, 20 to 30 people were attending. After retirement, he joined the Gideons as the Memorial Bible Chairman, and he and Betty went on many distributions throughout the New York Metropolitan area and Long Island. We, his wife, children, and grandchildren will be ETERNALLY GRATEFUL to him for bringing home the Good News to us - how Jesus wants to have a personal relationship with us, forgiving all our sins, and giving us His righteousness and an eternal home in heaven with Him. We have great joy for him as we KNOW he is with Jesus now, and we will all be together again in the future! As the scripture says: 'For I do not want you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning those who have died lest you sorrow as those who have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with Him those who died in Jesus. For this we say to you by the word of the Lord that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord will by no means precede those who have died in Christ. For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord. Therefore, comfort one another with these words.' 1 Thessalonians 4:13-182

Children of Robert Edward Van Dyke and Elizabeth D. (Betty) Fournier

Last Edited=2 Nov 2023


  1. [S5] Unknown author, Family Data Collection - Individual Records, Information from family.
  2. [S5] Unknown author, Family Data Collection - Individual Records, Information is from Bob's obituary.
  3. [S24] Unknown author, Find A Grave web site, Url:, Find A Grave Memorial# 158062466.
  4. [S23] Unknown author, Ancestry Web Site, Url:, New York State, Birth Index, 1881-1942
    Name: Robert E VanDyke Birth Date: 26 Mar 1932 Birth Place: Bayville, New York, USA Certificate Number: 18469.
  5. [S4] , This is from the 'Locust Valley Leader' newspaper dated 10 October 1946 It is / was located on page 1.
  6. [S4] , This is from the 'Locust Valley Leader' newspaper dated 05 December 1946 It is / was located on page 5.
  7. [S4] , This is from the 'Locust Valley Leader' newspaper dated 27 February 1947 It is / was located on page 7.
  8. [S4] , This is from the 'Locust Valley Leader' newspaper dated 27 March 1947. It is / was located on page 8.
  9. [S4] , This is from the 'Locust Valley Leader' newspaper dated 22 May 1947. It is / was located on page 2.
  10. [S4] , This is from the 'Locust Valley Leader' newspaper dated 26 June 1947. It is / was located on page 1.
  11. [S4] , This is from the 'Locust Valley Leader' newspaper dated 03 May 1951 It is / was located on page 1.
  12. [S4] , This was an entry in the Locust Valley Leader dated 16 October 1952, located on page 1.
  13. [S4] , This is from the 'Locust Valley Leader' newspaper dated 30 October 1952. It is / was located on page 4.
  14. [S34] Betty Jo Van Dyke, The Vibrant Van Dykes, This information is from reviewing the video DVD. The date was calculated based on information from the vedio of Betty' discussion.
  15. [S5] Unknown author, Family Data Collection - Individual Records, Information from Bobby's obituary.
  16. [S5] Unknown author, Family Data Collection - Individual Records, Information is from Bob's obituary... Watson Funeral Home 211 S. Washington St. Millsboro, DE 19966 Tel: 1-302-934-7842.
  17. [S5] Unknown author, Family Data Collection - Individual Records.
  18. [S14] Census of the United States, 1940 U S Federal Census, Bayville, New York, Sheet 5 A, line 37 thru 40.
  19. [S172] Census of the United States, 1950 U S Federal Census, Locust Valley, New York, Sheet 19, line 6 thru 10.
  20. [S34] Betty Jo Van Dyke, The Vibrant Van Dykes, This information is from reviewing the video DVD.

Rodger Van Dyke1

FatherRev. Henry Van Dyke D. D.1 b. 10 Nov 1852, d. 10 Apr 1933
MotherEllen Reid1 b. 1860, d. 1935
6th cousin 2 times removed of Evelyn Marie Van Dyke
6th cousin 2 times removed of Robert Edward Van Dyke
6th cousin 2 times removed of John William Van Dyke
6th cousin 2 times removed of Walter Carl Van Dyke
     Rodger died young.1
Last Edited=1 Jul 2018


  1. [S58] A. M., Ph.D. Compiler: William B. Aitken, Distinguished Families In America ..... Jan Thomasse Van Dyke, Found on Page 214.

Roelof Van Dyke1,2

M, b. 18 May 1711, d. 1788
FatherJan Van Dyke1 b. 1682, d. 8 Dec 1764
MotherAnna (Annetje) Verkerk1 b. 13 Jan 1684, d. 27 Jun 1754
1st cousin 7 times removed of Evelyn Marie Van Dyke
1st cousin 7 times removed of Robert Edward Van Dyke
1st cousin 7 times removed of John William Van Dyke
1st cousin 7 times removed of Walter Carl Van Dyke
     Roelof Van Dyke, son of Jan Van Dyke and Anna (Annetje) Verkerk, was born on 18 May 1711 at Somerset, New Jersey.3,4

     Roelof married Catharine Emans.1,5

     Roelof and Catharine were The records of the Reformed Dutch Church at Harlingen, commenced in Dutch in 1727 by the Reverend Coens, show the following records. in 1766.6

     Roelof was In the list of Deputies who attended the Provincial Congress of New Jersey held in October 1775.6

     Roelof died in 1788.5

Children of Roelof Van Dyke and Catharine Emans

Last Edited=27 Jun 2018


  1. [S58] A. M., Ph.D. Compiler: William B. Aitken, Distinguished Families In America ..... Jan Thomasse Van Dyke, Found on Pages 219, 221.
  2. [S117] Compiler: D. A. R., Linage Book Daughters of the American Revolution, 1894 Linage Book, National Society of the D. A. R.
  3. [S58] A. M., Ph.D. Compiler: William B. Aitken, Distinguished Families In America ..... Jan Thomasse Van Dyke, Found on Page 219.
  4. [S117] Compiler: D. A. R., Linage Book Daughters of the American Revolution, 1896 Linage Book, National Society of the D. A. R.
  5. [S117] Compiler: D. A. R., Linage Book Daughters of the American Revolution, 1895 Linage Book, National Society of the D. A. R.
  6. [S58] A. M., Ph.D. Compiler: William B. Aitken, Distinguished Families In America ..... Jan Thomasse Van Dyke, Found on Page 219.
  7. [S58] A. M., Ph.D. Compiler: William B. Aitken, Distinguished Families In America ..... Jan Thomasse Van Dyke, Found on Page 221.

Roelof Van Dyke1

M, b. 2 April 1763
FatherJan Van Dyke1 b. 5 Nov 1709, d. 28 Jun 1778
MotherGarretta Bergen1 b. 29 Apr 1722, d. 19 Jul 1777
2nd cousin 6 times removed of Evelyn Marie Van Dyke
2nd cousin 6 times removed of Robert Edward Van Dyke
2nd cousin 6 times removed of John William Van Dyke
2nd cousin 6 times removed of Walter Carl Van Dyke
     Roelof was baptized on 2 April 1763.1
Last Edited=1 Jul 2018


  1. [S58] A. M., Ph.D. Compiler: William B. Aitken, Distinguished Families In America ..... Jan Thomasse Van Dyke, Found on Page 219.

Rose Van Dyke1

F, b. 14 July 1862, d. 29 November 1935
FatherJohn Van Dyke1 b. 27 Nov 1813, d. 9 Apr 1899
MotherMargaret Hazelwood1 b. 3 Feb 1821, d. 30 Mar 1899
Rose Van Dyke, daughter of John and Margaret Van Dyke
     Rose Van Dyke, daughter of John Van Dyke and Margaret Hazelwood, was born on 14 July 1862 at Toledo, Cumberland, Illinois.1,2

     Rose died on 29 November 1935, at Toledo, Cumberland, Illinois, at age 73,3,4 and was buried at Toledo Memorial Park, Toledo, Cumberland, Illinois.3


     Rose Van Dyke appeared on the 1870 Federal Census of Sumpter, Cumberland, Illinois, in the household of her parents, John and Margaret.5

     Rose appeared on the 1880 Federal Census of Sumpter, Cumberland, Illinois in the household of her parents, John Van Dyke and Margaret.6

     Rose appeared on the 1920 Federal Census of Sumpter, Cumberland, Illinois, enumerated 8 January 1920. Rose was working at home as a dressmaker. Her brother, Charles Lewis was listed as living with her.7

     Rose Van Dyke appeared on the 1930 Federal Census of Sumpter, Cumberland, Illinois in the household of her brother, Charles.8
Last Edited=28 Nov 2021


  1. [S24] Unknown author, Find A Grave web site, Url:, Find A Grave Memorial # 64999550.
  2. [S22] Unknown author, FamilySearch, Url:, Illinois, Deaths and Stillbirths Index, 1916-1947 [database on-line].
    Name: Rosa Vandyke; Birth Date: 14 Jul 1862; Birth Place: Toledo, Ill; Death Date: 27 Nov 1935; Death Place: Toledo, Cumberland, Illinois; Burial Date: 29 Nov 1935; Burial Place: Sumpter, Cumberland, Ill.; Cemetery Name: Toledo Death Age: 73; Occupation: Housekeeper; Race: White; Marital Status: S Gender: Female; Residence: Toledo, Illinois Father Name: John Vandyke Mother: Margaret Vandyke FHL Film Number: 1765620.
  3. [S24] Unknown author, Find A Grave web site, Url:, Find A Grave Memorial# 64999550.
  4. [S23] Unknown author, Ancestry Web Site, Url:, Illinois, Deaths and Stillbirths Index, 1916-1947 [database on-line].
    Name: Rosa Vandyke; Birth Date: 14 Jul 1862; Birth Place: Toledo, Ill; Death Date: 27 Nov 1935; Death Place: Toledo, Cumberland, Illinois; Burial Date: 29 Nov 1935; Burial Place: Sumpter, Cumberland, Ill.; Cemetery Name: Toledo
    Death Age: 73; Occupation: Housekeeper; Race: White; Marital Status: S Gender: Female; Residence: Toledo, Illinois
    Father Name: John Vandyke Mother Name: Margaret Vandyke
    FHL Film Number: 1765620.
  5. [S51] Bureau of the Census United States of America, 1870 U S Federal Census, Sumpter, Illinois, Page 11, line 22 thru 30.
  6. [S33] Bureau of the Census United States of America, 1880 U S Federal Census, Sumpter, Illinois, Page 40, line 35 thru 42.
  7. [S43] Census of the United States, 1920 U S Federal Census, Sumpter, Illinois, Sheet 3 B, line 51 and 52.
  8. [S42] Census of the United States, 1930 U S Federal Census, Sumpter, Illinois, Sheet 2 A, line 41 and 42.
Compiler: John W. Van Dyke: John W. Van Dyke