Coert Van Voorhees1

M, b. 5 April 1706, d. 19 March 1785
FatherJohannes Coert Van Voorhees1 b. 20 Apr 1683, d. 10 Oct 1757
MotherBarbara Van Dyke1 b. 20 Dec 1682, d. 18 Apr 1743
2nd cousin 7 times removed of Evelyn Marie Van Dyke
2nd cousin 7 times removed of Robert Edward Van Dyke
2nd cousin 7 times removed of John William Van Dyke
2nd cousin 7 times removed of Walter Carl Van Dyke
     Coert Van Voorhees, son of Johannes Coert Van Voorhees and Barbara Van Dyke, was born on 5 April 1706.2

     Coert married Catherine Filkin, daughter of Henry Filkin and Catrina "Surname Unknown", on 16 June 1727.1,2

     Coert Van Voorhees left a will on 26 December 1782; His Will recorded in the Office of the Surrogate of Duchess County., in Liber 1, page 92, is as follows:

' In the name of God, Amen. I, Court Van Voorhees, of Rumbout Precinct, in Duchess County, State of New York, being, through the abundant mercy and goodness of God, though weak in body yet of sound mind and perfect understanding and memory, do constitute this my last Will and testament, and desire it may be received by all as such. Imprimis, I most humbly bequeath my soul to God my maker, beseeching his most gracious acceptance of it through the all sufficient merits of my most compassionate Redeemer, Jesus Christ, who gave himself to be an atonement for my sins and is able to save to the uttermost all that come unto God by him, seeing he liveth to make intercession for them, and who, I trust, will not reject me, a returning penitent sinner, when I come to him for mercy. In this hope and confidence I render up my soul with humble beseeching the most blessed and glorious Trinity— one God most holy, most merciful and gracious—to prepare me for the time of my dissolution, and then to take me to himself unto that peace and rest and incomparable felicity which he has prepared for all that love and fear his holy name. Amen ; blessed be God. Imprimis : I give my body to the earth from whence it was taken, in full assurance of its resurrection from thence at the last day ; as for my burial, I desire it may be decent, at the discretion of my Executors hereafter named, who, I doubt not will manage it with all requisite prudence. As to my worldly wealth, I will and positively order that all my debts and funeral charges be paid and discharged by my Executors hereinafter named. First, I give bequeath, and devise to my eldest son, Henry Van Voorhees, his heirs and assigns forever, all that messuage, tenement, farm or parcel of land containing one hundred acres more or less, situate, lying and being in Rumbout Precinct in Duchess County, which I am now in possession of agreeable to a Deed from Johannes Van Voorhees, bearing date the 20th day of May, 1754; reference or relation to said deed being had, the corses and distances, boundaries and contents will at large appear. To have and to hold the said messuage or tenement, farm or parcel of land with the appurtenances, unto the said Henry Van Voorhies, his heirs and assigns forever. I also give, bequeath and devise to my said son Henry Van Voorhees, his heirs and assigns, one other piece or parcel of land containing forty acres, situate in Rumbout Precinct, in Duchess County, according and agreeable to a Deed from Francis Brett, bearing date the 29th day of December, 1767; reference unto said deed being had the corses, distances boundaries, and contents will at large appear. To have and to hold the said piece or parcel of land and premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said Henry Van Voorhees, his heirs and assigns forever. Also, I give and bequeath to my grandchildren, to wit : Samuel Van Voorhees and Sarah Van Voorhees, son and daughter of my daughter Sarah, deceased, one messuage, tenement, farm or lot of land containing one hundred and fifty acres, situate in Charlotte Precinct in Duchess County, in the lower Nine Partners, in lot Number Six, adjoining the farm of my daughter, being in length along my daughter Marys farm 78 chains and 15 links, and in breadth 20 chains. To have and to hold the said messuage, tenement, lot of land and premises, with the appurtenances ; that is to say, the equal undivided half unto the said Samuel Van Voorhees, his heirs and assigns ; the other equal undivided half unto the said Sarah Van Voorhees, her heirs and assigns. Also I give bequeath and devise unto my sons and daughters to wit : Catherina, Barbarah, Janetie, Henry, John, Mary, Helenah, and Zachariah, and to their heirs and assigns, all my right, title, and interest in the right formerly of my late wife Catherine, deceased, in undivided lands situate in the lower or great Nine Partners, which land is equally to be divided among them as to quantity and quality. To have and to hold to each and every one of them their one-eighth part thereof, and to each and every of their heirs and assigns. My will is likewise that such of my children as do not join for the defraying of all expenses necessary to procure and establish my said right to and in said undivided lands, their right or rights shall be forfeited to such of my children as advance the money. Further, my will is that the said undivided land shall be divided conformable to the intent and purpose of this my Will, both as to quantity and quality. Also, I give and bequeath unto my daughters in general, to wit : Catharina, Barbarah, Janetie, Mary and Helenah, and to my late daughter Sarah's two children, my two negro girls, by the name of Ann and Rose—that is to say, with this condition—that the two negro girls are willing to leave my son Henry Van Voorhees and his family ; if not, to be appraised by my Executors, and according to said appraisement my son Henry Van Voorhees is to pay down in cash immediately, that my five daughters and grandchildren may have the use of the money, and the said money to be equally divided in six equal divisions, one sixth part to my daughter Sarah's two children, as hereafter shall be mentioned, and for what use applied. Also, I give and bequeath unto my daughters in general, to wit : Catherina, Barbarah, Janetie, Mary, and Helenah, and to my daughter Sarah's two children as aforesaid, the sum of Two hundred and fifty pounds ; that is to say, Two hundred pounds due me from Joseph Horton, and fifty pounds due me from Daniel Van Voorhis, which sum or sums of money is to be equally divided in six equal divisions as aforesaid. Also I give unto my granddaughter Sarah Van Voorhees, one chest of drawers, now standing in my room. Also, all the rest and residue of my goods, chattels and personal estate whatsoever, I give and bequeath to my said son Henry Van Voorhees, and to his heirs and assigns. Also it is my will, and I do empower my Executors hereinafter named to let the farm or lot of land by me willed and given to my grandchildren, Samuel Van Voorhees and Sarah Van Voorhees, and the rent or rents thereof to be applied by my Executors to and for the maintainance, bringing up and education of the said Samuel and Sarah, and also his and her to wit : the said Samuel and Sarah, their dividend or portion of moneys by me willed and given, I do hereby empower my Executors to put said moneys out on use, and by my Executors to be also applied for the maintainance and education of said Samuel and Sarah. Should either die without issue, then I do order and it is my will, and I do give and bequeath such part or parts of land and tenements and moneys remaining, to my daughters in general, and to each and every of them, and to each and every of theirs and assigns, in five equal divisions. And lastly I do hereby constitute and appoint my sons Henry Van Voorhees, John Van Voorhees, Zachariah Van Voorhees, and my sons-in-law Richard Van Wyck and Christian Dubois, to be my Executors of this my last Will and Testament ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my last Will and Testament.
' In Witness Whereof, I the said Coert Van Voorhees have hereunto set my hand and seal the twenty sixth day of December, A.D. One thousand seven hundred and eighty two.
Coert Van Voorhees. [l.s.]
' Signed, sealed, published and declared by the said Coert Van Voorhees as and for his last Will and Testament in the
presence of Peter Dubois, John McKeely, William Cochran.3'

     Coert died on 19 March 1785, at age 78.2

Children of Coert Van Voorhees and Catherine Filkin

Last Edited=21 Mar 2018


  1. [S58] A. M., Ph.D. Compiler: William B. Aitken, Distinguished Families In America ..... Jan Thomasse Van Dyke, Found on Page 228.
  2. [S66] Compiler: Elias W. Van Voorhis, A Genealogy of the Van Voorhees Family in America, Found on Page 255.
  3. [S66] Compiler: Elias W. Van Voorhis, A Genealogy of the Van Voorhees Family in America, Page 255 thru 258.
  4. [S66] Compiler: Elias W. Van Voorhis, A Genealogy of the Van Voorhees Family in America, Found on Page 259.
  5. [S66] Compiler: Elias W. Van Voorhis, A Genealogy of the Van Voorhees Family in America, Found on Page 263.

Coert Van Voorhees1

M, b. 15 July 1777, d. 1818
FatherZachariah Van Voorhees1 b. 25 Mar 1748, d. 3 Jul 1811
MotherAnna Lawrence1 b. 27 Aug 1751, d. 10 Dec 1781
4th cousin 5 times removed of Evelyn Marie Van Dyke
4th cousin 5 times removed of Robert Edward Van Dyke
4th cousin 5 times removed of John William Van Dyke
4th cousin 5 times removed of Walter Carl Van Dyke
     Coert Van Voorhees, son of Zachariah Van Voorhees and Anna Lawrence, was born on 15 July 1777.1

     Coert married Elizabeth Palmer on 8 May 1803.1

     Coert died in 1818.1

Family: Coert Van Voorhees and Elizabeth Palmer

Last Edited=21 Mar 2018


  1. [S66] Compiler: Elias W. Van Voorhis, A Genealogy of the Van Voorhees Family in America, Found on Page 278.

Coert Stevense Van Voorhees1

M, b. 1637
FatherSteven Coerte Van Voorhees1 d. a 1702
     Coert Stevense Van Voorhees, son of Steven Coerte Van Voorhees, was born in 1637 at Flatlands, New York.1,2

     Coert married Marretje Gerritje Van Couwenhoven, daughter of Gerrit Wolfertse Van Couwenhoven and Aeltie Lambertse Cool, in 1663.1

Children of Coert Stevense Van Voorhees and Marretje Gerritje Van Couwenhoven

Last Edited=31 Jan 2021


  1. [S58] A. M., Ph.D. Compiler: William B. Aitken, Distinguished Families In America ..... Jan Thomasse Van Dyke, Found on Page 227.
  2. [S66] Compiler: Elias W. Van Voorhis, A Genealogy of the Van Voorhees Family in America, Found on Page 12.
  3. [S66] Compiler: Elias W. Van Voorhis, A Genealogy of the Van Voorhees Family in America, Found on Page 13.
  4. [S66] Compiler: Elias W. Van Voorhis, A Genealogy of the Van Voorhees Family in America, Found on Page 160.
  5. [S66] Compiler: Elias W. Van Voorhis, A Genealogy of the Van Voorhees Family in America, Found on Page 162.
  6. [S23] Unknown author, Ancestry Web Site, Url:, Annatje Van Voorhees U S Dutch Reformed Church Records Flatbush Book 72 P 375.
  7. [S67] Compiler: Teunis G. Bergen, Early Settlers of Kings County, Found on page 333.

Coert Stevense Van Voorhees1,2,3

M, b. 15 November 1694
     Coert Stevense Van Voorhees was born on 15 November 1694 at Flatlands, Kings, New York.2

     Coert married Grietje (Gretia) Wyckoff, daughter of Garret Pieterse Wyckoff and Catherine Johanna Nevius, on 29 March 1714, at Flatlands, Kings, New York.4,5,6

Family: Coert Stevense Van Voorhees and Grietje (Gretia) Wyckoff

Last Edited=5 Apr 2018


  1. [S67] Compiler: Teunis G. Bergen, Early Settlers of Kings County, Page 395; DOC 046.
  2. [S22] Unknown author, FamilySearch, Url:, 'Pedigree Resource File,' database, FamilySearch ( : accessed 1 August 2012), entry for Coert Stevense /Van Voorhees/.
  3. [S60] Compiler: Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Streeter, Wyckoff Family in America, Found on Page 385; First Name spelling "Court."
  4. [S67] Compiler: Teunis G. Bergen, Early Settlers of Kings County, Found on Page 395.
  5. [S22] Unknown author, FamilySearch, Url:, 'Pedigree Resource File,' database, FamilySearch ( : accessed 1 August 2012), entry for Grietje /Wyckoff/.
  6. [S60] Compiler: Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Streeter, Wyckoff Family in America, Found on Page 385; This reference indicates the year as "1711."

Cornelis Van Voorhees1,2

F, b. 30 April 1742, d. 1 April 1769
FatherCoert Van Voorhees1 b. 5 Apr 1706, d. 19 Mar 1785
MotherCatherine Filkin1
3rd cousin 6 times removed of Evelyn Marie Van Dyke
3rd cousin 6 times removed of Robert Edward Van Dyke
3rd cousin 6 times removed of John William Van Dyke
3rd cousin 6 times removed of Walter Carl Van Dyke
     Cornelis Van Voorhees, daughter of Coert Van Voorhees and Catherine Filkin, was born on 30 April 1742.2

     Cornelis died on 1 April 1769, at age 26.2
Last Edited=21 Mar 2018


  1. [S58] A. M., Ph.D. Compiler: William B. Aitken, Distinguished Families In America ..... Jan Thomasse Van Dyke, Found on Page 228.
  2. [S66] Compiler: Elias W. Van Voorhis, A Genealogy of the Van Voorhees Family in America, Found on Page 274.
Compiler: John W. Van Dyke: John W. Van Dyke