Marcia Ella Burrill1,2

F, b. 1 August 1894, d. 2 December 1984
FatherHadley Proctor Burrill2,1 b. 16 May 1855, d. 26 Apr 1914
MotherElla F. Lovejoy2,1 b. 25 Jan 1854, d. 2 Jun 1937
RelationshipsGrandaunt of Dianne Elizabeth Smith
Grandaunt of Ellen June Smith
Marcia Ella Burrill, wife of Hugh Penney
     Marcia Ella Burrill, daughter of Hadley Proctor Burrill and Ella F. Lovejoy, was born on 1 August 1894 at Dedham, Hancock, Maine.1

     Marcia, at age 23, daughter of Hadley Proctor Burrill and Ella F. Lovejoy, married Hugh Penney at age 29, son of Robert Penney and Jane Morrow, on 5 June 1918 at Dedham, Hancock, Maine,


A wedding of much interest to the many friends of the bride and groom took place Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock In the Congregational church, when Miss Marcia Ella Burrlll of Dedham was united in marriage to Rev. Hugh Penney, pastor of the Holden and Dedham churches. At the strains of the bridal chorus from Lohengrin, played by Mrs. Ethel Fogg Stone, the bride entered the church on the arm of her brother Harold S. Burrlll, who gave her in marriage, and was met at the altar by the groom, where the ceremony was impressively performed by Dr, David N. Beach of Bangor, using the double ring service. The bride was attended by Miss Hazel Cowing, a cousin, and the groom by Jessie Donahue, a fellow student. Little Josephine Burrlll, a niece of the bride, was flower girl and Dean Clifford Burrlll. a nephew, waa ring bearer. The bride was very becomingly gowned in white crepe meteor with veil caught with lilies of the valley and carried whits bridal roses. The bridesmaid wore a dress of light biue silk poplin with white hat and carried pink carnations. The ushers were Albert Phillips, Albert Kettel and Maurlce Miller. The church was filled with guests from the two parishes and neighboring towns and was most beautifully decorated in green and white, being done by friends of the bride, Hazel Cowing, Jessie Gray, Ethel McLaughlin, Eulalia Greenlaw, Helen Black, Lizzie Burrlll and Agnes Grlndle. The bridal arch from which three white bells wre suspended, with its solid background of fir was most artistic. Following the ceremony a reception waa held at ths home of the brides mother, Mrs. Hadley P. Burrlll. In the receiving line beside the bridal couple were Mrs. H. P. Burrlll, Mrs. Robert Penney and Miss Alexandria Penney, mother and sister of the groom, Miss Hazel Cowiing and Jesse Donahue. About 230 friends were present to extend felicitations to the newly married couple. In the parlors the color scheme was in white and green. In the dining room pink and green. The gifts included many valuable and useful articles, a buffet in fumed oak from the Burrlll relatives, a silver service from Mr. Penney's brothers and sisters, a clock from his father and mother, a dozen teaspoons and a half dozen forks in solid sliver from the Holden parish, a purse of money from the East Holden society, a nice lamp from Dedham church friends and silver, cut glass, linen, china and money from other relatives and friends. Mrs. Penney was a graduate from th East Maine Conference Seminary lin 1916, and has been a successful teacher in her home town. She is a trained singer and is often in demand as a soloist at social and church gatherings, where her voice la always heard with pleasure. Mr. Penney, who is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Penney of Montreal, is a senior at the Bangor Theological Seminary, and is serving his second year as pastor of the Holden and Dedham Congregational churches where he Is very popular and successful in his chosen profession. Mr. and Mrs. Penney left at six oclock by automobile on their wedding trip, and after their return will reside at the parsonage la Holden, where they will be at home to their friends after June 20.3

     Marcia died on 2 December 1984 at 975 Corbin Avenue, New Britain, Hartford, Connecticut, at age 90.4


     Marcia appeared on the 1900 Federal Census in Dedham, Hancock, Maine in the household of her parents, Hadley and Ella.5

     Marcia appeared on the 1910 Federal Census in Dedham, Hancock, Maine in the household of her parents, Hadley and Ella.6

     Marcia and Hugh appeared on the 1920 Federal Census of Sharon, Windsor, Vermont, enumerated 10 January 1920. Hugh listed his occupation as an ordained minister for the Congregational church. They had two boarders in the home. Marcia's mother, Ella F. was listed as living with them.7

     Marcia and Hugh appeared on the 1925 Rhode Island Census of Providence, Providence, Rhode Island, enumerated 25 April 1925, Marcia's mother, Ella F. was listed as living with them.8

     Marcia and Hugh appeared on the 1930 Federal Census of Lowell, Middlesex, Massachusetts, enumerated 7 April 1930. At this census Hugh indicated he was renting a place, had a radio and he was a minister for the Congregational Church. Their children, Hugh Burrill, Ruth M. and Ella Mae and Marcia's mother, Ella F. were listed as living with them.9

     Marcia and Hugh appeared on the 1940 Federal Census of Lowell, Middlesex, Massachusetts, at Belmont Street, enumerated 23 April 1940. Hugh's profession was minister for Congregation Church. Their children, Hugh Burrill, Ella Mae, Jean Roberta and Ruth M. were listed as living with them. As an item of interest, a dollar in 1940 would equal $16.26 in the year 2012. A $3.50 gallon of milk in 2012 would have cost $.21 cents in 1940.10


Hugh Penney b. 11 Oct 1888, d. 3 Jan 1975
Last Edited6 Dec 2022


  1. [S47] Dedham Town Office, Vital Statistics of Dedham, Maine, Location: Bangor Public Library, File Number: 974.14.D2.2, Information is from 'Birth and Death Records, Dedham, Maine Reviewed 20 Oct 2005 at the Bangor Public Library.
  2. [S33] Bureau of the Census Census of the United States United States of America, 1900 Twelfth United States Federal Census [database on-line], Record Type: 1900 Federal Census, Location: Washington, D.C., Dedham, Maine, Sheet 3 B, line 59.
  3. [S6] Unknown author, Maine State Archives, Certificate Number:
    Bride Name: Burrill Marcia E Bride Town/State: Dedham, ME
    Groom Name: Penny Hugh Groom Town/State: Holden, ME
    Date of Marriage: Wednesday June 5, 1918; None.
  4. [S30] Unknown author, Ancestry Web Site, Url:, Connecticut Death Index, 1949-2001 about Marcia B Penney
    Name: Marcia B Penney Father's Surname: Burrill Death Date: 2 Dec 1984 Death Place: New Britain, Connecticut Age: 90 Years Birth Place: Maine Birth Date: 1 Aug 1894 Marital Status: Widowed Spouse: Hugh State File #: 26776 Occupation: Housewife Industry: At Home Residence: New Britain, Connecticut Address: 975 Corbin Av 06052 Race: White.
  5. [S33] Bureau of the Census Census of the United States United States of America, 1900 Twelfth United States Federal Census [database on-line], Record Type: 1900 Federal Census, Location: Washington, D.C., Dedham, Maine, Sheet 3 B, line 52 thru 59.
  6. [S49] Bureau of the Census Census of the United States United States of America, 1910 Thirteenth United States Federal Census [database on-line], Record Type: 1910 Federal Census, Location: Washington, D.C., Dedham, Maine, Sheet 2 A, line 44 thru 48.
  7. [S23] Census of the United States, 1920 Fourteenth United States Federal Census [database on-line], Record Type: 1920 Federal Census, Location: Washington, D.C., Sharon, Vermont, Sheet 2 B, line 79 thru 81.
  8. [S239] Unknown author, 1925 Rhode Island Census, Record Type: State Census, Location: Rhode Island State, Providence, Rhode Island, Page 52, line 30 thru 32.
  9. [S22] Census of the United States, 1930 Fifteenth United States Federal Census [database on-line], Record Type: 1930 Federal Census, Location: Washington, D.C., Lowell, Massachusetts, Sheet 9 B, line 75 thru 80.
  10. [S14] Bureau of the Census United States of America, 1940 Federal Census, Record Type: Sixteenth Census of the United States, 1940, Lowell, Massachusetts, Sheet 3 A, line 5 thru 10.
  11. [S22] Census of the United States, 1930 Fifteenth United States Federal Census [database on-line], Record Type: 1930 Federal Census, Location: Washington, D.C., Lowell, Massachusetts, Sheet 9 B, line 77.
  12. [S22] Census of the United States, 1930 Fifteenth United States Federal Census [database on-line], Record Type: 1930 Federal Census, Location: Washington, D.C., Lowell, Massachusetts, Sheet 9 B, line 78.
  13. [S22] Census of the United States, 1930 Fifteenth United States Federal Census [database on-line], Record Type: 1930 Federal Census, Location: Washington, D.C., Lowell, Massachusetts, Sheet 9 B, line 79.
  14. [S14] Bureau of the Census United States of America, 1940 Federal Census, Record Type: Sixteenth Census of the United States, 1940, Lowell, Massachusetts, Sheet 3 A, line 9.

Marcia Sophia Burrill1,2,3

F, b. 29 July 1857, d. 22 July 1936
FatherAsa Coombs Burrill1,2 b. 15 Apr 1819, d. 13 Jan 1900
MotherNancy Emily Blaisdell1,2 b. 6 Dec 1829, d. 28 Mar 1915
RelationshipsGreat-grandaunt of Dianne Elizabeth Smith
Great-grandaunt of Ellen June Smith
     Marcia Sophia Burrill, daughter of Asa Coombs Burrill and Nancy Emily Blaisdell, was born on 29 July 1857 at Dedham, Hancock, Maine.1,2,4

     Marcia, daughter of Asa Coombs Burrill and Nancy Emily Blaisdell, married Lewis M. Blood, son of Alfred Putnam Blood and Mary R. Bowden, circa 1880.5,6

     Marcia died on 22 July 1936, at Bangor, Penobscot, Maine, at age 78. Her cause of death was listed as 'Th. Myocarditis'..7 She was buried at Hillside Cemetery, Bucksport, Hancock, Maine.8


     Marcia appeared on the 1860 Federal Census in the household of her parents, Asa and Nancy of Dedham, Hancock, Maine.9

     Marcia appeared on the 1870 Federal Census of Dedham, Hancock, Maine, in the household of her parents, Asa and Nancy.10

     Marcia and Lewis appeared on the 1900 Federal Census of Bucksport, Hancock, Maine, enumerated, 7 June 1900. He was a farmer.6

     Marcia appeared on the 1920 Federal Census of Dedham, Hancock, Maine, enumerated 30 January 1920. Marcia, at this time was a widow living in her own home.11

     Marcia appeared on the 1930 Federal Census of Dedham, Hancock, Maine, enumerated 8 April 1930. Marcia was renting a place in Dedham village. It appears from the 1930 Census, the house belonged to the 'Sleeper's'.12


Lewis M. Blood b. 17 Jul 1849, d. 9 Apr 1916



The death of Mrs. Marcia S. Blood, widow of Lewis M. Blood occurred at her home in Bangor, Thursday morning after a long illness in her 79th year. She was born in Dedham, one of the family of nine of Asa Coombs and Nancy Blaisdell Burrill only one of whom survive her, Mrs. Julian Turner, formerly of Brewer now a resident of Kalamazoo, Mich. Her early years were spent in Dedham and in 1880 she was united in marriage to Lewis M. Blood. They made their home in East Bucksport where they carried on a large farm most successfully. They had no children but she was a devoted mother to his son of a former marriage as she also was to a foster daughter, Ethel M. Curtis, whom she took as her own after the death of her husband and Who together with her husband Ralph Frost cared for her through her long illness and the deep sympathy of their many friends is extended to these who are so sorely bereft in the passing of one who was respected and admired by all who knew her. Mrs Blood was a member of New Century Grange Dedham Ladies' Aid and of the Dedham Congregational church and Sunday school where she was an ardent worker and being a fine singer gave freely of "her talent A few years after the death of her husband she returned to Dedham to make her home until about five years ago when she moved to Bangor and purchased a home on Walter street. Soon after coming to this home the activities of the outdoor life ceased but she entered with good cheer into the joys of kinship and friendship, always keeping in close touch with the friends whom she had made through the years and many a letter from her pen went to cheer and comfort someone saddened or discouraged for she was especially gifted in the art of letter-writing. Always a great reader this was her greatest solace during the long weeks and months of waiting. Her life during her years of affliction was an example of patience and cheerful resignation and those who knew her best will always remember her pleasant smile and cheery greeting. Besides the foster daughter, Mrs Ralph Frost, and sister Mrs. Julian Turner, she leaves several nephews nieces and cousins to mourn her passing. Prayers will be said at the residence 23 Walter street Saturday at one o’clock D S T and the funeral services in the East Bucksport church at 3 o’clock DST5
Last Edited2 May 2023


  1. [S38] Bureau of the Census United States of America, 1860 (Eighth) United States Federal Census [database on-line], Record Type: 1860 Federal Census, Author Address: Washington, D.C., Dedham, Maine, Page 3, line 30.
  2. [S69] Bureau of the Census United States of America, 1870 (Nineth) United States Federal Census [database on-line], Record Type: 1870 Federal Census, Author Address: Washington, D.C., Dedham, Maine, Page 11, Line 8.
  3. [S47] Dedham Town Office, Vital Statistics of Dedham, Maine, Location: Bangor Public Library, File Number: 974.14.D2.2, Information is from 'Birth and Death Records, Dedham, Maine Reviewed 20 Oct 2005 at the Bangor Public Library.
  4. [S47] Dedham Town Office, Vital Statistics of Dedham, Maine, Location: Bangor Public Library, File Number: 974.14.D2.2, Information is from 'Birth and Death Records, Dedham, Maine Reviewed 20 Oct 2005 at the Bangor Public Library.
  5. [S31] Bangor Daily News, Obituaries: Obituary, Url:, The Bangor Daily News Bangor, Maine 23 Jul 1937, Fri Page 21.
  6. [S33] Bureau of the Census Census of the United States United States of America, 1900 Twelfth United States Federal Census [database on-line], Record Type: 1900 Federal Census, Location: Washington, D.C., Bucksport, Maine, Sheet 2 A, line 10 and 11.
  7. [S29] Compiler: Dedham Town Clerks, Original Records of Maine Towns and Cities Town of Dedham, Subject: Vital Records, Location: Ellsworth Town Library, This information is taken from a copy of the town records., This information is from a CD located in the Ellsworth Town Library created by 'Picton Press.
  8. [S63] Unknown author, Find A Grave web site, Url:, Find A Grave Memorial # 92754454.
  9. [S38] Bureau of the Census United States of America, 1860 (Eighth) United States Federal Census [database on-line], Record Type: 1860 Federal Census, Author Address: Washington, D.C., Dedham, Maine, Page 3, line 26 thru 30.
  10. [S69] Bureau of the Census United States of America, 1870 (Nineth) United States Federal Census [database on-line], Record Type: 1870 Federal Census, Author Address: Washington, D.C., Dedham, Maine, Page 11, Line 4 thru 13.
  11. [S23] Census of the United States, 1920 Fourteenth United States Federal Census [database on-line], Record Type: 1920 Federal Census, Location: Washington, D.C., Dedham (town), Maine, Sheet 7 B, line 66.
  12. [S22] Census of the United States, 1930 Fifteenth United States Federal Census [database on-line], Record Type: 1930 Federal Census, Location: Washington, D.C., Dedham (Town), Maine, Sheet 2 A, line 34.

Margaret Frances Burrill1

F, b. 29 September 1922, d. 14 May 2002
FatherLeslie Frank Burrill b. 9 Jan 1887, d. 10 May 1947
MotherMary Cushman Silsby b. 20 Mar 1893, d. 5 Jul 1989
Relationships1st cousin 1 time removed of Dianne Elizabeth Smith
1st cousin 1 time removed of Ellen June Smith
Margaret F. Burrill, wife of David G. Hempstead
     Margaret Frances Burrill, daughter of Leslie Frank Burrill and Mary Cushman Silsby, was born on 29 September 1922 at Bangor, Penobscot, Maine.2

     Margaret, at age 23, daughter of Leslie Frank Burrill and Mary Cushman Silsby, married David Geer Hempstead at age 23, son of Rev. Alfred Geer Hempstead and Ellen Vanness Pottberg, on 1 January 1946 at Maine.3

     Margaret died on 14 May 2002 at age 79.4,5 and was buried at Mt. Hope Cemetery, Bangor, Penobscot, Maine.6,7


     Margaret appeared on the 1930 Federal Census, enumerated 15 April 1930, of Bangor, Penobscot, Maine in the household of her parents, Leslie and Mary.8

     Margaret Frances Burrill appeared on the 1940 Federal Census, enumerated 2 April 1940, of Bangor, Penobscot, Maine in the household of her parents, Leslie and Mary.9


David Geer Hempstead b. 2 Sep 1922, d. 10 Feb 1999



HEMPSTEAD SUN CITY CENTER, FLA. Margaret Burrill Hempstead, 79, passed away May 14, 2002, while visiting her son, David in Yarmouth. Margaret was born Sept. 29, 1922, in Bangor, the daughter of Leslie F. and Mary S. Burrill. She was the wife of the late David Geer Hempstead, whom she married Jan. 1, 1946. Margaret attended the Mary Snow School in Bangor, and graduated from Bangor High School in 1940. She graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Eastern Maine General Hospital and the University of Maine in 1945. She received her Master's degree in Maternal and Child Health Nursing and Nursing Education from Boston University in 1972. She held nursing positions in Bangor, Seattle, Wash., and Cincinnati, Ohio. She served as a professor of Nursing Education in the Massachusetts Community College system and held the position of Nursing Program Director at Bunker Hill Community College. Margaret was a member of Phi Mu sorority and various professional nursing organizations. Margaret and David lived in Augusta, Cincinnati, Ohio and Boxford, Mass. Upon their retirement, Margaret and David moved to Sun City Center, Fla. and continued to summer at their cottage on Onawa Lake. In Sun City Center, she was active in the United Community Church, dance groups, bridge groups and enjoyed theater, music and travel. She played the violin in the Sarasota Pops Orchestra for nine years. She is survived by two children, Judith Anne Hempstead Rick and her husband, Jonathan of Long Lake, Minn., and David Burrill Hempstead and his wife, Rolande of Yarmouth; her sister, Eleanor Burrill Hill of Sun City Center, Fla; and five grandchildren, Jeffrey Hempstead Rick and his wife, Lisa, Mark David Hempstead, Rebecca Libby Rick, Amy Jean Hempstead and Christopher Frank Hempstead; and two sisters-in-law, Mary Hempstead Hemman of Norwood, Mass. and Elizabeth Hempstead Dexter and her husband, Russell of Auburn. Memorial services will be held 2 p.m. Saturday, May 18, at Sacred Heart Church, Yarmouth, and 1 p.m. Tuesday, May 21, at United Community Church, Sun City Center, Fla. Interment will be 1 p.m. Sunday, May 19, at Mount Hope Cemetery, Bangor. In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations to favorite charities in Margaret's name.10
Last Edited11 Jan 2022


  1. [S50] Unknown author, Mt. Hope Cemetery Web Site [on-line], Url:, Her birth information is from Mt. Hope data.
  2. [S50] Unknown author, Mt. Hope Cemetery Web Site [on-line], Url:, Her birth information is from Mt. Hope data.
  3. [S6] Unknown author, Maine State Archives, Certificate Number:
    Bride Name: Burrill Margaret F.; Bride Town/State: Bangor, ME
    Groom Name: Hempstead David G.; Groom Town/State: Rockland, ME
    Date of Marriage: Tuesday January 1, 1946; None.
  4. [S31] Bangor Daily News, Obituaries: Obituary, Url:, Bangor Dialy News.
  5. [S50] Unknown author, Mt. Hope Cemetery Web Site [on-line], Url:, Plot Details for HEMPSTEAD, MARGARET FRANCES Name: HEMPSTEAD, MARGARET FRANCES Died: 5/14/2002 Born In: BANGOR, ME Died In: PORTLAND, ME Age (years): 79 Age (month): 7 Age (day(s)): 15 Family: DAUG LESLIE F. & MARY (SILSBY) BURRILL Buried In: MT HOPE CEMETERY
    Lot Number: 15-A-ED Tomb? No Burial Date: 5/19/2002 Funeral Director: LINDQUIST FH Cremation? Yes Armed Forces? No.
  6. [S50] Unknown author, Mt. Hope Cemetery Web Site [on-line], Url:, Plot Details for Hempstead, Margaret Frances Name: Hempstead, Margaret Frances Died: 5/14/2002 Born In: Bangor, ME Died In: Portland, ME Age (years): 79 Age (month): 7 Age (day(s)): 15 Family: Daug Leslie F. & Mary (Silsby) Burrill Buried In: MT Hope Cemetery Lot Number: 15-A-ED Tomb? No Burial Date: 5/19/2002 Funeral Director: Lindquist FH Cremation? Yes Armed Forces? No.
  7. [S63] Unknown author, Find A Grave web site, Url:, Find A Grave memorial # 69225911.
  8. [S22] Census of the United States, 1930 Fifteenth United States Federal Census [database on-line], Record Type: 1930 Federal Census, Location: Washington, D.C., Bangor, Maine, Ward 6, Sheet 5 B, line 60 thru 64.
  9. [S14] Bureau of the Census United States of America, 1940 Federal Census, Record Type: Sixteenth Census of the United States, 1940, Bangor, Maine, Sheet 1 A, line 9 thru 11.
  10. [S31] Bangor Daily News, Obituaries: Obituary, Url:, The Bangor Daily News (Bangor, Maine) 19 May 2002, Sun Page 25.

Marion Alice Burrill1,2

F, b. 1 October 1878, d. 13 January 1881
FatherJohn Bainbridge Burrill b. 1 May 1849
MotherElla Agnes Dunn b. 17 Aug 1849
Relationships3rd cousin 2 times removed of Dianne Elizabeth Smith
3rd cousin 2 times removed of Ellen June Smith
Marion Allice Burrill, daughter of John B. and Ella A. Burrill; Photo taken 01 Nov 2007
     Marion Alice Burrill, daughter of John Bainbridge Burrill and Ella Agnes Dunn, was born on 1 October 1878 at Dedham, Hancock, Maine.1,3

     Marion died on 13 January 1881 at age 2.4,5,6 and was buried at Union Cemetery, Dedham, Hancock, Maine.6


     Marion Alice Burrill appeared on the 1880 Federal Census of Dedham, Hancock, Maine in the household of her parents, John Bainbridge Burrill and Ella.7
Last Edited13 Jan 2022


  1. [S47] Dedham Town Office, Vital Statistics of Dedham, Maine, Location: Bangor Public Library, File Number: 974.14.D2.2, Information is from 'Birth and Death Records, Dedham, Maine Reviewed 20 Oct 2005 at the Bangor Public Library.
  2. [S64] Unknown author, New England Historic Genealogical Society, Url:, Page 301; Provided her middle name.
  3. [S43] Unknown author, FamilySearch, Url:, Information from FHL Film # 007595533; Hancock County Maine Record of Birth Vol 1, 1800 1890 Page 5.
  4. [S64] Unknown author, New England Historic Genealogical Society, Url:, Page 301; This reference indicates a diferent date from Dedham date. Reference indicates Marion lived for 2 years 3 months and 13 days.
  5. [S27] Unknown author, Marker in Cemeteries, Record Type: Headstone at cemetery, Name Of Person: Name on Headstone, Marion's date of death is different on her headstone.
  6. [S63] Unknown author, Find A Grave web site, Url:, Find A Grave Memorial# 27196695.
  7. [S76] Bureau of the Census United States of America, 1880 (Tenth) United States Federal Census [database on-line], Record Type: 1880 Federal Census, Author Address: Washington, D.C., Dedham, Maine, page 7, line 41 thru 48.

Martha Abba Burrill1,2

F, b. 2 October 1848
FatherDaniel Stephens Burrill3,1 b. 5 Sep 1808, d. 27 Mar 1863
MotherAbigail L. Condon3,1 b. 14 May 1812, d. 16 Jun 1881
Relationships1st cousin 3 times removed of Dianne Elizabeth Smith
1st cousin 3 times removed of Ellen June Smith
     Martha Abba Burrill, daughter of Daniel Stephens Burrill and Abigail L. Condon, was born on 2 October 1848 at Dedham, Hancock, Maine.1,4

     Martha, at age 18, daughter of Daniel Stephens Burrill and Abigail L. Condon, married John Fitts Black at age 27, son of John G. Black and Hannah N. Pinkham, on 14 October 1866 at Dedham, Hancock, Maine, by Rev. James Wells.5,6


     Martha appeared on the 1850 Federal Census of Dedham, Hancock, Maine, in the household of her parents, Daniel and Abigail.7

     Martha appeared on the 1860 Federal Census in the household of her parents, Daniel and Abigail of Dedham, Hancock, Maine.8,9

     Martha and John appeared on the 1870 Federal Census of Bucksport, Hancock, Maine, enumerated 24 June 1870. He was a farmer. His real estate valued at $900.00 and personal property $450.00. Their daughter, Mabel was listed as living with them.10


John Fitts Black b. 20 Mar 1839
Last Edited25 Jan 2019


  1. [S38] Bureau of the Census United States of America, 1860 (Eighth) United States Federal Census [database on-line], Record Type: 1860 Federal Census, Author Address: Washington, D.C., Dedham, Maine, Page 3, line 34.
  2. [S47] Dedham Town Office, Vital Statistics of Dedham, Maine, Location: Bangor Public Library, File Number: 974.14.D2.2, Information is from 'Birth and Death Records, Dedham, Maine Reviewed 20 Oct 2005 at the Bangor Public Library.
  3. [S54] Bureau of the Census United States of America, 1850 (Seventh) United States Federal Census [database on-line], Record Type: 1850 Federal Census, Author Address: Washington, D.C., Dedham, Maine, Marked 835, line 15.
  4. [S47] Dedham Town Office, Vital Statistics of Dedham, Maine, Location: Bangor Public Library, File Number: 974.14.D2.2, The 'Birth and Death Records Dedham, Maine' reflects this same date.
  5. [S89] Compiler: Various Compilers, Bangor Research Room, This is from 'Marriage Records of Hancock County prior to 1892.
  6. [S43] Unknown author, FamilySearch, Url:, 'Maine, Marriages, 1771-1907,' index, FamilySearch ( : accessed 25 Jan 2014), John F. Black and Martha A. Burrill, 14 Oct 1866; GS Film number: 10835.
  7. [S54] Bureau of the Census United States of America, 1850 (Seventh) United States Federal Census [database on-line], Record Type: 1850 Federal Census, Author Address: Washington, D.C., Dedham, Maine, Marked 835, line 7 thru 15.
  8. [S38] Bureau of the Census United States of America, 1860 (Eighth) United States Federal Census [database on-line], Record Type: 1860 Federal Census, Author Address: Washington, D.C., Dedham, Maine, Page 3, line 31 thru 38.
  9. [S47] Dedham Town Office, Vital Statistics of Dedham, Maine, Location: Bangor Public Library, File Number: 974.14.D2.2, The 1860 census indicates Charles was a 'Burrill (line 36), however, a thorough search indicates a census taker error. The Dedham records shows Charles (Charles G. Dodge) being married to Charlotta.
  10. [S69] Bureau of the Census United States of America, 1870 (Nineth) United States Federal Census [database on-line], Record Type: 1870 Federal Census, Author Address: Washington, D.C., Bucksport, Maine, Page 31, line 5 thru 7.
  11. [S69] Bureau of the Census United States of America, 1870 (Nineth) United States Federal Census [database on-line], Record Type: 1870 Federal Census, Author Address: Washington, D.C., Bucksport, Maine, Page 31, line 7.
Compiler, Left Click on License Plate to Send Comments: John W. Van Dyke: John W. Van Dyke