Clarissa Spooner1,2

F, b. circa 1795, d. 6 May 1837
Clarissa Spooner, wife of Isaiah Knowlton Jr.
     Clarissa Spooner was born circa 1795 at Cherry Valley, New York.3,4

     Clarissa and Isaiah Knowlton Jr. filed a marriage intention on 6 January 1821.5

     Clarissa, married Isaiah Knowlton Jr. at age 23, son of Isaiah Knowlton and Jemima Johnson, on 20 February 1821 at Sangerville, Piscataquis, Maine, by S. McClanathan.5,6

     Clarissa died on 6 May 18377 and was buried at Knowlton Mills Cemetery, Sangerville, Piscataquis, Maine.8


Isaiah Knowlton Jr. b. 20 Jul 1797, d. 5 Mar 1876
Last Edited7 Aug 2018


  1. [S45] Unknown author, Family History Center, Film: Various Films, Vital records, Sangerville, Maine 1819-1891 FHL US/CAN Film 12073. Her Given name spelling is exactly what appeared on the film.
  2. [S199] Unknown author, Dover Me.: J. F. Sprague, 1914. Reprinted from Sprague's Journal of Maine History, vol. 2, no. 3.Reprinted from Sprague's Journal of Maine History, vol. 2, no. 3.Sprague's Journal of Maine History, Url:…, [p. 171] Early Marriages in Sangerville
    (Copies of the Original Town Records.).
  3. [S30] Unknown author, Ancestry Web Site, Url:, Birth location from Copy of Death Record, of daughter Eunice.
  4. [S27] Unknown author, Marker in Cemeteries, Record Type: Headstone at cemetery, Name Of Person: Name on Headstone, Birth infiormation calculated from inscription on stone.
  5. [S45] Unknown author, Family History Center, Film: Various Films, Vital records, Sangerville, Maine 1819-1891 FHL US/CAN Film 12073.
  6. [S199] Unknown author, Dover Me.: J. F. Sprague, 1914. Reprinted from Sprague's Journal of Maine History, vol. 2, no. 3.Reprinted from Sprague's Journal of Maine History, vol. 2, no. 3.Sprague's Journal of Maine History, Url:…, [p. 171] Early Marriages in Sangerville (Copies of the Original Town Records.).
  7. [S27] Unknown author, Marker in Cemeteries, Record Type: Headstone at cemetery, Name Of Person: Name on Headstone, Information Inscribed on headstone.
  8. [S63] Unknown author, Find A Grave web site, Url:, Find A Grave Memorial# 40869755.
  9. [S45] Unknown author, Family History Center, Film: Various Films, Vital records, Sangerville, Maine 1819-1891 FHL US/CAN Film

John Spooner1

     Reference: 1919.

     John, married Louisa Smith, daughter of Daniel Smith Sr. and Chloe Kingman, on 10 May 1812 Unknown GEDCOM info: 10 MAY 1812.1


Louisa Smith
Last Edited28 Aug 2007


  1. [S117] Compiler: Ann Joy Fife Ann Joy Fife, Smith's in Washington County, Compiler Address: 1473 Greensboro Way, Grayson, Georgia, Joy Fife, Grayson, GA 30017, information from her indepth research about Smith's in Pembroke, Maine.

Abigail W. Sprague1

F, b. circa 1835
FatherJames Sprague1 b. c 1805
MotherAbigail Clarke1 b. c 1804
     Abigail W. Sprague, daughter of James Sprague and Abigail Clarke, was born circa 1835 at Maine.1


     Abigail appeared on the 1850 Federal Census of Machiasport, Washington, Maine, in the household of her parents, James and Abigail.2
Last Edited14 Oct 2019


  1. [S54] Bureau of the Census United States of America, 1850 (Seventh) United States Federal Census [database on-line], Record Type: 1850 Federal Census, Author Address: Washington, D.C., Machiasport, Maine, Page marked 145, line 4.
  2. [S54] Bureau of the Census United States of America, 1850 (Seventh) United States Federal Census [database on-line], Record Type: 1850 Federal Census, Author Address: Washington, D.C., Machiasport, Maine, Page marked 144, line 41 and 42, and 145, line 1 thru 10.

Bela Tower Sprague1

M, b. 21 November 1845, d. 9 September 1934
FatherJacob S. Sprague1 b. 1810, d. 28 Nov 1871
MotherHarriet A. Barrows1 b. 4 May 1816
Relationships3rd cousin 3 times removed of Dianne Elizabeth Smith
3rd cousin 3 times removed of Ellen June Smith
Bela T. Sprague, husband of Lucinda L. ______
     Bela Tower Sprague, son of Jacob S. Sprague and Harriet A. Barrows, was born on 21 November 1845 at Maine.1,2

     Bela died at age 88, on 9 September 1934,2 and was buried at Dover Cemetery, Dover Foxcroft, Piscataquis, Maine.2


     Bela appeared on the 1850 Federal Census of Dover, Piscataquis, Maine, in the household of his parents, Jacob and Harriet.3

     Bela appeared on the 1870 Federal Census of Foxcroft, Piscataquis, Maine, in the household of his parents, Jacob and Harriet. He was working on the farm.4
Last Edited6 Jun 2019


  1. [S69] Bureau of the Census United States of America, 1870 (Nineth) United States Federal Census [database on-line], Record Type: 1870 Federal Census, Author Address: Washington, D.C., Foxcroft, Maine, Page 24, line 11.
  2. [S63] Unknown author, Find A Grave web site, Url:, Find A Grave memorial # 23312252.
  3. [S54] Bureau of the Census United States of America, 1850 (Seventh) United States Federal Census [database on-line], Record Type: 1850 Federal Census, Author Address: Washington, D.C., Dover, Maine, Marked 588, line 3 thru 8.
  4. [S69] Bureau of the Census United States of America, 1870 (Nineth) United States Federal Census [database on-line], Record Type: 1870 Federal Census, Author Address: Washington, D.C., Foxcroft, Maine, Page 24, line 9 thru 13.

Beta W. Sprague1

M, b. circa 1828
FatherJames Sprague1 b. c 1805
MotherAbigail Clarke1 b. c 1804
     Beta W. Sprague, son of James Sprague and Abigail Clarke, was born circa 1828 at Maine.1


     Beta appeared on the 1850 Federal Census of Machiasport, Washington, Maine, in the household of his parents, James and Abigail.2
Last Edited14 Oct 2019


  1. [S54] Bureau of the Census United States of America, 1850 (Seventh) United States Federal Census [database on-line], Record Type: 1850 Federal Census, Author Address: Washington, D.C., Machiasport, Maine, Page marked 145, line 1.
  2. [S54] Bureau of the Census United States of America, 1850 (Seventh) United States Federal Census [database on-line], Record Type: 1850 Federal Census, Author Address: Washington, D.C., Machiasport, Maine, Page marked 144, line 41 and 42, and 145, line 1 thru 10.
Compiler, Left Click on License Plate to Send Comments: John W. Van Dyke: John W. Van Dyke