Dennis Bowman1

M, b. 1938
FatherCarl Sigfrid Bowman1 b. 2 Jul 1899, d. 22 Feb 1987
MotherRuth Angelina Rawstrom1 b. 17 May 1902, d. 25 Nov 1979
1st cousin 1 time removed of Astrid Elizabeth Bäcklund
2nd cousin of John William Van Dyke
2nd cousin of Walter Carl Van Dyke
Dennis Warren Bowman
     Dennis Bowman, son of Carl Sigfrid Bowman and Ruth Angelina Rawstrom, was born in 1938 at New Jersey.1


     Dennis appeared on the 1940 Federal Census, enumerated 12 April 1940, of Verona, Essex, New Jersey in the household of his parents, Carl and Ruth.2

     Dennis appeared on the 1950 Federal Census, enumerated 7 April 1950, of Verona, Essex, New Jersey in the household of his parents, Carl and Ruth.3
Last Edited=6 Apr 2024


  1. [S14] Census of the United States, 1940 U S Federal Census, Verona, New Jersey, Sheet 11 B, line 76.
  2. [S14] Census of the United States, 1940 U S Federal Census, Verona, New Jersey, Sheet 11 B, line 73 thru 76.
  3. [S172] Census of the United States, 1950 U S Federal Census, Verona, New Jersey, Sheet 3, line 24 thru 27.

Shirley Ann Bowman1

F, b. 14 February 1930
FatherCarl Sigfrid Bowman1 b. 2 Jul 1899, d. 22 Feb 1987
MotherRuth Angelina Rawstrom1 b. 17 May 1902, d. 25 Nov 1979
1st cousin 1 time removed of Astrid Elizabeth Bäcklund
2nd cousin of John William Van Dyke
2nd cousin of Walter Carl Van Dyke
Shirley A. Bowman, wife of Sven G. Peterson
     Shirley Ann Bowman, daughter of Carl Sigfrid Bowman and Ruth Angelina Rawstrom, was born on 14 February 1930 at New Jersey.2
     Shirley Ann Bowman was engaged circa 26 October 1950;

Engagement Told

Mr. and Mrs. C. Sigfrid Bowman of Otsego Road announced the engagement of their daughter, Shirley Ann, to Sven G. Peterson, son of Mrs. Albert G. Peterson of 64 Claremont Avenue and the late Mr. Peterson. Miss Bowman, a graduate of Verona High Schol and the Presbyterian Hospital School of Nursing, Newark, is on the staff of Presbyterian Hospital. Mr. Peterson, also a graduate of Verona High School, is an alumnus of Rutgers University,- New Brurjwick. During World War II he served eighteen months with the U.S. Army and is now studying for his master's degree at Rutgers while serving as a teaching assistant on the faculty.3

     Shirley married Sven Gustav Peterson, son of Albert Peterson and Signe Sofia Enquist, on 20 January 1951, at Montclair, Essex, New Jersey.

Shirley An Bowman, Sven C. Peterson Married at Candlelight Ceremony
Shirley An Bowman, Sven C. Peterson Married at Candlelight Ceremony Late Afternoon Service Read Saturday in Montclair Couple to Reside in New Bunswick.

Miss Shirley Ann Bowman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. Sigfrld Bowman of 29 Otsego Road, became the bride Saturday afternoon of Sven G. Peterson, son of Mrs. Signe Peterson of 64 Clarernont Avenue and the late Albert Peterson. The candlelight service took place in the Flrat Baptist Church of Montclair, with the Rev. Gordon Johnson of the Bethel Baptist Church, Montclair, officiating. A reception followed at the latter church. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a white velvet gown. Her finger-tlp-lrngth Illusion veil was held by a velvet coronet, and she carried a bouquet of calla llllies. Mrs. Walter Lerk, of Preaknes, cousin of the brldrgroom and matron of honor, wore an emerald green faille dress trimmed In velvet and carried yellow roses. Bridesmaids, the Misses Martha Keyl of Clifton and Janet Young of Avenel, wore gowns of burnt orange velvet, and also carried bouquets of yellow roses. George Pendorf of Hamilton Road was best man, and ushers included Fred M. Ingold Jr. of Grove Avenue and Mr. Todd. Both Mr. and Mrs. Bowman are graduates of Verona High School, and the bride is also an alumna of the Presbyterian Hospital School of Nursing, Newark. Her husband, who holds a bachelor's degree from Kutsers University, is worklng for his master's degree there and serving as assistant teacher in physical education. Following a short weddlng trip, the couple will make their home at 122 Osborne Lane, University Heights, New Brunswick.2,4,5

See pictures: The Picture Collection May be viewed By Left-Clicking on This Link.


     Shirley appeared on the 1930 Federal Census, enumerated 18 April 1930, of Verona, Essex, New Jersey in the household of her parents, Carl and Ruth.6

     Shirley appeared on the 1940 Federal Census, enumerated 12 April 1940, of Verona, Essex, New Jersey in the household of her parents, Carl and Ruth.7

     Shirley appeared on the 1950 Federal Census, enumerated 7 April 1950, of Verona, Essex, New Jersey in the household of her parents, Carl and Ruth. She was a student nurse.8

Children of Shirley Ann Bowman and Sven Gustav Peterson

Last Edited=1 Nov 2022


  1. [S139] Steve & Carol Schimpff, "Rawstrom History," e-mail to Compiler (J. Van Dyke), This was from a compilation of Rawstrom Family information; 2010 - 0006.
  2. [S140] Shirley (Bowman) Peterson, Letter from Shirley (Bowman) Peterson, Recipient: Compiler J. Van Dyke, Author Address: Verona, New Jersey, Sent 09 April 2009.
  3. [S9] Unknown author, General Newspaper Items: Varied, Location: Varied, Verona-Cedar Grove Times Verona, New Jersey · Thursday, October 26, 1950.
  4. [S23] Unknown author, Ancestry Web Site, Url:, New Jersey, Marriage Index, 1901-2016
    Name: Sven G Peterson Gender:     Male Marriage Date:     Jan 1951 Marriage Place: Montclair, Essex, New Jersey, USA
    Spouse: Shirley A Bowman Certificate Number: 01330.
  5. [S9] Unknown author, General Newspaper Items: Varied, Location: Varied, Verona-Cedar Grove Times Verona, New Jersey · Thursday, January 25, 1951.
  6. [S42] Census of the United States, 1930 U S Federal Census, Verona, New Jersey, Sheet 5 A, line 16 thru 19.
  7. [S14] Census of the United States, 1940 U S Federal Census, Verona, New Jersey, Sheet 11 B, line 73 thru 76.
  8. [S172] Census of the United States, 1950 U S Federal Census, Verona, New Jersey, Sheet 3, line 24 thru 27.

Col. Wardell P. Bowman1

     Wardell married Elizabeth Malcolm, daughter of Rev. Thomas S. Malcolm and Margaret Van Dyke.1

Family: Col. Wardell P. Bowman and Elizabeth Malcolm

Last Edited=28 Jun 2018


  1. [S58] A. M., Ph.D. Compiler: William B. Aitken, Distinguished Families In America ..... Jan Thomasse Van Dyke, Found on Page 223.

Elizabet L. Boyd1

F, b. circa 1936
     Elizabet L. Boyd was born circa 1936.1

     Elizabet married Pierre Peterson, son of Anier Alfred Peterson and Iola Baptie, on 15 June 1957, at California.1

Family: Elizabet L. Boyd and Pierre Peterson

Last Edited=18 Sep 2019


  1. [S23] Unknown author, Ancestry Web Site, Url:, California, Marriage Index, 1949-1959 about Pierre B Peterson Name: Pierre B Peterson
    Gender: Male Estimated Birth Year: abt 1931 Age: 26 Marriage Date: 15 Jun 1957 Marriage Place: San Francisco, California, USA Spouse: Elizabet L Boyd Spouse Age: 21.

Sarah Matilda Boyd1

     Sarah married Thomas Storm, son of Capt. Stephen Storm and Jane Maria Graham.1

Children of Sarah Matilda Boyd and Thomas Storm

Last Edited=4 Jul 2018


  1. [S58] A. M., Ph.D. Compiler: William B. Aitken, Distinguished Families In America ..... Jan Thomasse Van Dyke, Found on Page 185.
Compiler: John W. Van Dyke: John W. Van Dyke