Johannis Brinkerhoff1

M, b. 7 September 1727, d. 5 June 1757
FatherCol. John Brinkerhoff1 b. 11 Jul 1703, d. 26 Mar 1785
MotherJannetje Van Voorhees1 b. 15 Sep 1704, d. 11 Nov 1792
3rd cousin 6 times removed of Evelyn Marie Van Dyke
3rd cousin 6 times removed of Robert Edward Van Dyke
3rd cousin 6 times removed of John William Van Dyke
3rd cousin 6 times removed of Walter Carl Van Dyke
     Johannis Brinkerhoff, son of Col. John Brinkerhoff and Jannetje Van Voorhees, was born on 7 September 1727.1,2

     Johannis married Antie Martense on 29 April 1752.1,2

     Johannis died on 5 June 1757, at age 29.2

     Johannis Brinkerhoff was buried at First Reformed Protestant Dutch Church Cemetery, Fishkill, Dutchess, New York. Brinckerhoff, Johannis (John) “Hier Leydt Het Lighaam van Johannis Brinckerhoff, Over Leede De 5 Dagh van Juny 1757, and Zynde 29 Jaaren & 9 Maante.”

(John Brinckerhoff, died June 5, 1757. aged 29 y. 9 m.)3

Children of Johannis Brinkerhoff and Antie Martense

Last Edited=12 May 2019


  1. [S58] A. M., Ph.D. Compiler: William B. Aitken, Distinguished Families In America ..... Jan Thomasse Van Dyke, Found on Page 228.
  2. [S66] Compiler: Elias W. Van Voorhis, A Genealogy of the Van Voorhees Family in America, Found on Page 254.
  3. [S24] Unknown author, Find A Grave web site, Url:, Find A Grave Memorial# 76270702.

John Brinkerhoff1

M, b. 8 December 1752, d. 16 November 1754
FatherJohannis Brinkerhoff1 b. 7 Sep 1727, d. 5 Jun 1757
MotherAntie Martense1
4th cousin 5 times removed of Evelyn Marie Van Dyke
4th cousin 5 times removed of Robert Edward Van Dyke
4th cousin 5 times removed of John William Van Dyke
4th cousin 5 times removed of Walter Carl Van Dyke
     John Brinkerhoff, son of Johannis Brinkerhoff and Antie Martense, was born on 8 December 1752.2

     John died on 16 November 1754, at age 1.2
Last Edited=21 Mar 2018


  1. [S58] A. M., Ph.D. Compiler: William B. Aitken, Distinguished Families In America ..... Jan Thomasse Van Dyke, Found on Page 228.
  2. [S66] Compiler: Elias W. Van Voorhis, A Genealogy of the Van Voorhees Family in America, Found on Page 254.

Col. John Brinkerhoff1

M, b. 11 July 1703, d. 26 March 1785
John Brinkerhoff, husband of Jannetje Van Voorhees
     Col. John Brinkerhoff was born on 11 July 1703.2

     John married Jannetje Van Voorhees, daughter of Johannes Coert Van Voorhees and Barbara Van Dyke, on 12 March 1725.1,2

     Col. John Brinkerhoff left a will on 29 December 1784; His Will, proved Mar. 31, 1785, recorded in the Surrogate's Office in New York City, in Liber 37, p. 476, is as follows :

' In the name of God, Amen. I, John Brinkerhoff, of Rombout Precinct, in Duchess County, and in the State of New York, this twenty-ninth day of December, in the year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and eighty-four, being in good health and perfect memory—blessed be God therefor — do make and publish this my last Will and testament, in manner and form following, that is to say : Imprimis, I commit my soul into the hands of Almighty God who gave it me, and my body to the earth from whence it came, in hopes of a joyful resurrection through the merits of my Saviour Jesus Christ ; and as for my worldly estate wherewith it has pleased God to bless me, I dispose thereof as follows : First, I will and direct that all my just debts and funeral charges be paid by my Executors to be hereinafter mentioned. Item, I give and bequeath unto my grandson Adrian Brinkerhoff the sum of Five pounds current money of New York, to be paid by my Executors within six months after the decease of my wife Jannetje Brinkerhoff which shall be in full bar of any claim or demand which he may or can have against my estate as heirat- law. Item, I give, devise and bequeath unto my said grandson Adrian, that farm which the said Adrian now possesses situate in Rombout Precinct, containing about two hundred and ninety two acres ; also sixty acres adjoining to said farm which I bought of Dr. Theodorus Van Wyck ; also thirty acres of upland, meadow and swamp, twenty acres thereof to be meadow and swamp, and ten acres thereof to be upland, the said upland, meadow and swamp to be taken off the east end of my farm whereon I now live, beginning with the meadow and swamp on the bank of the Fish Kill, on the line of Johannes Rosekrances's farm, from thence running down along the said Fish Kill till it meets with Dr Van Wyck's swamp, thence westerly along his line so far as to make twenty acres and no more, square off to the upland ; also beginning with the ten acres of upland at the northeast corner of my said farm, thence running westerly on the line of said farm two chains, thence southerly slanting off to the said meadow and swamp so far west as to leave a passage down to said meadow on the west side of a point of rocks. Also I give him one hundred and thirteen acres of woodland off the north end of a lot of land which my father-in-law Mr Johannes Van Voorhis gave me lying in Middlebush. I also give him twenty five acres of woodland in said Middlebush joining on Guysbert Schenck's land near his meadow, which my father Mr Dirck Brinkerhoff gave me. I also give him the one full half of a mountain farm in quantity and quality, which I bought of Benjamin List. I also give him the one full half of all my lands in the township of Berlin. Further more it is my will and pleasure that my said grandson Adrian Brinkerhoff shall enjoy and possess the above said farm, with all the buildings thereon, together with the above described pieces and parcels of land during his natural life ; and furthermore it is my will and pleasure that after the decease of my said grandson Adrian, that the above described farm together with the said pieces and parcels of land, shall be possessed by the widow of my said grandson to maintain, feed clothe and educate all the children of my said grandson till they arrive at lawful age or marriage, and if the widow of my said grandson should die or marry again, then I give and bequeath unto all the children of my said grandson Adrian Brinkerhoff the above said farm with the buildings thereon, together with the above described pieces and parcels thereof, to them and to each of them, their heirs and assigns forever, in quantity and quality share and share alike. Item, I give and bequeath unto my grandson John Brinkerhoff Van Wyck, the farm which I now live on—the thirty acres of upland, meadow and swamp on the east end of my farm given to my grandson Adrian, and the one hundred acres of land hereafter mentioned on the west side of my farm given to my grandson Dirck Van Wyck, only excepted—together with my dwelling house, barn and out-houses, &c, appertaining thereto. I also give him the one full half of a mountain farm, in quantity and quality, which I bought of Benjamin List, to have and to hold the said farm and buildings thereof, together with the said half of the said mountain farm to him and his heirs and assigns forever. Provided he shall pay unto my grandchildren born of the body of my daughter Altje, late wife of Dr Theodorus Van Wyck, viz, Elizabeth, Altje, Theodorus, Jannetje, William and Abraham, the sum of fifty pounds New York currency, to each of them and their heirs, twelve months after the decease of my loving wife Jannetje ; and in case my said grandson neglects or refuses to pay the said legacies to my said grandchildren or their heirs at the period aforesaid, then on such neglect or refusal I order my Executors to sell so much off my said farm as will pay off the several legacies given to my said grandchildren ; and in case either the said Elizabeth, Altje, Theodorus, Jannetje, William and Abraham, or any one of them should die before age or marriage, then I will, order and direct my said grandson John Brinkerhoff Van Wyck, to pay their, and each of their respective legacies, sum and sums of fifty pounds aforesaid (so dying) to the survivor or survivors at the time aforesaid. I also give and bequeath unto my said grandson John, the one full half of all my right title and interest in Frankfort store-house, lands and appurtenances thereunto belonging, to him and his heirs and assigns forever. I also give him the one full quarter part of all my lands in the township of Berlin, to him and his heirs and assigns forever. Item, I give and bequeath unto my grandson Dirck Van Wyck, one hundred acres of land on the west end of the farm whereon I now live, in two pieces, on the north and south sides of the road leading down from Hopewell, beginning at the south lot, at the blacksmiths shop, thence southerly along the road leading from the new bridge to the Fish Kill, thence up the said Fish Kill till it meets with Dr Van Wycks land, thence along said Van Wycks land northerly till it meets with the said road leading from Hopewell, thence westerly along the said road to the place of beginning, containing fifty acres more or less ; also beginning with the north lot, at the corner of Col Dirck Brinkerhoff's orchard on the said road, thence running northerly along said Brinkerhoff's line till it meets with Godfrey Hayne's land, then easterly along said Hayne's line till it meets with Dr Van Wyck's land, thence southerly along said Van Wycks line till it meets with the said road, thence westerly along said road to the place of beginning, containing fifty acres more or less. Also I give him one hundred and sixty acres of land lying in Middlebush, being in two pieces—one of the pieces containing twenty five acres was given me by my father Mr Dirck Brinkerhoff, lying southerly from the twenty five acres given to my grandson Adrian, and the other piece of land containing one hundred and thirty seven acres, was given me by my father-in-law, Mr Johannes Van Voorhis, lying southerly of the one hundred and thirteen acres given to my grandson Adrian—it being the farm that William Vantine at present possesses. I also give him the one full half of all my right title and interest in Frankfort storehouse, lands and appurtenances thereunto belonging. I also give him one full quarter part of all my land in the township of Berlin ; the above said pieces and parcels of land together with the houses and outhouses I give to my grandson Dirck Van Wyck, to him and his heirs and assigns forever, provided he lives to the age of twenty one years or marriage ; and if he should die before age or marriage, then I give and bequeath the said pieces or parcels of land together with the houses and outhouses thereon to my grandchildren hereafter mentioned, born of the body of my daughter Altje deceased, viz. Elizabeth, Altje, John Brinkerhoff, Theodorus, Jannetje, William, and Abraham, to be divided equally in quantity and quality, to them and to each of them, their heirs and assigns forever. But in case any one of my above mentioned grandchildren should die before age or marriage, then he, she or they so dying before age or marriage as aforesaid, that the survivor or survivors of my said grandchilden shall inherit the said estate, share and share alike, to them, their heirs and assigns forever. And I do hereby authorize and direct my Executors immediately after my decease to sell all my real estate which lies in Phillips Precinct, and also a lot of land which I bought of Thomas Woodward, lying on the mountains in Rombout Precinct, and also my share in the mines at Kent, Connecticut, and the moneys arising from the sale thereof I dispose of in manner following : that is to say, the one full half thereof I give and bequeath unto all the children now born, or may be born, of my said grandson Adrian, to be put out at interest for the said children by my Executors till each of them arrive at full age or marriage, and the remaining full half of the moneys arising from the sale of said lands I give and bequeath unto my grandchildren, viz: Elizabeth, Altje, Theodorus, Jannetje, William and Abraham ; but in case any of my said grandchildren should die before age or marriage, that then the survivor or survivors of him, her, or them so deceased shall enjoy the full half of all the moneys arising from the sale of the said lands, to them and their heirs, share and share alike. Item, I give unto my well beloved wife, Jannetje Brinkerhoff, the sole and entire management of all my estate, both real and personal, whatever (excepting the land in Phillips Precinct and the lot of land which I bought of Thomas Woodward, and my share in the mines of Kent) for and during her natural life; and after the decease of my said wife I order and direct my Executors, or the survivor or survivors of them to sell the rest, residue and remainder of my estate, of what nature or kind soever, at Public Vendue, and the moneys arising from the sale thereof I dispose of in the following manner, viz : Item, I give and bequeath to the Elders and their successors (in trust) for the Reformed Dutch Church at Fishkill Town, the sum of One hundred pounds New York currency, and the interest money arising therefrom annually to be disposed of by the said Elders and their successors for the benefit of said Church and that no part of the principal thereof to be taken for any use whatsoever. Item, I give and bequeath unto my granddaughter
Jannetje the sum of fifty pounds New York currency when she shall attain the age of twenty one years, or at her marriage ; and in case she should die before age or marriage then I give the said Fifty pounds unto my grandchildren, Elizabeth, Altje, Theodorus, William and Abraham, to be divided equally between them or their heirs. Item, I give and bequeath unto all the children who are born, and who may be born of my grandson Adrian Brinkerhoff, the remaining full half of my estate (which is not already given) to be equally divided among them, and in case one or more of the children of my said grandson Adrian should die before lawfull age or marriage, that then the survivor or survivors of him, her, or them so deceased shall inherit the said one full half of the said estate, share and share alike. And it is also my will and pleasure that when the estate which I have given unto my grandson Adrian shall come to the children who are born and may be born of my grandson Adrian, the same shall be divided to them in the same manner that I have given them the last half of my estate. Item, I give and bequeath the remaining one full half of my estate (which is not already given) to all my grandchildren born of the body of my daughter Altje, deceased, viz, Elizabeth, Altje, John Brinkerhoff, Theodorus, Jannetje, William, Dirck and Abraham, share and share alike of the moneys arising from the last part of my estate ; and in case any of my said grandchildren should die before age or marriage, that the survivor or survivors of him, her, or them so deceased shall inherit
the said full half of the said estate, share and share alike; and also it is my will and pleasure that my son-in-law Dr Theodorus Van Wyck, who is hereinafter named, in this my last Will and Testament, as one of my Executors, shall have the sole management and care of all the moneys, lands, and tenements which I have given each of my grandchildren born of the body of my daughter Altje deceased, till they arrive at lawful age or marriage, which moneys I order to be put out at interest, and the lands I order to be rented to careful and industrious tenants. And furthermore it is my will and pleasure that in case my old and faithfull servant Culloman should survive my loving wife Jannetje, that then I will and direct my Executors to give him choice where to live during life, and the expense of feeding and clothing him shall be paid by my Executors— the one half thereof out of the estate, the other half thereof to be taken out of the estate of all the children of my daughter Altje, deceased, share and share alike. And I do make, constitute, and ordain my beloved wife Jannetje, Executrix ; my son-in-law Dr Theodorus Van Wyck, and my good friends Jacobus Swartwout and Jacob Griffin Esquire, Executors of this my last Will and Testament, hereby revoking all former Wills by me made. In witness whereof, I, the said John Brinkerhoff, have to the first sheet of this, my last Will and Testament (containing two sheets of paper) set my hand, and to the last sheet thereof my hand and seal, the day and year first above written. JOHN BRINKERHOFF. [L.S.]

' Witnesses. Abram Brinkerhoff, Albert Adriance, Daniel Ledew.3'

     John died on 26 March 1785, at age 81,2 and was buried at Trinity Church Cemetery, Fishkill, Dutchess, New York.4

Children of Col. John Brinkerhoff and Jannetje Van Voorhees

Last Edited=25 Jun 2018


  1. [S58] A. M., Ph.D. Compiler: William B. Aitken, Distinguished Families In America ..... Jan Thomasse Van Dyke, Found on Page 228.
  2. [S66] Compiler: Elias W. Van Voorhis, A Genealogy of the Van Voorhees Family in America, Found on Page 247.
  3. [S66] Compiler: Elias W. Van Voorhis, A Genealogy of the Van Voorhees Family in America, Found on Pages 248 thru 254.
  4. [S24] Unknown author, Find A Grave web site, Url:, Find A Grave Memorial# 125531695.
  5. [S66] Compiler: Elias W. Van Voorhis, A Genealogy of the Van Voorhees Family in America, Found on Page 254.

Margreta Vilhelmina Brodin1

F, b. 24 May 1858, d. 12 April 1934
Margreta V. Brodin, 2nd wife of Olof Olson
     Margreta Vilhelmina Brodin was born on 24 May 1858 at Söderhamn, Gävleborg, Sverige.2,3

     Margreta married Olof Olson, son of Jan Olsson and Anna Jonsdotter, on 10 March 1885, at Enångers Moder, Gävleborg, Sverige.4

     Margreta Vilhelmina Brodin, Olof Olson and their children Emanuel Olof, Axel Nels, Alma Wilhelmina and Hilma emigrated on 6 June 1902 from Göteborg, Sverige.5,6

     Margreta, Olof and their children, Emanuel, Axel, Alma and Hilma found on the "Ariosto" passenger list on 6 June 1902, departing Göteborg, Sverige. Their destination was Hull, England

See information about travel through England: The May be viewed By Left-Clicking on This Link.7

     Margreta died on 12 April 1934, at Ionia, Michigan, at age 75; Her cause of death was listed as 'chronic myocarditis2' and was buried at Maple Hill Cemetery, Le Roy, Osceola, Michigan.2


     Margreta and Olof appeared on the 1910 Federal Census of Selma, Wexford, Michigan, enumerated 6 May 1910. Olof was working as a farm laborer Their children, Hilma were listed as living with them..8

     Margreta Vilhelmina Brodin appeared on the 1920 Federal Census of Rose Lake, Osceola, Michigan, in the household of his son, Axel.9

Children of Margreta Vilhelmina Brodin and Olof Olson

Last Edited=15 Mar 2022


  1. [S98] Compiler: Anki Lindkvist Anki Lindkvist, Information research by Anki Lindkvist, Location: Sweden, Posted, No further information.
  2. [S24] Unknown author, Find A Grave web site, Url:, Find A Grave Memorial # 143735679.
  3. [S23] Unknown author, Ancestry Web Site, Url:, According to her death certificate, she was born 18 May 1861.
  4. [S102], online, Sweden, Indexed Marriage Records, 1860-1943
    Name: Margreta Wilhelmina Maiden Name: Brodin Gender: Kvinna Age: 26 Birth Date: 24 Maj 1858 Marriage Date10 Mar 1885 Parish: Enångers Moder Marriage Place: Enångers Moder, Gävleborg, Sverige Spouse: Olof Jansson.
  5. [S102], online, Swedish Emigration Records, 1783-1951
    Name: Olof Jonsson Birth Year: abt 1846 Gender: Man Place of Origin: Enånger Gävleborg Län, Sverige Destination: Hersey Record Date: 6 Jun 1902 Port of Departure: Göteborg Database Name: EmiHamn Archive Call Number: 70:232:28126 Traveling Companion: M Principal Person: Jonsson Olof.
  6. [S102], online, Göteborg, Sverige, passagerarlistor, 1869 - 1951
    Name: Emanuel Jonsson Departure Date: 6 Juni 1902 Departure Place: Göteborg, Göteborg och Bohus, Sverige Ship Name: Ariosto Birth Date: abt 1889 Birth Place: Enanger Geftel Age: 13 Destination: Hull, England.
  7. [S102], online, Name: Olaf Jonsson Departure Date: 6 Juni 1902 Departure Place: Göteborg, Göteborg och Bohus, Sverige Ship Name: Ariosto Birth Date: abt 1846L Birth Place: Enanger Gefte lAge: 56 Destination: Hull, England.
  8. [S29] Census of the United States, 1910 U S Federal Census, Selma, Michigan, Sheet 8 A, line 46 thru 48.
  9. [S43] Census of the United States, 1920 U S Federal Census, Rose Lake, Michigan, Sheet 5 A, line 38 thru 40.
  10. [S102], online, Sweden, Indexed Birth Records, 1860-1941
    Child's Given Name: Erik Johan Birth Date: 15 Nov 1886 Birth Place: Njutånger, Gävleborg, Sweden Father: Olof Jansson Mother: Margareta Vilhelmina Brodin Mother Birth Date: abt 1858 Mother Age: 28 GID Number: 100021.40.58600 Roll/Fiche Number: SC-1107 Volume: 877.
  11. [S102], online, Sweden, Indexed Birth Records, 1860-1941 Name
    Child's Given: Odöpt Jessebern Birth Date: 10 Aug 1888 Birth Place: Njutånger, Gävleborg, Sweden Father: Olof Jansson Mother: Margreta Welhelmina Brodin Mother Birth Date: abt 1860 Mother Age: 28 GID Number: 100021.2.5200 Roll/Fiche Number: SC-1110 Volume: 937.
  12. [S23] Unknown author, Ancestry Web Site, Url:, Sweden, Indexed Birth Records, 1860-1941
    Child's Given Name: Nils Axel Birth Date: 26 Nov 1890 Birth Place: Enånger, Gävleborg, Sweden Father: Olof Jonsson Mother: Margareta Wilhelmsson Mother Birth Date: abt 1858 Mother Age: 32 GID Number: 100021.73.34500 Roll/Fiche Number: SC-1593 Volume: 997.
  13. [S102], online, Sweden, Indexed Birth Records, 1860-1941
    Child's Given Name: Maria Wilhelmina Birth Date: 19 Maj 1893 Birth Place: Enånger, Gävleborg, Sweden Father: Ol Jansson Mother: Margreta Wilhelmina Mother Birth Date: abt 1858 Mother Age: 35 GID Number: 100021.61.20100 Roll/Fiche Number: SC-1790 Volume: HIAA:1086.
  14. [S102], online, Sweden, Indexed Birth Records, 1860-1941
    Child's Given Name: Hilma Birth Date: 12 Dec 1896 Birth Place: Enånger, Gävleborg, Sweden Father: Olof Jansson Father Birth Date: 16 Jul 1844 Mother: Margreta Wilhelmina Brodén Mother Birth Date: 24 Maj 1858 Mother Age: 38 GID Number: 100021.15.10200 Roll/Fiche Number: SC-1795 Volume: HIAA:1174.

Elsie Brodnicki1

F, b. 17 August 1908, d. 4 October 2002
     Elsie Brodnicki was born on 17 August 1908 at Hoquiam, Washington.1

     Elsie married Sidney Pollack, son of Carl Isak Pollack and Signe Maria Boström, on 28 October 1955, at Bethel Lutheran Church, Seattle, King, Washington.2

     Elsie died on 4 October 2002, at age 94.1

Family: Elsie Brodnicki and Sidney Pollack

Last Edited=24 Jul 2018


  1. [S23] Unknown author, Ancestry Web Site, Url:, U.S., Social Security Death Index, 1935-Current about Elsie I. Brodnicki Name: Elsie I. Brodnicki Last Residence: 98282 Point Roberts, Whatcom, Washington, USA Born: 17 Aug 1908 Died: 4 Oct 2002 State (Year) SSN issued: Washington (Before 1951).
  2. [S23] Unknown author, Ancestry Web Site, Url:, Information from Copy of Marriage Record.
Compiler: John W. Van Dyke: John W. Van Dyke