Cynthia Denice1

F, b. circa 1837
FatherHenry Denice1 b. c 1806, d. 1 Oct 1879
MotherSarah "Surname Unknown"1 b. c 1816, d. b 1870
Great-grandaunt of Evelyn Marie Van Dyke
Great-grandaunt of Robert Edward Van Dyke
Great-grandaunt of John William Van Dyke
Great-grandaunt of Walter Carl Van Dyke
     Cynthia Denice was also known as Rump.2

     Cynthia Denice has shown 'surname' to be De Nyse, Denyce, De Nyse and Denice.3
     Cynthia Denice, daughter of Henry Denice and Sarah "Surname Unknown", was born circa 1837 at New York.1

     Cynthia married Garrett C. Rumph circa 1855.4


     Cynthia appeared on the 1850 Federal Census of Flatlands, Kings, New York in the household of her parents, Henry and Sarah "Surname Unknown".5

     Cynthia, along with her husband, Garrett Rumph and their son, David appeared on the 1855 New York Census in Flatlands, Kings, New York in the household of her parents, Henry and Sarah.6

     Cynthia and Garrett appeared on the 1865 New York Census of Flatbush, Kings, New York, enumerated 13 June 1865. Gerrit was working as a wheelwright. Their children, David, John Henry, Cornelia Ann, George and Samuel were listed as living with them.7

     Cynthia and Garrett appeared on the 1870 Federal Census of Flatbush, Kings, New York, enumerated 16 June 1870. Garrett was working as a wheelright.8

     Cynthia and Garrett appeared on the 1875 New York Census of Flatbush, Kings, New York, enumerated 9 June 1875. Garrett was working as a wheelwright. Their children, David, John Henry, Cornelia Ann, Samuel, Garret H., Lotta and Eliza M. were listed as living with them.9

Children of Cynthia Denice and Garrett C. Rumph

Last Edited=18 Dec 2022


  1. [S48] Bureau of the Census United States of America, 1850 U S Federal Census, Flatlands, Kings, New York, Marked 17, line 3.
  2. [S55] 1855 State Census, New York State, unknown record info, Line 27; The sheet itself does not have location, however, Ancestry online indicates Flatlands, Kings, New York.
  3. [S5] Unknown author, Family Data Collection - Individual Records, As recalled ny compiler.
  4. [S55] 1855 State Census, New York State, unknown record info, Flatlands, New York, Lines 23 and 27.
  5. [S48] Bureau of the Census United States of America, 1850 U S Federal Census, Flatlands, Kings, New York, Sheet Marked 11, line 42 and census Marked 17, line 1 thru 9.
  6. [S55] 1855 State Census, New York State, unknown record info, Line 21 thru 30; The sheet itself does not have location, however, Ancestry online indicates Flatlands, Kings, New York.
  7. [S142] State Census, unknown location, unknown record info, Flatbush, New York, Page 15, line 5 thru 11.
  8. [S51] Bureau of the Census United States of America, 1870 U S Federal Census, Flatbush, New York, Page 36 line 34 thru 40 and Page 37 line 1.
  9. [S104] State Census, [database on-line], Provo, Utah, Flatbush, New York, Page 35, line 35 thru 43.
  10. [S55] 1855 State Census, New York State, unknown record info, Line 28.
  11. [S51] Bureau of the Census United States of America, 1870 U S Federal Census, Flatbush, New York, Page 36 line 37.
  12. [S51] Bureau of the Census United States of America, 1870 U S Federal Census, Flatbush, New York, Page 36 line 38.
  13. [S142] State Census, unknown location, unknown record info, Flatbush, New York, Page 15, line 9.
  14. [S51] Bureau of the Census United States of America, 1870 U S Federal Census, Flatbush, New York, Page 36 line 39.
  15. [S51] Bureau of the Census United States of America, 1870 U S Federal Census, Flatbush, New York, Page 36 line 40.
  16. [S51] Bureau of the Census United States of America, 1870 U S Federal Census, Flatbush, New York, Page Page 37 line 1.
  17. [S104] State Census, [database on-line], Provo, Utah, Flatbush, New York, Page 35, line 43.
  18. [S30] Jeanne Van Dyke Pita, E-mails fromJeanne Van Dyke Pita, Recipient: J. Van Dyke, Author E-mail: e-mail address, Information from Isaac Mills Family Bible.

Hannah Jane Denice1

F, b. circa 1858
FatherHenry Denice1 b. c 1806, d. 1 Oct 1879
MotherSarah "Surname Unknown"1 b. c 1816, d. b 1870
Great-grandaunt of Evelyn Marie Van Dyke
Great-grandaunt of Robert Edward Van Dyke
Great-grandaunt of John William Van Dyke
Great-grandaunt of Walter Carl Van Dyke
     Hannah Jane Denice, daughter of Henry Denice and Sarah "Surname Unknown", was born circa 1858 at New York.1


     Hannah Jane Denice appeared on the 1865 New York Census in Flatlands, Kings, New York in the household of her parents, Henry and Sarah.2
Last Edited=2 Dec 2018


  1. [S142] State Census, unknown location, unknown record info, Flatlands, New York, Page 3 continued, line 5.
  2. [S142] State Census, unknown location, unknown record info, Flatlands, New York, Page 3, line 45 and line 1 thru 6.

Henry Denice

M, b. circa 1806, d. 1 October 1879
2nd great-grandfather of Evelyn Marie Van Dyke
2nd great-grandfather of Robert Edward Van Dyke
2nd great-grandfather of John William Van Dyke
2nd great-grandfather of Walter Carl Van Dyke
     Henry Denice has shown his 'surname' to be De Nyse, Denyce, De Nyse and Denice.1
     Henry Denice was born circa 1806 at New York.2

     Henry married Sarah "Surname Unknown" circa 1835.3

     Henry Denice left a will on 1 July 1878;

See pictures: The Will and Probate May be viewed By Left-Clicking on This Link.4

     Henry died on 1 October 1879.5

See pictures: The Picture Collection May be viewed By Left-Clicking on This Link.6


     Henry and Sarah appeared on the 1850 Federal Census of Flatlands, Kings, New York, enumerated 30 September 1850. At this time, Henry listed his occupation as a fisherman and his real estate was valued at $1500.00. Also living with the family; Sarah Remsen, (age 68) and Caroline Van Houton, (age 8). Their children, Sarah A., Cynthia, Charity, Catharine A., John R. and Joseph were listed as living with them.7

     Henry and Sarah appeared on the 1855 New York Census of Flatlands, Kings, New York, enumerated June 1855. Henry was listed as a fisherman. They also had two boarders. Their children, Cynthia, Charity, Catharine A. and John R. were listed as living with them. Their grandchild, David was listed as living in the household.8

     Henry and Sarah appeared on the 1865 New York Census of Flatlands, Kings, New York, enumerated 5 June 1865. Henry was working as a shoemaker. His home valued at $1000.00. Their children, Charity, Catharine A., John R. and Hannah Jane were listed as living with them.9

     Henry appeared on the 1870 Federal Census of Flatlands, Kings, New York, enumerated, 26 August 1870. He was a fisherman. His real estate valued at $7000.00 and personal property at $500.00. His children Charity and John R. were listed as living with him.10

     Henry appeared on the 1875 New York Census of Flatlands, New York, enumerated June 1875. Henry was a fisherman. His daughter, Charity, her husband, Albert and their children, Sarah and Stephen were listed as living with him.11

Children of Henry Denice and Sarah "Surname Unknown"

Last Edited=18 Dec 2022


  1. [S5] Unknown author, Family Data Collection - Individual Records, As recalled ny compiler.
  2. [S48] Bureau of the Census United States of America, 1850 U S Federal Census, Flatlands, Kings, New York, Sheet (not numbered), line 42.
  3. [S50] Unknown author, Brooklyn Genealogy Info Page, Url:, This information is from web site… cert # 1091 from their daughters death index. Marriage date is estimated based on first child birth.
  4. [S23] Unknown author, Ancestry Web Site, Url:, Copy of Will from
  5. [S23] Unknown author, Ancestry Web Site, Url:, Death date is from information on Probate documents.
  6. [S5] Unknown author, Family Data Collection - Individual Records.
  7. [S48] Bureau of the Census United States of America, 1850 U S Federal Census, Flatlands, Kings, New York, Sheet Marked 11, line 42 and census Marked 17, line 1 thru 9.
  8. [S55] 1855 State Census, New York State, unknown record info, Line 21 thru 30; The sheet itself does not have location, however, Ancestry online indicates Flatlands, Kings, New York.
  9. [S142] State Census, unknown location, unknown record info, Flatlands, New York, Page 3, line 45 and line 1 thru 6.
  10. [S51] Bureau of the Census United States of America, 1870 U S Federal Census, Flatlands, New York, page 51, line 26 thru 30.
  11. [S104] State Census, [database on-line], Provo, Utah, Flatlands, Page 38, line 7 thru 11.
  12. [S48] Bureau of the Census United States of America, 1850 U S Federal Census, Flatlands, Kings, New York, Marked 17, line 2.
  13. [S48] Bureau of the Census United States of America, 1850 U S Federal Census, Flatlands, Kings, New York, Marked 17, line 3.
  14. [S48] Bureau of the Census United States of America, 1850 U S Federal Census, Flatlands, Kings, New York, Marked 17, line 4.
  15. [S48] Bureau of the Census United States of America, 1850 U S Federal Census, Flatlands, Kings, New York, Marked 17, line 5.
  16. [S48] Bureau of the Census United States of America, 1850 U S Federal Census, Flatlands, Kings, New York, Marked 17, line 6.
  17. [S48] Bureau of the Census United States of America, 1850 U S Federal Census, Flatlands, Kings, New York, Marked 17, line 7.
  18. [S142] State Census, unknown location, unknown record info, Flatlands, New York, Page 3 continued, line 5.

John R. Denice1,2

M, b. May 1845, d. 11 January 1908
FatherHenry Denice1 b. c 1806, d. 1 Oct 1879
MotherSarah "Surname Unknown"1 b. c 1816, d. b 1870
Great-granduncle of Evelyn Marie Van Dyke
Great-granduncle of Robert Edward Van Dyke
Great-granduncle of John William Van Dyke
Great-granduncle of Walter Carl Van Dyke
     John R. Denice was also known as John R. De Nyse.3

     John R. Denice has shown 'surname' to be De Nyse, Denyce, De Nyse and Denice.4
     John R. Denice, son of Henry Denice and Sarah "Surname Unknown", was born in May 1845 at New York.1,2

     John married Elizabeth L. Butterworth on 30 April 1895, at Newark, New Jersey.5,3,6

     John R. Denice left a will on 27 March 1903 at Brooklyn, Kings, New York.7

     John died on 11 January 1908, at Brooklyn, Kings, New York, at age 62.3,8 His estate was probated after 27 January 1908. All heirs and next of kin were listed as follows: Eliza M. Rumph, Cornelia Ann Rumph and Sarah Van Dyke and David Rumph, Garret Rumph, John Henry Rumph, George Rumph, Samuel Rumph and Stephen R. Van Dyke;

See Probate: The Collection of Documents May be viewed By Left-Clicking on This Link.3


     John appeared on the 1850 Federal Census of Flatlands, Kings, New York, in the household of his parents, Henry and Sarah.9

     John appeared on the 1855 New York Census in Flatlands, Kings, New York in the household of his parents, Henry and Sarah. His name was listed as "James."10

     John R. Denice appeared on the 1865 New York Census in Flatlands, Kings, New York in the household of his parents, Henry and Sarah.11

     John R. Denice appeared on the 1870 Federal Census of Flatlands, Kings, New York, in the household of his father, Henry.12

     John and Elizabeth appeared on the 1892 New York Census of Flatlands, Kings, New York, enumerated 16 February 1892. He was working as an oysterman. Their daughter, Sallie and John's niece, Eliza M. Rumph were listed as living with them.13

     John and Elizabeth appeared on the 1900 Federal Census of Brooklyn, Kings, New York, enumerated 11 June 1900 John was working as an oysterman. Their children, Sallie were listed as living with them.14

     John and Elizabeth appeared on the 1905 New York Census of Brooklyn, Kings, New York, enumerated 1905. John was a farmer..15


11 January 1908


- At Flatlands, on Saturday, January 11, 1908, JOHN R. DENICE, in the 63rd year of her age. Funeral services at his residence, Lincoln ave., near Flatbush ave., on Monday, January 13, at 8 P. M.16

Child of John R. Denice and Elizabeth L. Butterworth

Last Edited=21 Nov 2022


  1. [S48] Bureau of the Census United States of America, 1850 U S Federal Census, Flatlands, Kings, New York, Marked 17, line 6.
  2. [S51] Bureau of the Census United States of America, 1870 U S Federal Census, Flatlands, New York, Page 51, Line 28.
  3. [S23] Unknown author, Ancestry Web Site, Url:, Information is from Court Probate.
  4. [S5] Unknown author, Family Data Collection - Individual Records, As recalled ny compiler.
  5. [S40] Census of the United States, 1900 U S Federal Census, Brooklyn, New York, Sheet 21 A, line 22.
  6. [S23] Unknown author, Ancestry Web Site, Url:, New Jersey, U.S., Marriage Records, 1670-1965
    Name: Elizabeth L. Butterworth Gender: Female Age: 41 Birth Date: abt 1854 Marriage Date:     30 Apr 1895 Marriage Place: Newark, Essex, New Jersey, USA Spouse:
    John R. Denice Film Number:     000495721.
  7. [S23] Unknown author, Ancestry Web Site, Url:, Information is from Probate.
  8. [S23] Unknown author, Ancestry Web Site, Url:, John R Denice in the New York, New York, Death Index, 1862-1948
    Name: John R Denice Birth Year: abt 1846 Age: 62 Death Date: 11 Jan 1908 Death Place: Kings, New York, USA Certificate Number: 872.
  9. [S48] Bureau of the Census United States of America, 1850 U S Federal Census, Flatlands, Kings, New York, Sheet Marked 11, line 42 and census Marked 17, line 1 thru 9.
  10. [S55] 1855 State Census, New York State, unknown record info, Line 21 thru 30; The sheet itself does not have location, however, Ancestry online indicates Flatlands, Kings, New York.
  11. [S142] State Census, unknown location, unknown record info, Flatlands, New York, Page 3, line 45 and line 1 thru 6.
  12. [S51] Bureau of the Census United States of America, 1870 U S Federal Census, Flatlands, New York, page 51, line 26 thru 30.
  13. [S31] State Census, [database on-line], Provo, Utah, Flatlands, New York, Page 8 Left line 9 thru 11.
  14. [S40] Census of the United States, 1900 U S Federal Census, Brooklyn, New York, Sheet 21 A, line 21 thru 23.
  15. [S76] State Census, [database on-line], Provo, Utah, Brooklyn, New York, Page 40 and 41.
  16. [S49] Varies, "Brooklyn Daily Eagle, The", Brooklyn Daily Eagle 11 Jan 1908 Sat Page 16.
  17. [S40] Census of the United States, 1900 U S Federal Census, Brooklyn, New York, Sheet 21 A, line 23.

Joseph Denice1

M, b. circa 1848
FatherHenry Denice1 b. c 1806, d. 1 Oct 1879
MotherSarah "Surname Unknown"1 b. c 1816, d. b 1870
Great-granduncle of Evelyn Marie Van Dyke
Great-granduncle of Robert Edward Van Dyke
Great-granduncle of John William Van Dyke
Great-granduncle of Walter Carl Van Dyke
     Joseph Denice has shown 'surname' to be De Nyse, Denyce, De Nyse and Denice.2
     Joseph Denice, son of Henry Denice and Sarah "Surname Unknown", was born circa 1848 at New York.1


     Joseph appeared on the 1850 Federal Census of Flatlands, Kings, New York, in the household of his parents, Henry and Sarah.3
Last Edited=12 Jun 2018


  1. [S48] Bureau of the Census United States of America, 1850 U S Federal Census, Flatlands, Kings, New York, Marked 17, line 7.
  2. [S5] Unknown author, Family Data Collection - Individual Records, As recalled ny compiler.
  3. [S48] Bureau of the Census United States of America, 1850 U S Federal Census, Flatlands, Kings, New York, Sheet Marked 11, line 42 and census Marked 17, line 1 thru 9.
Compiler: John W. Van Dyke: John W. Van Dyke