Jane Okie1

F, d. 26 November 1838
4th great-grandmother of Evelyn Marie Van Dyke
4th great-grandmother of Robert Edward Van Dyke
4th great-grandmother of John William Van Dyke
4th great-grandmother of Walter Carl Van Dyke
     Jane married Isaac Denton, son of Daniel Denton IV and Hannah Seaman, on 13 September 1804, at Flatlands, Kings, New York.1

     Jane died on 26 November 1838.1
Last Edited=13 Mar 2019


  1. [S99] Compiler: Mary Jane Denton, Denton Family Tree In America, The 1635 ~ 2005, This information was provided by Mary Jane Denton. e-mail e-mail address.

Hilda Amanda Olansdotter1

F, b. 26 May 1869
     Hilda Amanda Olansdotter was born on 26 May 1869 at Hogdal, Göteborg och Bohus, Sverige.1,2

     Hilda married Olof Viktor Mattsson, son of Olof Mattsson and Stina Pettersdotter, on 22 February 1889, at Hogdal, Göteborg och Bohus, Sverige.1

     Olof Viktor Mattsson, his wife, Olof, and their children, Helga, Olof, Knut, Sixten, Lilly and Axel emigrated on 2 June 1905, from Hogdal, Göteborg och Bohus, Sverige, to Norge (Norway.)3

Children of Hilda Amanda Olansdotter and Olof Viktor Mattsson

Last Edited=6 Aug 2019


  1. [S102] Ancestry.se, online http://www.Ancestry.se, Sweden, Indexed Marriage Records, 1860-1943
    Name: Olof Victor Matsson Gender: Man Age: 31 Birth Date: 15 Jun 1857 Marriage Date: 22 Febr 1889 Marriage Place: Hogdal, Göteborg och Bohus, Sverige Spouse: Hilda Amanda.
  2. [S102] Ancestry.se, online http://www.Ancestry.se, Sverige, namnindexerade födelseuppgifter, 1860-1941
    Name: Hilda Amanda Gender: Kvinna Birth Date: 26 Maj 1869 Birth Place: Hogdal, Göteborg och Bohus, Sverige Father: Olaus Matthesson Mother: Anna Hansdotter Volume: 324.
  3. [S102] Ancestry.se, online http://www.Ancestry.se, Sverige, förteckning över emigranter, 1783-1991
    Name: Olof Viktor Mattsson Gender: Man Birth Date: 15 Jun 1857 Birth Place: Värmland - Ransäter Departure Date: 2 Jun 1905 Departure Place: Göteborgs och Bohus - Hogdal Arrival Place: ID, Norge Occupation or Relation: Inhyst Stenhuggare Marital Status: MarriedNotes: Travels with family Page: 5 Original Page: 208 Source: Hogdal Hfl 1899-1911.
  4. [S102] Ancestry.se, online http://www.Ancestry.se, Sverige, namnindexerade födelseuppgifter, 1860-1941
    Name: Helga Victoria Birth Date: 29 Mars 1889 Birth Place: Hogdal, Göteborg och Bohus, Sverige Father: Olof Mattsson Mother: Hilda Amanda Olausdotter Page number: 0/0 Volume: 957.
  5. [S102] Ancestry.se, online http://www.Ancestry.se, Sverige, namnindexerade födelseuppgifter, 1880-1920
    Name: Olof Peter Adolf Birth Date: 13 Jan 1891 Birth Place: Hogdal, Göteborg och Bohus, Sverige Father: Olof Viktor Mattsson Mother: Hilda Amanda Olausdotter Page number: 0/0 Volume: 1017.
  6. [S102] Ancestry.se, online http://www.Ancestry.se, Sverige, namnindexerade födelseuppgifter, 1880-1920
    Name: Knut Göran Birth Date: 10 Jan 1893 Birth Place: Hogdal, Göteborg och Bohus, Sverige Father: Olof Viktor Mattsson Mother: Hilda Amanda Olausdotter Page number: 0/0 Volume: HIAA:1077.
  7. [S102] Ancestry.se, online http://www.Ancestry.se, Sverige, namnindexerade födelseuppgifter, 1880-1920
    Name: Sixten Hugo Birth Date: 22 Apr 1895 Birth Place: Skee, Göteborg och Bohus, Sverige Father: Olof Victor Mattsson Mother: Hilda Amanda Olausdotter: Page number: 0/0 Volume: HIAA:1134.
  8. [S102] Ancestry.se, online http://www.Ancestry.se, Sverige, namnindexerade födelseuppgifter, 1880-1920
    Name: Nils Victor Birth Date: 17 Maj 1897 Birth Place: Skee, Göteborg och Bohus, Sverige Father: Olof Victor Mattsson Mother: Hilda Amanda Olausdotter Page number: 0/0 Volume: HIAA:1195.
  9. [S102] Ancestry.se, online http://www.Ancestry.se, Sverige, namnindexerade födelseuppgifter, 1880-1920
    Name: Lilly Matilda Beata Birth Date: 23 Aug 1900 Birth Place: Hogdal, Göteborg och Bohus, Sverige Father: Olof Victor Mattsson Mother: Hilda Amanda Olausdotter: Father Birth Date: 15 Jun 1857: Mother Birth Date: 26 Maj 1869 Page number: 0/0 Volume: SCB.
  10. [S102] Ancestry.se, online http://www.Ancestry.se, Sverige, namnindexerade födelseuppgifter, 1860-1941
    Name: Axel Gösta Valdemar Birth Date: 9 Apr 1903 Birth Place: Hogdal, Göteborg och Bohus, Sverige Father: Olof Vicktor Mattson Mother: Hilda Amanda Olausdotter Father Birth Date: 15 Jun 1859 Mother Birth Date: 26 Maj 1869 Page number: 0/0 Volume: SCB.

John E. Oldeck1

M, b. circa 1905
     John E. Oldeck was born circa 1905 at Pennsylvania.1

     John, married Sarah C. Green on 11 January 1930, at Roslyn, Nassau, New York.2,3


     John and Sarah appeared on the 1940 Federal Census of Glenwood Landing, Nassau, New York, enumerated 2 May 1940. John was working for a power company. His neice, Florence Green was with them. Their children, Loraine and Nancy J. were listed as living with them. As an item of interest, a dollar in 1940 would equal $21.35 in the year 2022. A $3.50 gallon of milk in 2022 would have cost $.17 cents in 1940.4

     John and Sarah appeared on the 1950 Federal Census of Oyster Bay, Nassau, New York, enumerated 14 April 1950. John was a lineman for an electric company. Their children, Loraine and Nancy J. were listed as living with them.5

Children of John E. Oldeck and Sarah C. Green

Last Edited=26 Nov 2022


  1. [S172] Census of the United States, 1950 U S Federal Census, Oyster Bay, New York, Sheet 30, line 4.
  2. [S172] Census of the United States, 1950 U S Federal Census, Oyster Bay, New York, Sheet 30, line 5.
  3. [S23] Unknown author, Ancestry Web Site, Url: http://www.ancestry.com, New York State, Marriage Index, 1881-1967
    Name: Sarah C. Green Gender: Female Marriage Date:     11 Jan 1930 Marriage Place: Roslyn, New York, USA Spouse: John E. Oldeck Certificate Number: 1025.
  4. [S14] Census of the United States, 1940 U S Federal Census, Glenwood Landing, New York, Sheet 2 A, line 34 thru 38.
  5. [S172] Census of the United States, 1950 U S Federal Census, Oyster Bay, New York, Sheet 30, line 4 thru 7.
  6. [S14] Census of the United States, 1940 U S Federal Census, Glenwood Landing, New York, Sheet 2 A, line 36.

Loraine Oldeck1

F, b. circa 1932
FatherJohn E. Oldeck1 b. c 1905
MotherSarah C. Green1 b. c 1913
     Loraine Oldeck was born circa 1932 at New York.1


     Loraine appeared on the 1940 Federal Census, enumerated 2 May 1940, of Glenwood Landing, Nassau, New York in the household of her parents, John and Sarah.2

     Loraine appeared on the 1950 Federal Census, enumerated 14 April 1950, of Oyster Bay, Nassau, New York in the household of her parents, John and Sarah.3
Last Edited=26 Nov 2022


  1. [S14] Census of the United States, 1940 U S Federal Census, Glenwood Landing, New York, Sheet 2 A, line 36.
  2. [S14] Census of the United States, 1940 U S Federal Census, Glenwood Landing, New York, Sheet 2 A, line 34 thru 38.
  3. [S172] Census of the United States, 1950 U S Federal Census, Oyster Bay, New York, Sheet 30, line 4 thru 7.

Nancy J. Oldeck1

F, b. 1 August 1935, d. 26 April 2019
FatherJohn E. Oldeck2 b. c 1905
MotherSarah C. Green3 b. c 1913
Nancy J. ________, wife of Wesley C. Van Dyke
     Nancy J. Oldeck, daughter of John E. Oldeck and Sarah C. Green, was born on 1 August 1935 at Roslyn, Nassau, New York.4,1

     Nancy, at age 18, married Joseph M. Zalesky on 27 December 1953, at Glen Cove, Nassau, New York.5

     Nancy married Wesley Combs Van Dyke, son of Wesley Rhienhaimer Van Dyke and Jeanne Mathews.6

     Nancy died on 26 April 2019, at age 83,6 and was buried at Nassau Knolls Cemetery, Port Washington, Nassau, New York.7


     Nancy appeared on the 1940 Federal Census, enumerated 2 May 1940, of Glenwood Landing, Nassau, New York in the household of her parents, John and Sarah.8

     Nancy appeared on the 1950 Federal Census, enumerated 14 April 1950, of Oyster Bay, Nassau, New York in the household of her parents, John and Sarah.9


30 April 2019


- Nancy J. of Glenwood Landing, NY on April 26, 2019. Beloved wife of the late Wesley. Loving mother of Timothy Zalesky (Mary) and the late Joseph and Tommy Zalesky and step mother of Linda and Jim. Cherished grandmother of Timothy, Jr., Jennifer, Dana, Allison and Brian Visiting Tues 4-8 pm at Whitting Funeral Home 300 Glen Cove Ave., Glen Head, NY 11545 www.whitting.com Funeral Service 7:30 pm Tues at the funeral home. Interment Nassau Knolls Cemetery, Port Washington, NY. Published in Newsday on Apr. 30, 20196

Family: Nancy J. Oldeck and Joseph M. Zalesky

Family: Nancy J. Oldeck and Wesley Combs Van Dyke

Last Edited=29 Jan 2023


  1. [S23] Unknown author, Ancestry Web Site, Url: http://www.ancestry.com, New York State, Birth Index, 1881-1942
    Name: Nancy J Oldack Birth Date: 1 Aug 1935 Birth Place: Roslyn, New York, USA Certificate Number:     53875.
  2. [S172] Census of the United States, 1950 U S Federal Census, Oyster Bay, New York, Sheet 30, line 4.
  3. [S172] Census of the United States, 1950 U S Federal Census, Oyster Bay, New York, Sheet 30, line 5.
  4. [S27] Unknown author, Marker in Cemeteries, Record Type: Headstone at cemetery, Name Of Person: Name on Headstone, Birth year is from cemetery marker.
  5. [S23] Unknown author, Ancestry Web Site, Url: http://www.ancestry.com, New York State, Marriage Index, 1881-1967
    Name: Joseph M Zalesky Gender: Male Marriage Date:     27 Dec 1953 Marriage Place: Glen Cove, New York, USA Spouse:     Nancy J Oldeck Certificate Number: 49946.
  6. [S9] Unknown author, General Newspaper Items: Varied, Location: Varied, Obituary published in Newsday, 30 Apr 2019.
  7. [S24] Unknown author, Find A Grave web site, Url: http://www.findagrave.com, Find A Grave Memorial # 198745485.
  8. [S14] Census of the United States, 1940 U S Federal Census, Glenwood Landing, New York, Sheet 2 A, line 34 thru 38.
  9. [S172] Census of the United States, 1950 U S Federal Census, Oyster Bay, New York, Sheet 30, line 4 thru 7.
Compiler: John W. Van Dyke: John W. Van Dyke