Pieter Claesen Wyckoff1,2
- Relationships
- 8th great-grandfather of Evelyn Marie Van Dyke
8th great-grandfather of Robert Edward Van Dyke
8th great-grandfather of John William Van Dyke
8th great-grandfather of Walter Carl Van Dyke
BIRTHPLACE: Friesland in the extreme northeastern part of the Netherlands. It is separated from East Friesland by the river Ems. East Friesland is in the province of Hanover, Germany. Norden was in Germany when Pieter and Jans were there. In the Washington Ancestry Vol.III p. 102 Mr Laer also states that Norden, in East Friesland, like the neighboring city of Emden, was a refuge for many Protestants from the northern provinces of the Netherlands during the war with Spain and several colonists for New Netherland came from Norden. Pages 120-125 Ibid is a good explanation of the additional name Wyckoff that Pieter took after the English rule began in New York. 20 Jan 2005 DRJ
Pieter Claesen came form the village of Norden. The Wyckoff families on old Canarsie Lane by Mae Lubiz - The Wyckoff House & Asso. c1998, p.7 26 Mar 2004 AJAJ
Arrived in New Amsterdam 1637 From Wyckoff Association 11 Mar 2004 AJAJ Buried in 1694 under the pulpit of his Dutch church.Fom the Book Dutch Colonial Homes in America.Rizzoli Internation Publications c2002. 24 Mar 2004 AJAJ
Several Birth Place variations in the IIGI: . The placename that fits the van Schouwen for Pieters Father Cleas is Schouwen, Zeeland, Netherlands. Schouwen is an Island on the coast of Netherlands known as: Schouwen Island, Ooster-Schelde River, Netherlands. I have not found an explanation why Pieter is from Norden and the other children of Claes are from Schouwen. Washingtons Ancestry Vol. III page 105. These places need further research 21 Dec 2004 DRJ
Variation in Birth date is 26 Jan 1625. in New Amersfoort. Long Island, New York. It is unlikely that the Dutch were in New Amersterdam this early. Need to research this point. 10 Mar 2004 DRJ Death Place: New Amersfoort, Long Island, New York is now Flatlands, Kings,New York 26 Oct 2003 AJAJ
!NAME: He is also known as (alias Wyckoff) on page 13 on the chart in the Washington Ancestry..Vol. III.
Also known as Pieter Claesen Van Norden 10 Oct 2003 AJAJ
!MARRIAGE: In the Washington Ancestry... Vol III his wife is listed as Grietje Cornelise van Nes.
!CHILDREN: On the chart on page 13 of The Washington Ancestry... Vol III, his children by Grietje Cornelise van Nes are: Martin P. Wyckoff who married Hannah Willemse on May 27, 1683; Mayken Wyckoff who married Willem Willemse; and Geertje Wyckoff, Removed to New Jersey, and who married Stoffel Jansz Romeyn, Removed to New Jersey.
OURCES: The Washington Ancestry and Records of Mc Clain, Johnson and Forty Other Colonial American Families Vol III.
Following Information taken from Ancestry.com 10 Oct 2003 AJAJ Death Place: New Amersfoort (now Flatlands, Long Islalnd, New York.
Immigration: 1637 On the 'Rensselaerwick' to New Amsterdam Occupation: Magistrate of New Amersfoort Event: Fact -1 1653 Bought a farm at New Amersfoort (now Flatlands, Long Island) Event: Fact -3 Designared Wijkhof referring to his work in the town or parish church Event: Fact -2 A Patentee of New Amersfoort Marriage 1 Grietje Van Ness Married: 1646
Notes for Pieter Claesen Wyckoff:?Pieter Claasen Wijckoff, who was in this country 51 years, took the Oath of Allegiance in 1687 in the Kings County Province of New York on September 26-30th 1687. From Vol. i., page 659, Documentary History of New York. Flatland is listed as 'Fflackland'. ?Flatlands (now 32nd Ward of Borough of Brooklyn, City of New York) was then called New Amersfoort. ??PER WYCKOFF HOUSE AND ASSOCIATION INC. including a transcription of the first pages of 'The Wyckoff Family in America' 3rd Edition. ??Pieter Claesen Wyckoff came to Fort Orange, Province of New Netherland April 7, 1637, on the ship Rensselaerswick. In the log of that ship is the following: ??'This ship sailed from Amsterdam, Holland 25 Sept, 1636, anchored off the seaport, The Texel, 8 Oct. 1636, reached New Amsterdam, New Netherland, 4 March 1637, and Tuesday 7 April 1637, about three o'clock in the morning we came to anchor before Foort Aeranien, the end of our journey upward.' ??The Rensselaerswick was outfitted by Killian Van Rensselaer, a diamond merchant of Amsterdam, who had a speculative contract with the West India Company for the grant of a large body of land near the headquarters of the Hudson River, under which he was required to transport men and animals to the new country. There is no complete list of the passengers on this ship, but among those named are Pieter Cornelissen from Monnickendam, North Holland; Pieter Claesen Van Norden, and Simon Walischez. These three did not remain in New Amsterdam, but went on to Fort Orange. Here Pieter Cornelissen became prominent in the affairs of the colony. He may have been an uncle of Pieter Claesen, although the two are not mentioned together in the records of the Van Rensselaer estate. ?These records show that Pieter Claesen was one of the thirty-eight laborers sent on the Rensselaerswick to be assigned to various farmers on the Rensselaer estate, and that under the date 3 April 1637, he was assigned to Simon Walischez. According to a scorched fragment of the records of the estate, saved from a fire in the State Library at Albany in 1911, he was to receive 50 guilders per year for the first three years and 75 guilders for the last three years. About the time when the contract matured, Simon Walischez' lease was canceled on the ground that he was an unsatisfactory tenant and the final settlement was made by the Van Rensselaer Estate. (See Hoppin, Washington Ancestry and Forty Other Families, Vol III, page 103.) According to the report, Pieter Claesen was 18 years old when he made his settlement with the Van Rensselaer estate. Soon after this he rented a farm for himself and married Grietje Van Ness (1645), daughter of the Honorable Cornelis Hendricksen Van Ness, who brought his family from Holland in 1641. Their first years were spent in Rensselaerswick, near present day Albany, New York. In 1649 they moved to New Amsterdam, now New York City. Here he remained until 1655 when he signed a contract 'to superintend the Bouwerie (farm) and cattle of Peter Stuyvesant in New Amersfoort', the Flatlands section of Brooklyn, and moved into the house on Carnarsie Lane, now known as the Wyckoff Homestead. ??Point of Interest: Succeeding generations of the family lived in the house until 1902. Following the sale of the house, several owners occupied and/or used the house and property and much of the land was sold. These owners made few structural changes to the house. The Association attempted for many years to reacquire the property without success until 1961 when final negotiations were completed and the house became the property of the Wyckoff Association. the City of New York had condemned a great deal of the property including much of the land under the house. It was necessary to negotiate with the city and finally give the house and the remaining property to the city with the stipulation that the city would restore the house as an early Dutch farmhouse and lease it back to the Association in perpetuity. Work began on the restoration in 1981 and on October 1, 1982, the final agreement was signed with the city and it was dedicated as a living museum. The Wyckoff House was declared a National Landmark in 1966 by the U.S. Parks Service. It is the #1 Landmark both in New York City and New York State. ??Pieter Claesen prospered and became one of the most influential citizens of the little frontier settlement. He had bought land in that section in1652 and continued to buy land from time to time, but he never owned the house in which he lived. He became a local judge, something like our own justice of the peace, and was influential in establishing the Flatlands Dutch Reformed Church at the juncture of Flatbush Avenue and King's Highway. His remains are said to have been buried in land now covered by the altar of this church. The Wyckoff Association in America, on May 22, 1938, planted a tree in the churchyard of this edifice in memory of Pieter Claesen and his descendants. On 26 May 1940, the same Association unveiled a bronze tablet inside the church, suitably inscribed in honor of Pieter Claesen. ??When the British took over the Dutch colony, they had difficulty with the Dutch names and demanded that the Dutch families take surnames by which they could be identified. It was then that the name Wyckoff first came into use. In a roll of those who took the oath of allegiance in King's County in 1687, the names Pieter Claesen and his six sons appear with the surname Wyckoff. The origin of the name is as follows: Pieter Claesen had been a local judge and the name came from this fact, the 'Wyk' meaning a parish and 'hof' meaning a court. A member of the Wyckoff family, wandering through a Dutch town during WWII, was surprised to see the name Wyckoff on a place of business, which suggests that the name may have been taken because of some old world association. Dr. Max Wickhoff of Vienna, Austria, in a letter dated 20 December 1929, writes that his family came from Friesland in the seventeenth century and that he believes that the Austrian Wickhoffs and the American Wyckoffs derive from the same Friesian gentry, living in the Austrian Netherlands, which than comprised a large part of Holland, Belgium, and East Friesland. He also refers to the house in the province of Drente which is called Hof in Der Wijk, or Wijkof. 'hof' would here mean house or farmstead and 'Wijk' would designate the locality. (See Hoppin, Washington Ancestry and Forty Other Families, Vol III, page 122). There can be no certainty as to which explanation is correct. There are many spellings of the name, but the original spelling is Wijckoff, and the nearest approach to that is Wyckoff. The others are corruptions that have arisen from carelessness or illegible writing. ??Pieter Claesen and his wife Grietje Van Ness had eleven children, six boys, and five girls, all of whom married and had families. The Wyckoff family had a high standing in the Dutch colony, as is shown by the families into which they married. All were families of importance. ??Grietje Van Ness, the mother of this great family, should also have consideration. She contributed much to the family she helped to found. Even among the Dutch of that time there were distinctions of stations, and she ranked high. Many of the plain people carried no family name. With them there was the coupling of the name of father and child, like Pieter Claesen, meaning Pieter, son of Claes. Others of apparently higher social or property advantages carried a family name from one generation to another. Grietje Van Ness was of this latter class. She was the daughter of Cornelis Hendrick Van Ness and Maycke Hendrick Adriense van der Burchgraeff. Cornelius was the son of Hendrick Gerritse Van Ness of Ameland, Holland. Maycke was the daughter of Hendrick Adreinse van der Burchgraeff and Annetje Janse of Laeckervelt, Holland. These surnames indicate that these families were of high rank and some wealth. The will of Annetje Jans, widow of Hendrick Adriens, dwelling at Laeckervelt, divides her estate between her son and her daughter Maycke, and provides that Maycke shall have the use of this estate during her lifetime, and that it shall then be divided among the six children of said Maycke, whom she names as follows: ??Gerrite Cornelius, wife of Roeloff Cornelissen ?Hendricke Cornelis, wife of Jan Jansen van Oothout ?HendrickGerrit ?Jan ?Grietje Cornelius, wife of Pieter Claesen of Amersfoort, Long Island. ??Mayke died before her husband, but he carried out her wishes. Thus, Grietje Van Ness, when she married Pieter Claesen, brought to him wealth as well as rank. ??Cornelius Van Ness, son of Hendrick Van Ness, doubtless was a native of the village of Nes on the Island of Ameland in the province of Friesland, North Holland. He later lived in Venin, Near Utrecht in South Holland, which was the home of Killian Van Rensselaer, patron of the colony of Rensselaerswick on the upper Hudson River. To this colony came Cornelius Van Ness and his wife Maycke Hendricke van der Burchgraeff in August 1641. He was a man of education and ability and was influential in the affairs of the colony. He owned a farm near Greenbush, but he was no farmer. His main income was derived from his brewery and from his mercantile and political activities. He and his son-in-law Pieter Claesen (Wyckoff) engaged in a prolonged controversy with van Slichtenhorst, the autocratic director of the colony, which ended only when Pieter Claesen left the colony in June 1649 and van Slichtenhorst was arrested, on 18 April 1652, by order of Pieter Stuyvesant, Director General of the colony. Considering the prominence of Cornelius Van Ness, one can but wonder what old world connection between the two families there may have been which led to the marriage of Grietje Van Ness and Pieter Claesen, who so recently had been a laborer on the farm of Simon Walischez. Her superior education and rank must have been of immense importance to her young husband when he took up his new duties in Amersfoort. ??Grietje outlived her husband, who died in 1694. She died between 1699 and1703, and was buried beside her husband in Flatlands, Long Island.
!Pieter came to Fort Orange, Province of New Netherland April 7, 1637 on the ship Rensselaerswick which was outfitted by diamond merchant Killian Van Rensselaer who had a speculative contract with the West India Company for the grant of a large body of land near the headwaters of the Hudson River.
! He was one of the 38 laborers assigned to Simon Walischez, and was to receive 50 guilders per year for the first 3 years and 75 guilders for the last 3 years. About the time when the contract matured, Simon's lease was cancelled on the ground that he was an unsatisifactory tenant.
!Pieter was 18 years old when he made his settlement with the Van Rensselaer estate. Soon after he rented a farm and married Grietje Van Ness. Their two eldest children were born here, but the church which kept the records of the marriage and births was destroyed by fire.
!He went to New Amsterdam in 1649 and remained there until 1655 when he signed a contract to superintend the Bowery and cattle of Peter Stuyvesant in New Amersfoort and moved into the house on Canarsie Lane in Flatlands.
!Information in Immigrant Ancestors edited by Frederick Adams Virkus shows Pieter's birth date as1615
Additional information from the www.conovergenealogy.com page 215 Pieter Claesen Wyckoff (M)?b. 6-Jan-1624/25, d. 30-Jun-1694, #721???d. 30-Jun-1694|p244.htm#i721|Claes Cornelissen Van Schouwen|b. 3-Apr-1597d. c 1674|p221.htm#i740|Margaret Van Der Goes|b. 1601d. 2-Aug-1631|p215.htm#i741.3
Pieter Claesen Wyckoff was born on 6 January 1625 at Norden, East Friesland, Netherlands.4,5
Pieter Claesen Wyckoff emigrated in 1636 from Netherlands. He had settled in Flatlands.6,7
Pieter married Grietje Cornelise Van Ness, daughter of Hendrick Van Ness, on 3 March 1646, at Bethlehem, New York.8,9
Pieter cultivated the bouwery of Director Petrus Stuyvesant in Flatlands in 1655 at Flatlands, New York.6
Pieter died on 30 June 1694, at age 69.10
Children of Pieter Claesen Wyckoff and Grietje Cornelise Van Ness
- Nicholas Clausen Pieterse Wyckoff+11 b. 1646
- Margrietje Pieterse Wyckoff+12 b. c 1648, d. b 1749
- Annetje Pieterse Wyckoff+6 b. 1 Nov 1650, d. 1698
- Mayken Pieterse Wyckoff+13 b. 19 Oct 1653
- Cornelius Pieterse Wyckoff+6 b. 9 Aug 1656, d. 4 Apr 1746
- Hendrick Pieterse Wyckoff6 b. 1658, d. 6 Dec 1744
- Grietje Pieterse Wyckoff+6 b. c 1660, d. 6 Dec 1744
- Williamptje Pieterse Wyckoff14 b. 14 Feb 1661, d. 1677
- Garret Pieterse Wyckoff+ b. 1662, d. Jun 1707
- Martin Pietersen Wyckoff+15 b. May 1663
- Peter Pieterse Wyckoff b. c 1670, d. Feb 1708
- [S58] A. M., Ph.D. Compiler: William B. Aitken, Distinguished Families In America ..... Jan Thomasse Van Dyke, Found on Page 182; Peter came from Holland in 1636.
- [S60] Compiler: Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Streeter, Wyckoff Family in America, Part II. Chapter V. Pieter Claesen Wyckoff ; Found on Page 13.
- [S22] Unknown author, FamilySearch, Url: https://familysearch.org, 'Pedigree Resource File,' database, FamilySearch (http://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.2.1/SRCS-1NJ : accessed 2 August 2012), entry for Pieter Claesen Van Norden /WYCKOFF/.
- [S84] Fifteenth Pastor Compiler: Rev. Frank R. Symmes, History of the Old Tennent Church, Second Edition, Found on Page 421, reference has 1627 as year of birth; There seems to be another place of said birth (Kalmar län, Sweden).
- [S22] Unknown author, FamilySearch, Url: https://familysearch.org, 'Pedigree Resource File,' database, FamilySearch (http://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.2.1/SRCS-1NJ : accessed 2 August 2012), entry for Pieter Claesen Van Norden /WYCKOFF/.
- [S67] Compiler: Teunis G. Bergen, Early Settlers of Kings County, Found on Page 397.
- [S58] A. M., Ph.D. Compiler: William B. Aitken, Distinguished Families In America ..... Jan Thomasse Van Dyke, Found on Page 182.
- [S58] A. M., Ph.D. Compiler: William B. Aitken, Distinguished Families In America ..... Jan Thomasse Van Dyke, Found on Page 182, this reference indicated marriage after 1649.
- [S60] Compiler: Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Streeter, Wyckoff Family in America, Part II. Chapter V. Pieter Claesen Wyckoff ; Found on Page 13.
- [S60] Compiler: Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Streeter, Wyckoff Family in America, Part II. Chapter V. Pieter Claesen Wyckoff; Found on Page 13.
- [S84] Fifteenth Pastor Compiler: Rev. Frank R. Symmes, History of the Old Tennent Church, Second Edition, Found on Page 421, establishs sequence of birth.
- [S22] Unknown author, FamilySearch, Url: https://familysearch.org, 'Pedigree Resource File,' database, FamilySearch (http://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.2.1/SRC3-M4Y : accessed 2 August 2012), entry for Margrietje Pieterse /Wyckoff/.
- [S60] Compiler: Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Streeter, Wyckoff Family in America, Part II. Chapter VII. Mayken Wyckoff ; Found on Page 257.
- [S22] Unknown author, FamilySearch, Url: https://familysearch.org, 'Pedigree Resource File,' database, FamilySearch (http://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.2.1/SRC3-MC7 : accessed 2 August 2012), entry for Williamptje Pieterse /Wyckoff/.
- [S84] Fifteenth Pastor Compiler: Rev. Frank R. Symmes, History of the Old Tennent Church, Second Edition, Found on Page 421.
Rensie Wyckoff1
Father | Garret Wyckoff1 b. 25 Oct 1724, d. Jun 1796 |
Mother | Jannetje Bloom1 b. c 1728 |
- Relationships
- 4th great-grandaunt of Evelyn Marie Van Dyke
4th great-grandaunt of Robert Edward Van Dyke
4th great-grandaunt of John William Van Dyke
4th great-grandaunt of Walter Carl Van Dyke
Rensie married John Voorhees on 29 June 1778.2
Rensie died on 22 March 1825, at age 65.1
Family: Rensie Wyckoff and John Voorhees
Richard Wyckoff1
Father | Petrus Wyckoff1 b. 25 Feb 1734, d. 1 Apr 1821 |
Mother | Alice Longstreet1 b. 13 Mar 1731, d. 16 Jun 1809 |
- Relationships
- 2nd cousin 6 times removed of Evelyn Marie Van Dyke
2nd cousin 6 times removed of Robert Edward Van Dyke
2nd cousin 6 times removed of John William Van Dyke
2nd cousin 6 times removed of Walter Carl Van Dyke
- [S60] Compiler: Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Streeter, Wyckoff Family in America, Found on Page 387 and 388.
Rulief Wyckoff1
Father | Arthur Williamson Wyckoff1 b. 19 Aug 1768, d. 9 Oct 1828 |
Mother | Eleanor Conover1 b. 11 Nov 1775, d. 17 Mar 1811 |
- Relationships
- 3rd cousin 5 times removed of Evelyn Marie Van Dyke
3rd cousin 5 times removed of Robert Edward Van Dyke
3rd cousin 5 times removed of John William Van Dyke
3rd cousin 5 times removed of Walter Carl Van Dyke
- [S60] Compiler: Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Streeter, Wyckoff Family in America, Found on Page 391.
Rymie Wyckoff1
Father | Barent Wyckoff1 b. 10 Nov 1753, d. 22 Sep 1833 |
Mother | Helen Van Pelt1 b. 20 Jan 1770, d. 31 Jan 1852 |
- Relationships
- 1st cousin 5 times removed of Evelyn Marie Van Dyke
1st cousin 5 times removed of Robert Edward Van Dyke
1st cousin 5 times removed of John William Van Dyke
1st cousin 5 times removed of Walter Carl Van Dyke
Rymie Wyckoff According to citation, She married a Peter G. Wyckoff, born 1800 after 2 December 1802.1
- [S60] Compiler: Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Streeter, Wyckoff Family in America, Found on Page 389.