Jan Thomasse Van Dyke1

M, b. 1605, d. circa October 1673
FatherThomas Janse Van Dyke1
8th great-grandfather of Evelyn Marie Van Dyke
8th great-grandfather of Robert Edward Van Dyke
8th great-grandfather of John William Van Dyke
8th great-grandfather of Walter Carl Van Dyke
     Jan Thomasse Van Dyke, son of Thomas Janse Van Dyke, was born in 1605 at Amsterdam, N Holland, Netherlands.2

     Jan married Unknown "Surname Unknown" 1st.3

     Jan married Tryntje Achias or Haegen circa 1625.1

     Circa 1631, Jan. The son of Thomas Van Dyke, was the founder of the Van Dyke family in America. He, with his two brothers, Hendrick Thomasse and Nicholas Thomasse, came to New Amsterdam from Amsterdam, Holland, in the year 1652 with his wife Tryntje (or Achias) or Haegen and seven children. They traveled on the good ship Bonta Ke (Spotted Cow). It is said that she was his second wife and that his first wife was the mother of four of his children.
He was one of the founders in 1657 of New Utrecht, where Director-General Peter Stuyvesant had permitted the establishment of a town comprising about one thousand acres divided into farms of fifty acres each. The early settlers in America could not purchase land from the Indians without permission of the government and when a purchase was arranged it was followed by a special grant allowing the formation of a settlement or town. This is in accordance with the 'Law of Nations' expressed in Wheaton. Jan Thomasse Van Dyke owned one of these farms and in 1659 added to it a tract of meadow land extending toward what is now called Coney Island.
The Director-General and Council at Fort Amsterdam on October 2, 1659, made the following proclamation: 'The Director-General and Council notify the inhabitants of the Town of New Utrecht to keep good watch and for the purpose of keeping good order they have appointed and set as in other cases the person Jan Thomassen to the office of Sergeant, they therefore order the inhabitance of the Town of New Utrecht to obey and acknowledge as Sergeant the above named Jan Thomassen.' This was the commission of Sergeant Jan Thomasse Van Dyke.

It was often the custom of the Dutch to refer to a person by mentioning his first name and the first name of his father. Jan Thomasse would mean John the son of Thomas, and Jan Janse, John the son of John. To this would be added the name which indicated generally the place from which he came; thus Beekman was 'the man of the brook,' Van Dyke was the man of the dyke. The name was spelled in many ways, often in the same family. It was spelled Van Dyke, Van Duyk. Van Dike, Vandike, Van Dyk, Van Duyck. and Van Dyck. The correct way of spelling the name of the family founded by Jan Thomasse Van Dyke is Van Dyke. Dutch parents in naming their children would generally give to the oldest son the name of his paternal grandfather, and to the second son the name of his maternal grandfather, The two oldest daughters would receive the names of their grandmothers in the same order. According to the Register of New Netherland Jan Thomasse Van Dvke was for many years a Magistrate of Fort Orange and New Utrecht.4,5

     Jan emigrated in 1652, with his two brothers, Hendrick Thomasse and Nicholas Thomasse, came to New Amsterdam in America in 1652.6,1,5

     Jan was he was appointed one of the schepens of New Utrecht by Govenor Colve. in 1673 at New York.6

     Jan died circa October 1673, at Utrecht, Kings, New York; soon after being appointed for under date October 16, 1673, it was stated in 'documentry History of New York', Vol.II, 577 and 659 the following entry:
'The Governor hath, from the nomination made by the Magistrates of the town of Utrecht selected Jan Gysbertse Van Meteren as a Magistrate in place of Jan Thomassen now lately deceased.1,7'

     Jan was s'old at auction to 'Rut Joosten' (Van Brunt) for 2500 Guilders; his new farm was at the same date sold to Cryn Janse (Van Meteren) for 2000 Guilders; and his 2 houseplots in the village to Hendrick JanseVan Dyck for 750 Guilders, as per town records. There was a Jan Tomassen on the Delaware in 1659, as per p. 286 of Vol. XII. of Doc. of Col. His. of N. Y., who possibly may have been this Thomas' on 25 January 1675.8

Children of Jan Thomasse Van Dyke and Unknown "Surname Unknown"

Last Edited=16 Mar 2019


  1. [S58] A. M., Ph.D. Compiler: William B. Aitken, Distinguished Families In America ..... Jan Thomasse Van Dyke, Found on Page 174.
  2. [S54] Unknown author, OneWorldTreeSM, Url: http://www.ancestry.com/, Ancestry.com. One World Tree (sm) [database online]. Provo, UT: MyFamily.com, Inc. This information needs further research.
  3. [S67] Compiler: Teunis G. Bergen, Early Settlers of Kings County, Found on page 336, paragraph 2.
  4. [S58] A. M., Ph.D. Compiler: William B. Aitken, Distinguished Families In America ..... Jan Thomasse Van Dyke, Found on Pages 175 and 176.
  5. [S68] Compiler: Zella Armstrong, Notable Southern Families, Volume I, Found on Page 243.
  6. [S67] Compiler: Teunis G. Bergen, Early Settlers of Kings County, Found on page 336.
  7. [S86] Compiler: Rosalie Fellows Bailey, Pre-Revolutionary Dutch houses and families in northern N J and NY, Found on Page 397, indicates death was in 1672.
  8. [S58] A. M., Ph.D. Compiler: William B. Aitken, Distinguished Families In America ..... Jan Thomasse Van Dyke, Found on Page 177.
  9. [S58] A. M., Ph.D. Compiler: William B. Aitken, Distinguished Families In America ..... Jan Thomasse Van Dyke, Found Page 178.
  10. [S58] A. M., Ph.D. Compiler: William B. Aitken, Distinguished Families In America ..... Jan Thomasse Van Dyke, Found on Page 185.
  11. [S58] A. M., Ph.D. Compiler: William B. Aitken, Distinguished Families In America ..... Jan Thomasse Van Dyke, Found on Page 230.
  12. [S58] A. M., Ph.D. Compiler: William B. Aitken, Distinguished Families In America ..... Jan Thomasse Van Dyke, Found on Page 177, 234.
  13. [S58] A. M., Ph.D. Compiler: William B. Aitken, Distinguished Families In America ..... Jan Thomasse Van Dyke, Found on Page 231.
  14. [S67] Compiler: Teunis G. Bergen, Early Settlers of Kings County, Found on page 333.
  15. [S58] A. M., Ph.D. Compiler: William B. Aitken, Distinguished Families In America ..... Jan Thomasse Van Dyke, Found on Page 187.

Jane Wyckoff Van Dyke1,2

F, b. 16 July 1838, d. 26 February 1912
FatherNicholas Albert Van Dyke1 b. 29 Jul 1805, d. 16 Jun 1881
MotherSarah Hendrick Eldert1 b. 11 Dec 1807, d. 20 Dec 1893
1st cousin 3 times removed of Evelyn Marie Van Dyke
1st cousin 3 times removed of Robert Edward Van Dyke
1st cousin 3 times removed of John William Van Dyke
1st cousin 3 times removed of Walter Carl Van Dyke
Jane W. Van Dyke, wife of Daniel L. Suydam
     Jane Wyckoff Van Dyke, daughter of Nicholas Albert Van Dyke and Sarah Hendrick Eldert, was born on 16 July 1838 at Flatlands, Kings, New York.1,3,4

     Jane married Daniel Lott Suydam, son of Jeromus Suydam and Harriet F. Voorhees, on 29 January 1862, at Flatlands, Kings, New York.1,3,5

     Jane Wyckoff Van Dyke was involved in the probate of the estate of Nicholas Albert Van Dyke on 7 September 1881 at Kings, New York.6

     Jane died on 26 February 1912, at Kings, New York, at age 73,7 and was buried at Green-Wood Cemetery, Brooklyn, Kings, New York.8

     Her estate was probated on 15 March 1912. Her children, Sarah, Nicholas, Harriet and Jerome, Sarah, Nicholas, Harriet and Jerome were listed as people of interest.9


     Jane appeared on the 1850 Federal Census of Flatlands, Kings, New York in the household of her parents, Nicholas and Sarah Hendrick Eldert.10

     Jane appeared on the 1860 Federal Census in the household of her parents, Nicholas and Sarah of Flatlands, Kings, New York.11

     Jane and Daniel appeared on the 1892 New York Census of Flatlands, Kings, New York, enumerated 16 February 1892, Their children, Nicholas Van Dyke, Harriet Voorhees and Jerome were listed as living with them.12

     Jane and Daniel appeared on the 1900 Federal Census of Brooklyn, Kings, New York, at Mill Lane, enumerated 12 June 1900 Daniel was working as a farm laborer. Their children, Nicholas Van Dyke, Harriet Voorhees and Jerome were listed as living with them.13

     Jane and Daniel appeared on the 1905 New York Census of Brooklyn, Kings, New York, at Mill Lane, enumerated 1 June 1905. Daniel was working as a farm laborer. Their children, Nicholas Van Dyke and Jerome were listed as living with them.14

     Jane and Daniel appeared on the 1910 Federal Census of Brooklyn, Kings, New York, enumerated 21 April 1910. The census indicated Daniel had his own money. Their children, Nicholas Van Dyke and Jerome were listed as living with them..15


Mrs. Jane Wyckoff Suydam

Jane, the widow of Daniel Nott [Lott] Suydam, and the daughter of the late Nicholas and Sarah Eldert Van Dyke, died suddenly yesterday of heart disease at the home of her sister, Mrs. Henry Buffett, Mill lane and East Fifty-seventh street, Flatlands. Mrs. Suydam was in her seventy-fourth year, was decended from the earlist settlers of Kings County, and was born in Flatlands, where she had always lived. Her husband died two years ago. She was a member of the Flatlands Reformed Church, whose pastor, the Rev. Dr. J. S. Gardner, will officiate at the funeral services to be held Thursday afternoon at the home of her brother-in-law, Henry Buffett, at 2 o'clock. Mrs. Suydam is survived by two sons, Van Dyke and Jerome; a daughter, Mrs. Stephen Voorhees, and several grand children; two sisters, Mrs. Henry Buffett and Mrs. Harvey Smith of Springfield, L. I., and two brothers, Albert and Peter Wyckoff.
SUYDAM - Suddenly, on Monday, February 26, 1912, JANE WYCKOFF, widow of the late Daniel Lott Suydam, in the 74th year of her age. Funeral from the residence of her brother-in-law, Mr. Henry Buffett, Mill Lane and East fifty seventh st, on Thursday, February 29, at 2 P.M. (Brooklyn Eagle 27 Feb 1912 Page 20)
SUYDAM - Mrs Jane Wyckoff, Mill Lane, Flatbush, February twenty six. Mrs. Suydam, who was the daughter of the late Nicholas Wyckoff and Sarah Eldert Van Dyke and the widow of Daniel Lott Suydam was decended from the earliest settlers of Kings County. Mrs. Suydam is survived by two sons, Messers. Van Dyke and Jerome Suydam; a daughter, Mrs. Stephen Voorhees; two sisters, Mrs. Henry Buffett with whom she lived, and Mrs. Harry Smith of Springfield L. I., and two brothers, Messers. Albert and Peter Wyckoff. (Brooklyn Life 9 Mar 1912 Sat Page 7)16,17

Children of Jane Wyckoff Van Dyke and Daniel Lott Suydam

Last Edited=23 Jan 2023


  1. [S58] A. M., Ph.D. Compiler: William B. Aitken, Distinguished Families In America ..... Jan Thomasse Van Dyke, Found on Page 195.
  2. [S48] Bureau of the Census United States of America, 1850 U S Federal Census, Flatlands, Kings, New York. Page 22, line 41.
  3. [S70] Compiler: Teunis G. Bergen, Bergen Family Descendents of Hans Hansen Bergen, Found on Page 158.
  4. [S48] Bureau of the Census United States of America, 1850 U S Federal Census, Flatlands, Kings, New York, Page 22, line 41.
  5. [S61] Peter Ross, A history of Long Island : from its earliest settlement to the present time, Found on Page 304.
  6. [S23] Unknown author, Ancestry Web Site, Url: http://www.ancestry.com, Information from probate documents.
  7. [S49] Varies, "Brooklyn Daily Eagle, The", The clipping came from the Brooklyn Life, Page 7, dated 09 Mar 1912.
  8. [S24] Unknown author, Find A Grave web site, Url: http://www.findagrave.com, Find A Grave Memorial# 43046784.
  9. [S23] Unknown author, Ancestry Web Site, Url: http://www.ancestry.com, Information from Copy of Probate records.
  10. [S48] Bureau of the Census United States of America, 1850 U S Federal Census, Flatlands, Kings, New York, Marked 22, line 37 thru 42 and Marked 23, line 1 & 2.
  11. [S59] Bureau of the Census United States of America, 1860 U S Federal Census, Flatlands, New York, Page 29, line 23 thru 30.
  12. [S31] State Census, [database on-line], Provo, Utah, Flatlands, New York, Page 6, line 27 thru 31.
  13. [S40] Census of the United States, 1900 U S Federal Census, Brooklyn, New York, Sheet 23 A, line 37 thru 41.
  14. [S76] State Census, [database on-line], Provo, Utah, Brooklyn, New York, Page 56, 23 thru 33; New York State Archives; Albany, New York; State Population Census Schedules, 1905; Election District: A.D. 18 E.D. 35; City: Brooklyn; County: Kings.
  15. [S29] Census of the United States, 1910 U S Federal Census, Brooklyn, New York, Sheet 8 A, line 41 thru 44.
  16. [S49] Varies, "Brooklyn Daily Eagle, The", Information from Brooklyn Eagle, 27 Feb 1912, Page 3 and Page 20 and Brooklyn Life 9 Mar 1912 Sat Page 7.
  17. [S9] Unknown author, General Newspaper Items: Varied, Location: Varied, Times Union (Brooklyn, New York) 28 Feb 1912, Wed Page 14.

Jane Wyckoff Van Dyke1

F, b. 7 February 1835
FatherPeter Albert Van Dyke1 b. 17 Oct 1809, d. a 27 May 1845
MotherRuth Hendrickson1 b. 22 Jul 1811, d. 2 Oct 1888
Great-grandaunt of Evelyn Marie Van Dyke
Great-grandaunt of Robert Edward Van Dyke
Great-grandaunt of John William Van Dyke
Great-grandaunt of Walter Carl Van Dyke
     Jane Wyckoff Van Dyke, daughter of Peter Albert Van Dyke and Ruth Hendrickson, was born on 7 February 1835 at New York.1


     She was probably one of the two females under age 5 listed in the household of her father, Peter Albert Van Dyke, in the 1840 Federal Census of Flatlands, Kings, New York.2
Last Edited=30 Jun 2018


  1. [S58] A. M., Ph.D. Compiler: William B. Aitken, Distinguished Families In America ..... Jan Thomasse Van Dyke, Found on Page 196.
  2. [S23] Unknown author, Ancestry Web Site, Url: http://www.ancestry.com, Year: 1840; Census Place: , Kings, New York; Roll: 289; Page: 796; Image: 846; Family History Library Film: 0017189.

Janneke Van Dyke1

?, b. 16 December 1705
FatherLambert Van Dyke1 b. 16 Sep 1677
MotherMayke Hooglandt1
2nd cousin 7 times removed of Evelyn Marie Van Dyke
2nd cousin 7 times removed of Robert Edward Van Dyke
2nd cousin 7 times removed of John William Van Dyke
2nd cousin 7 times removed of Walter Carl Van Dyke
     Janneke was baptized on 16 December 1705.1
Last Edited=20 Mar 2018


  1. [S58] A. M., Ph.D. Compiler: William B. Aitken, Distinguished Families In America ..... Jan Thomasse Van Dyke, Found on Page 227.

Janneke Van Dyke1

?, b. 24 October 1711
FatherLambert Van Dyke1 b. 16 Sep 1677
MotherMayke Hooglandt1
2nd cousin 7 times removed of Evelyn Marie Van Dyke
2nd cousin 7 times removed of Robert Edward Van Dyke
2nd cousin 7 times removed of John William Van Dyke
2nd cousin 7 times removed of Walter Carl Van Dyke
     Janneke was baptized on 24 October 1711.1
Last Edited=24 Jun 2018


  1. [S58] A. M., Ph.D. Compiler: William B. Aitken, Distinguished Families In America ..... Jan Thomasse Van Dyke, Found on Page 227.
Compiler: John W. Van Dyke: John W. Van Dyke