Josiah Ward Burrill1

M, b. 18 November 1812, d. 30 July 1891
FatherJohn Burrill1 b. 6 Mar 1782, d. 25 Oct 1868
MotherBetsey Dexter1 b. 22 Nov 1785, d. 17 Mar 1848
Relationships1st cousin 4 times removed of Dianne Elizabeth Smith
1st cousin 4 times removed of Ellen June Smith
Josiah W. Burrill, husband of Marinda E. Wheeler
     Josiah Ward Burrill, son of John Burrill and Betsey Dexter, was born on 18 November 1812 at China, Kennebec, Maine.2

     Josiah, at age 24, son of John Burrill and Betsey Dexter, married Marinda E. Wheeler at age 18 on 3 September 1837 at Dedham, Hancock, Maine.3

     Josiah died on 30 July 1891 at Dedham, Hancock, Maine, at age 78.4 and was buried at Union Cemetery, Dedham, Hancock, Maine.5


     Josiah Ward Burrill appeared on the 1840 Federal Census of Dedham, Hancock, Maine.6

     Josiah and Marinda appeared on the 1850 Federal Census of Dedham, Hancock, Maine, enumerated 29 August 1850. Josiah was working as a farmer. His real estate was valued at $700.00. Their children, Julia Ann, Nancy Jane and John Bainbridge were listed as living with them.7

     Josiah and Marinda appeared on the 1860 Federal Census of Dedham, Hancock, Maine, enumerated 18 June 1860. Josiah was listed as a farmer. His real estate was $1200.00 and personal property at $250.00. Their children, Nancy Jane, John Bainbridge, Lizzie M. and Julia Ann were listed as living with them.8

     Josiah and Marinda appeared on the 1870 Federal Census of Dedham, Hancock, Maine, enumerated 6 June 1870. He was a farmer. His real estate was valued at $825.00 and personal property at $423.00. Their children, John Bainbridge and Lizzie M. were listed as living with them.9

     Josiah Ward Burrill, and his wife, Marinda appeared on the 1880 Federal Census of Dedham, Hancock, Maine in the household of their son, John and his wife, Ella. He was listed as a farmer.10


Marinda E. Wheeler b. 1 Mar 1819, d. 3 Dec 1904
Last Edited29 Sep 2023


  1. [S47] Dedham Town Office, Vital Statistics of Dedham, Maine, Location: Bangor Public Library, File Number: 974.14.D2.2, The 'C' was added to his name based on what was in the book 'Birth and Death records Dedham, Maine.'
  2. [S47] Dedham Town Office, Vital Statistics of Dedham, Maine, Location: Bangor Public Library, File Number: 974.14.D2.2, This information comes for the book 'Birth and Death Records Dedham, Maine.'
  3. [S43] Unknown author, FamilySearch, Url:, 'Maine, Marriages, 1771-1907,' index, FamilySearch ( : accessed 25 Jan 2014), Josiah W. Burrill and Marinda Wheeler, 03 Sep 1837; GS Film number: 10835.
  4. [S27] Unknown author, Marker in Cemeteries, Record Type: Headstone at cemetery, Name Of Person: Name on Headstone, Death date from his headstone.
  5. [S63] Unknown author, Find A Grave web site, Url:, Find A Grave Memorial # 27196692.
  6. [S153] Bureau of the Census United States of America, 1840 (Sixth) United States Federal Census [database on-line], Record Type: 1840 Federal Census, Author Address: Washington, D.C., Dedham, Maine, Line 16.
  7. [S54] Bureau of the Census United States of America, 1850 (Seventh) United States Federal Census [database on-line], Record Type: 1850 Federal Census, Author Address: Washington, D.C., Dedham, Maine, Marked 833, line 9 thru 13.
  8. [S38] Bureau of the Census United States of America, 1860 (Eighth) United States Federal Census [database on-line], Record Type: 1860 Federal Census, Author Address: Washington, D.C., Dedham, Maine, Page 2, line 38 thru 40 and Page 3, line 1 thru 4.
  9. [S69] Bureau of the Census United States of America, 1870 (Nineth) United States Federal Census [database on-line], Record Type: 1870 Federal Census, Author Address: Washington, D.C., Dedham, Maine, Page 10, line 33 thru 36.
  10. [S76] Bureau of the Census United States of America, 1880 (Tenth) United States Federal Census [database on-line], Record Type: 1880 Federal Census, Author Address: Washington, D.C., Dedham, Maine, page 7, line 41 thru 48.
  11. [S54] Bureau of the Census United States of America, 1850 (Seventh) United States Federal Census [database on-line], Record Type: 1850 Federal Census, Author Address: Washington, D.C., Dedham, Maine, Marked 833, line 11.
  12. [S54] Bureau of the Census United States of America, 1850 (Seventh) United States Federal Census [database on-line], Record Type: 1850 Federal Census, Author Address: Washington, D.C., Dedham, Maine, Marked 833, line 12.
  13. [S38] Bureau of the Census United States of America, 1860 (Eighth) United States Federal Census [database on-line], Record Type: 1860 Federal Census, Author Address: Washington, D.C., Dedham, Maine, Page 2, line 40.
  14. [S54] Bureau of the Census United States of America, 1850 (Seventh) United States Federal Census [database on-line], Record Type: 1850 Federal Census, Author Address: Washington, D.C., Dedham, Maine, Marked 833, line 13.
  15. [S38] Bureau of the Census United States of America, 1860 (Eighth) United States Federal Census [database on-line], Record Type: 1860 Federal Census, Author Address: Washington, D.C., Dedham, Maine, Page 3, line 1.
  16. [S38] Bureau of the Census United States of America, 1860 (Eighth) United States Federal Census [database on-line], Record Type: 1860 Federal Census, Author Address: Washington, D.C., Dedham, Maine, Page 3, line 2.

Julia Ann Burrill1,2

F, b. 11 August 1838, d. 19 August 1862
FatherJosiah Ward Burrill1 b. 18 Nov 1812, d. 30 Jul 1891
MotherMarinda E. Wheeler1 b. 1 Mar 1819, d. 3 Dec 1904
Relationships2nd cousin 3 times removed of Dianne Elizabeth Smith
2nd cousin 3 times removed of Ellen June Smith
Julia A Burrill, wife of Jessie T. Black
     Julia Ann Burrill, daughter of Josiah Ward Burrill and Marinda E. Wheeler, was born on 11 August 1838 at Dedham, Hancock, Maine.1,3,4,5

     Julia, at age 20, daughter of Josiah Ward Burrill and Marinda E. Wheeler, married Jesse Taylor Black at age 20, son of Benoni Black and Sally (Dolly) Norton, on 22 August 1858 at Dedham, Hancock, Maine, by Rev. Otis R. Wilson.6,7

     Julia died on 19 August 1862 at Dedham, Hancock, Maine, at age 24. She died of consumption.8,5 She was buried at Union Cemetery, Dedham, Hancock, Maine.9


     She was probably the female under age 5 listed in the household of her father, Josiah Ward Burrill, in the 1840 Federal Census of Dedham, Hancock, Maine.10

     Julia appeared on the 1850 Federal Census of Dedham, Hancock, Maine, in the household of her parents, Josiah and Marinda.11

     Julia Ann Burrill, and her husband Jesse T. Black appeared on the 1860 Federal Census in the household of her parents, Josiah and Marinda of Dedham, Hancock, Maine.12


Jesse Taylor Black b. 4 Jan 1838, d. 14 Jan 1930
Last Edited2 May 2023


  1. [S54] Bureau of the Census United States of America, 1850 (Seventh) United States Federal Census [database on-line], Record Type: 1850 Federal Census, Author Address: Washington, D.C., Dedham, Maine, Marked 833, line 11.
  2. [S47] Dedham Town Office, Vital Statistics of Dedham, Maine, Location: Bangor Public Library, File Number: 974.14.D2.2, Information is from 'Birth and Death Records, Dedham, Maine Reviewed 20 Oct 2005 at the Bangor Public Library.
  3. [S29] Compiler: Dedham Town Clerks, Original Records of Maine Towns and Cities Town of Dedham, Subject: Vital Records, Location: Ellsworth Town Library, This information is taken from a copy of the town records., This information is from a CD located in the Ellsworth Town Library created by 'Picton Press.
  4. [S64] Unknown author, New England Historic Genealogical Society, Url:, Information found on Page 301.
  5. [S43] Unknown author, FamilySearch, Url:, Information from FHL Film # 007595533; Hancock County Maine Record of Birth Vol 1, 1800 1890 Page 7.
  6. [S89] Compiler: Various Compilers, Bangor Research Room, This is from 'Marriage Records of Hancock County prior to 1892.
  7. [S43] Unknown author, FamilySearch, Url:, 'Maine, Marriages, 1771-1907,' index, FamilySearch ( : accessed 25 Jan 2014), Jesse T. Black and Julia A. Burrill, 22 Aug 1858; GS Film number: 10835.
  8. [S47] Dedham Town Office, Vital Statistics of Dedham, Maine, Location: Bangor Public Library, File Number: 974.14.D2.2, The book 'Birth and Death Records Dedham, Maine' shows the same information.
  9. [S63] Unknown author, Find A Grave web site, Url:, Find A Grave Memorial # 27196694.
  10. [S153] Bureau of the Census United States of America, 1840 (Sixth) United States Federal Census [database on-line], Record Type: 1840 Federal Census, Author Address: Washington, D.C., Dedham, Maine, Line 16.
  11. [S54] Bureau of the Census United States of America, 1850 (Seventh) United States Federal Census [database on-line], Record Type: 1850 Federal Census, Author Address: Washington, D.C., Dedham, Maine, Marked 833, line 9 thru 13.
  12. [S38] Bureau of the Census United States of America, 1860 (Eighth) United States Federal Census [database on-line], Record Type: 1860 Federal Census, Author Address: Washington, D.C., Dedham, Maine, Page 2, line 38 thru 40 and Page 3, line 1 thru 4.
  13. [S69] Bureau of the Census United States of America, 1870 (Nineth) United States Federal Census [database on-line], Record Type: 1870 Federal Census, Author Address: Washington, D.C., Dedham, Maine, Page 6, line 29.
  14. [S76] Bureau of the Census United States of America, 1880 (Tenth) United States Federal Census [database on-line], Record Type: 1880 Federal Census, Author Address: Washington, D.C., Dedham (Village), Maine, Page 3, line 21.

June Elizabeth Burrill1

F, b. 29 June 1918, d. 30 October 1992
FatherClifford Loring Burrill1 b. 17 Sep 1888, d. 5 Jun 1965
MotherMarion Elizabeth Davis1 b. 14 Mar 1890, d. 27 Sep 1956
RelationshipsMother of Dianne Elizabeth Smith
Mother of Ellen June Smith
June Elizabeth Burrill, wife of Cleon M. Smith
     June Elizabeth Burrill, daughter of Clifford Loring Burrill and Marion Elizabeth Davis, was born on 29 June 1918 at Dedham, Hancock, Maine.1,2

     June, at age 22, daughter of Clifford Loring Burrill and Marion Elizabeth Davis, married Cleon Moses Smith at age 24, son of Henry Bean Smith and Alice Mabel Cross, on 28 June 1941 at Brewer, Penobscot, Maine,

Pretty Wedding In Brewer Home

Miss June E Burrill Is Bride of Cleon Smith Of Dover-Foxcroft The home of Mr and Mrs Clifford L Burrill 22 School street Brpwer was the scene of a lovely wedding Saturday afternoon t 4 o'clock When their daughter Miss June Elizabeth Burrill became the bride of Cleon Moses Smith son of Mr and Mrs Henry B Smithy Dover-Foxcroft The Rev Basil C Gleasrtn pastor of the Firr-t Congregational church tead the double ring servire in the presence of about 100 relatives and friends An arch of hemlock and syringa formed the background for th ceremony and the home was attractively decorated with large baslcets of peonies and syringa arranged bv Mrs Ralph Whitmore Miss Phyllis M Burrill sister of the bride played the "Bridal Chorus" from "Lohengrin ano Mrs Warren Hendrleksdn sang "I Love You Truly" with Miss Phyllis Burrill at the piano The bride who was given in mar riage by her father wore her mothers wedding gown of net with lace and Insertion long sleeves with a fitted hodiee bouffant skirt and a round neckline Her long veil of net was raucht to a coronet of aced pearls end orange blossoms She carried an arm bouquet of bride's roses The maid of honor Miss Eleanor 8 Burrill cousin of the bride wore orchid marquisette with matching flowers in her hair and carried a Colonial bouquet Murray Stan hope brother-in-law of the brid? groom was best man The bride's mother wore powder blue crepe with white accessories and the mother of the bridegroom was in ereen crepe with white ae ressorics Both wore corsages of Gardenias A reception was held Immediateh following the ceremony with Mrs Rurnll and Mrs Smith assisting the bridal party in receiving The guest hook was in charge of Elizabeth Fionhope sister of the bridegroom and Miss Dorothy Royal presided at the gift table Mrs Robert Kiah received the guests at the door Assisting in serving were Mips Margaret Burrill Jean Moore Elea nor Naugler Evelyn Johnston Helen St Clair and Elizabeth Nlck- erson The bride's cake made by Mrs Roy e Allen formed the centerpiece of the bride's table and was served by Mrs Dean Burrill after the bride cut the first slice according to tradition The bride was graduated from Brewer High school and Bangor Maine School of Commerce and has been employed with the Maine State Bureau of Social Welfare The bridegroom a graduate nf Foxcroft academy is employed at General Motors corporation BrlSr tol Conn The young rouple left on a two weeks' wedding trip and will he i&t home at Main street South- ington Conn after July 15 The bride chose for traveling an aqua green redlngote with white accessories The bride has been complimented with several showers during the past few weeksl Out of town guests were Mr and Mrs Irving Trufanj Miss Dorothy Dunham Mrs Charles Stanhope Mr and Mrs Carroll Knowlton Mr and Mrs Keith Knowlton Miss Nora Ross Mr and Mrs Murray Stanhope Mr and MrsH enrv R Smith all of Dover-Foxcroft Mr una iwrs uean c Hum II and daughter Louise Morrisvllle Vt and Mrs Harley Burbank St Al- oans vt t.3,4,5

     June and Cleon were in this photograph which was taken 28 June 1941 posing for their wedding photo.6

     A party, most likely a baby shower, was given to June circa 23 June 1942.

Party Given

- Mrs. Murray M. Stanhope entertained Friday evening in honor of Mrs. Cleon Smith of Southington, Conn. Mrs. Smith was presented with many lovely gifts from those in attendance; Mrs. Gerald Brewster, Miss Dorothy Dunham, Mrs. Irving C. Trufant, Miss Eleanor Murphy of Bangor, Mrs. Carroll Knowlton, Miss Margaret Gray, Miss Barbara Stanhope, Mrs. George E. Howard, Mrs Henry B. Smith.7

     June and Cleon were listed in the book, ' Dover Foxcroft Biographies'. It lists Cleon as a lumberman circa 1948, at Maine.8

     Dean and Evelyn were hosts to weekend visitors, 2 July 1949 at Seymour Lake, Morgan, Orleans, Vermont.


- "Mr. and Mrs. Cleon Smith of Dover Foxcroft, Me. and Miss Phyllis Burrill of Bangor, Me. were weekend guests of their brother and family Mr. and Mrs. Dean Burrill at their cottage at Seymour Lake. Miss Louise Burrill returned with them to Bangor, Me. for two weeks vacation."9

     In this photograph, June and Cleon were showing the intense labor to opening the camp for the summer. The photo was taken circa 1965, at Guard Point, Harrington, Washington, Maine.10

     June died on 30 October 1992 at Mayo Hospital, Dover Foxcroft, Piscataquis, Maine, at age 74.11 and was buried at Lee Cemetery, Dover Foxcroft, Piscataquis, Maine.12

See pictures: The Picture Collection May be viewed By Left-Clicking on This Link.


     June appeared on the 1920 Federal Census, enumerated 30 January 1920, in the household of her parents, Clifford and Marion of Dedham, Hancock, Maine.13

     June appeared on the 1930 Federal Census, enumerated 8 April 1930, of Brewer, Penobscot, Maine in the household of her parents, Clifford and Marion.14

     June appeared on the 1940 Federal Census of Dover Foxcroft, Piscataquis, Maine, at Union Square, enumerated 11 April 1940. She was actually living with a Nora Ross. They were renting, paying $24.00 a month. They both were working as stenographers for the state welfare system.. As an item of interest, a dollar in 1940 would equal $16.26 in the year 2012. A $3.50 gallon of milk in 2012 would have cost $.21 cents in 1940.15


Cleon Moses Smith b. 5 Mar 1917, d. 12 Mar 1989



DOVER FOXCROFT - June Burrill Smith, 74, wife of the late Cleon M. Smith, died Oct. 30, 1992, at a local hospital. She was born June 29, 1918, in Dedham, the daughter of Clifford L. and Marion E. (Davis) Burrill. She will be fondly remembered as a retired secretary of the Dover and Foxcroft Water District. She was a member of the Dover Foxcroft Congregational Church, the Junior Cosmopolitan Club in Dover Foxcroft; and was very active in the Heartwise program at the Mayo Regional Hospital. She is survived by two daughters, Dianne and her husband, John Van Dyke of Dover Foxcroft, Ellen J. and her husband, Ronald Thomas of Hancock; a sister, Phyllis Whitney of Amherst, Mass; a sister-in-law, Elizabeth Stanhope of Zepherhills, Fla; five grandchildren, Rhonda Tomah of Wells, Traci Miller of Wells, Heidi Thomas of Bangor, Ami Thomas of Portland, Karen Van Dyke of Elmendorf Air Force Base, Alaska; three great grandchildren, several nieces and nephews. Friends may call 3 - 5 p.m. Sunday, Nov 1, at the Lary Funeral Home, Dover Foxcroft. Funeral services will be conducted 1 p.m. Monday at the Dover Foxcroft Congregational Church with the Rev. Kenneth Dale officiating. Burial will be in the family lot in Lee Cemetery. Those who wish may make memorial contributions to Heartwise, care of Mayo Regional Hospital, 75 W. Main St., Dover Foxcroft, or to the Congregational Church Building Fund, 10 W. Main St., Dover Foxcroft 04426.16
Last Edited2 Oct 2023


  1. [S29] Compiler: Dedham Town Clerks, Original Records of Maine Towns and Cities Town of Dedham, Subject: Vital Records, Location: Ellsworth Town Library, This information is taken from a copy of the town records., This information is from a CD located in the Ellsworth Town Library created by 'Picton Press.
  2. [S30] Unknown author, Ancestry Web Site, Url:, Information from Copy of Record of Birth.
  3. [S6] Unknown author, Maine State Archives, Certificate Number:
    Bride Name: Burrill June E Bride Town/State: Brewer, ME
    Groom Name: Smith Cleon M Groom Town/State: Dover-Foxcroft, ME
    Date of Marriage: Saturday June 28, 1941; None.
  4. [S25] Compiler: June (Burrill) Smith, Collection of Items, This information is from a collection of clippings and pictures gathered by June Burrill.
  5. [S9] Unknown author, General Newspaper Items: Varied, Location: Varied, Bangor Daily News (Bangor, Maine) 30 Jun 1941, Mon Page 9.
  6. [S25] Compiler: June (Burrill) Smith, Collection of Items, This picture is an original from June's keepsakes., This information is from a collection of clippings and pictures gathered by June Burrill.
  7. [S31] Bangor Daily News, Obituaries: Obituary, Url:, The Bangor Daily News (Bangor, Maine) 23 Jun 1942, Tue Page 4.
  8. [S198] Compiler: Frank W. Keniston, Biographies of Dover Foxcroft, This is from the book, 'Dover Foxcroft Biographies', and may be found in Thompson Free Library, Dover Foxcroft, Maine.
  9. [S9] Unknown author, General Newspaper Items: Varied, Location: Varied, Essex County Herald (Island Pond, Vermont) 08 Jul 1949, Fri Page 5.
  10. [S5] Unknown author, Family Data Collection - Individual Records, This photo was taken by John W. Van Dyke.
  11. [S20] Unknown author, Social Security Death Index, SMITH, JUNE B 29 Jun 1918 Oct 1992 74 04426 (Dover Foxcroft, Piscataquis, ME) (none specified) Maine.
  12. [S63] Unknown author, Find A Grave web site, Url:, Find A Grave Memorial # 30937978.
  13. [S23] Census of the United States, 1920 Fourteenth United States Federal Census [database on-line], Record Type: 1920 Federal Census, Location: Washington, D.C., Dedham, Maine, Sheet 7 B, line 62 thru 65.
  14. [S22] Census of the United States, 1930 Fifteenth United States Federal Census [database on-line], Record Type: 1930 Federal Census, Location: Washington, D.C., Brewer, Maine Ward 4, sheet 6 B, line 69 thru 72.
  15. [S14] Bureau of the Census United States of America, 1940 Federal Census, Record Type: Sixteenth Census of the United States, 1940, Dover Foxcroft, Maine, Sheet 6 A, line 35 and 36.
  16. [S31] Bangor Daily News, Obituaries: Obituary, Url:, The Bangor Daily News (Bangor, Maine) 31 Oct 1992, Sat Page 6.
  17. [S7] Unknown author, Birth Certificate, Record Type: Birth Certificate, Subject: Copy of certificate, Number: None, Information from Copy of birth certificate.
  18. [S5] Unknown author, Family Data Collection - Individual Records, Family knowladge.

Katherine S. Burrill1,2

F, b. July 1888
FatherEdward Lincoln Burrill1 b. 13 Jun 1860, d. 7 Jun 1937
MotherLillian Busse1 b. 20 Mar 1873, d. 3 Dec 1952
Relationships3rd cousin 2 times removed of Dianne Elizabeth Smith
3rd cousin 2 times removed of Ellen June Smith
     Katherine S. Burrill, daughter of Edward Lincoln Burrill and Lillian Busse, was born in July 1888 at Minnesota.1,2


MISS KATHERINE BURRILL, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Burrill, of Third avenue south, was the guest of honor at a luncheon and thimble bee given yesterday afternoon by Mrs. L. O. Peppard of the Belmont hotel. Miss Burrill's marriage to Mr. Danforth W. Field, nephew of Mrs. Newton F. Howley, will be solemnized on May 21, at 8:30 o'clock at St. Paul's Episcopal church.

circa 17 April 1921 at Minneapolis, Hennepin, Minnesota.3


     Katherine appeared on the 1910 Federal Census in Minneapolis, Hennepin, Minnesota in the household of her parents, Edward and Lillian. She was a student in grade school.4

     Katherine S. Burrill appeared on the 1920 Federal Census, enumerated 3 January 1920, in the household of her parents, Edward and Lillian of Minneapolis, at 3rd Ave, Hennepin, Minnesota.5
Last Edited28 Jul 2022


  1. [S49] Bureau of the Census Census of the United States United States of America, 1910 Thirteenth United States Federal Census [database on-line], Record Type: 1910 Federal Census, Location: Washington, D.C., Minneapolis, Minnesota Sheet 14 B, line 73.
  2. [S23] Census of the United States, 1920 Fourteenth United States Federal Census [database on-line], Record Type: 1920 Federal Census, Location: Washington, D.C., Minneapolis, Minnesota, Sheet 1 B, line 62.
  3. [S9] Unknown author, General Newspaper Items: Varied, Location: Varied, Star Tribune (Minneapolis, Minnesota) 17 Apr 1921, Sun Page 62.
  4. [S49] Bureau of the Census Census of the United States United States of America, 1910 Thirteenth United States Federal Census [database on-line], Record Type: 1910 Federal Census, Location: Washington, D.C., Minneapolis, Minnesota Sheet 14 B, lines 71 thru 74.
  5. [S23] Census of the United States, 1920 Fourteenth United States Federal Census [database on-line], Record Type: 1920 Federal Census, Location: Washington, D.C., Minneapolis, Minnesota, Sheet 1 B, line 60 thru 63.

Laura A. Burrill1,2,3

F, b. circa 1864
FatherCharles Edward Burrill1 b. 1 Jan 1832, d. 26 Dec 1865
MotherCatherine Gaslin Wood1 b. 18 Feb 1844, d. 23 Jun 1931
Relationships2nd cousin 3 times removed of Dianne Elizabeth Smith
2nd cousin 3 times removed of Ellen June Smith
     Laura A. Burrill, daughter of Charles Edward Burrill and Catherine Gaslin Wood, was born circa 1864 at Minnesota.1,2

     Laura, with her parents appeared on the 1865 Minnesota Census in the household of her grandparents, Franklin and Sabra of Champlin, Hennepin, Minnesota.4

     Laura A. Burrill appeared on the 1875 Minnesota Census Hennepin, Minnesota in the household of her mother, Catherine and step father, John Allen Depue.5


     Laura A. Burrill appeared on the 1870 Federal Census of Champlin, Hennepin, Minnesota, in the household of his mother, Catherine and step father, John Allen Depue.6

     Laura A. Burrill appeared on the 1880 Federal Census of Champlin, Hennepin, Minnesota in the household of her mother, Catherine Gaslin Wood and step father, John Allen Depue.7
Last Edited17 Oct 2019


  1. [S69] Bureau of the Census United States of America, 1870 (Nineth) United States Federal Census [database on-line], Record Type: 1870 Federal Census, Author Address: Washington, D.C., Champlin, Minnesota, Page 8, line 18.
  2. [S76] Bureau of the Census United States of America, 1880 (Tenth) United States Federal Census [database on-line], Record Type: 1880 Federal Census, Author Address: Washington, D.C., Champlin, Hennipen, Minnesota, Page 9, line 15.
  3. [S140] Margaret Campbell, Messages from Margaret Campbell, Recipient: J. Van Dyke, Address: Minnesota, Author E-mail: Margaret C <e-mail address>, E-mails received with information along with extensive talking.
  4. [S252] Unknown author, 1865 Minnesota State Census, Champlin, Minnesota, Page 3 (unmarked), Right Side.
  5. [S251] Unknown author, 1875 Minnesota Census, Record Type: 1855 Minnesota State Census, Hennepin, Minnesota, Page 33, line 14 thru 18; Surname as "Depew."
  6. [S69] Bureau of the Census United States of America, 1870 (Nineth) United States Federal Census [database on-line], Record Type: 1870 Federal Census, Author Address: Washington, D.C., Champlin, Minnesota, Page 8, line 14 thru 18.
  7. [S76] Bureau of the Census United States of America, 1880 (Tenth) United States Federal Census [database on-line], Record Type: 1880 Federal Census, Author Address: Washington, D.C., Champlain, Minnesota, Page 9, lines 11 through 17.
Compiler, Left Click on License Plate to Send Comments: John W. Van Dyke: John W. Van Dyke