This includes anyone not marked with any other values. I don't include a "not-related" value because I'm generally not positive (the relationship could be undiscovered).
Edwin M. Albers, husband of Olive F. Van Dyke
Frank C. Albertson, husband of Lova L. Hoke
Matilda Ber, wife of Martin Zinner
Arthur Gordon Berney, son of Arthur G. and Josephine A. Berney
Harry Ulysses Berney, husband of Vera P. Whitney
Ulysses S. Berney, son of Ulysses H. Berney and Anna L. Rochat
Levi N. Brewer, husband of Eliza A. Van Dyke
Dr. Lewis Brookhart, husband of Sarah Elizabeth Van Dyke
Hilmer A. Carlson, husband of Agnes E. Person
Eva Charron, daughter of Moise and Helen Charron
Irma Charron, wife of Walter G. Soucy
Lafeyette G. Charron, son of Moise and Celine Charron
Moise Charron, 2nd. husband of Virginie Migneault
Pauline R. Charron, wife of Charles J. Clauss
Charles J. Clauss, husband of Pauline R. Charron
John T. Collins, son of Michael and Eva Collins
Clare Cox, wife of Ralph Stratton Hersperger
Joseph A. De Joinville, husband of Florence I. Lundquist
Andrew Jackson Diamond, husband of Mary Sullivan
Dinah Ditmars, 2nd. wife of Benjamin Van Doran
Jane Durland, 2nd. wife of John B. Tuthill
Nellie Durland, wife of Hiram Bartlett Tuthill
Eunice E. Ecks, wife of Joseph Gross
Marion E. Ellerkamp, wife of Donald F. Stuart
Richard Emerson Engvall, husbamd of Virginia Answorth
Ernest Ture Enquist, husband of Esther L. Roos
Peter J. Fournier, husband of Ada Ryan
John Fowler, husband of Mary Ann Pilgrim
Susan A . Fowler, wife of John B. Tuthill
Robert R. French, husband of 1st. Maude G. McElroy, 2nd. Dorothy (Mary) Ziegler
Joseph Gross, husband of Eunice E. Ecks
Kathleen L. Grusell, wife of Carl A. B. Engvall
Ella Hamish, wife of James Clinton Van Dyke
Rowland Gibson Hazard, husband of Caroline Newbold
Rowland Hazard, husband of Margaret Ann Rood
Margaret Hazelwood, wife of John Van Dyke
Marie Hegblom, wife of Syvert Sollid
Ralph Stratton Hersperger, husband of Clare Cox
Edward S. Hibben, husband of Nett Wylde
Marian E. Hornowski, wife of Charles H. Meade
Charlotta K. Johnson, wife of Charles Emil Lindberg
Neal L. Johnson, 1st husband of Bonnie G. Snow
Jennie Jones, wife of Archie McElroy
Margaret Keller, wife of Jacob Zug
Maria Augusta Kutschera, 2nd. wife of Georg L. R. von Trapp
Benjamin Clayton Lancaster, husband of Mozanne E. McFarlin
William A. Lemken, husband of Cynthia H. Lott
Charles Emil Lindberg, husband of Charlotta K. Johnson
Johanna Maria Lindberg, wife of Olof Fritiof Westlund
Cynthia H. Lott, wife of William A. Lemken
Photo courtesy of member #47714083
Ewell Constantine McCartney, husband of Ida Myrtle Lancaster
Charles Cornelius McCord, husband of Adeline V. Neal
Hazel Vorice Cccord, wife of Loren W. Van Dyke
Marion Eugene McDonald, husband of Dorothy Mae Van Dyke
Archie McElroy, husband of Jennie Jones
Maude G. McElroy, 1st wife of Robert R. French
Sarah Jane Mcelroy, wife of John Arthur
Mozanne E. McFarlin, wife of Benjamin Clayton Lancaster
Charles H. Meade, husband of Marian E. Hornowski,
Susan Meighy, wife of Edmund S. Tappen
Virginie Migneault, 2nd. wife of Moise Charron
Sarah Adaline Morrison, wife of Edward P. Carr
Adeline V. Neal, wife of Charles C. Mc Cord
Caroline Newbold, wife of Rowland Gibson Hazard
Alida Gouverneur Ogden, wife of Rev. Anson Rood
Sophia Peck, 1st. wife of William N. Smith
Agnes E. Person, wife of Hilmer A. Carlson
Charles H. Peters, husband of Margaret Stonebarger
Jeanette Peters, wife of James Ward Van Dyke
H. P. (Simon Peterson, husband of Esther E.Engström
Walter F. Peterson, son of H. P. and Ester Peterson
Mary Ann Pilgrim, wife of John Fowler
Susan Riel, second wife of John S. Carr
Truman A. Rogers, Jr., husband of Irene Lyons
Rev. Anson Rood, husband of Alida Gouverneur Ogden
Margaret Eliza Rood, daughter of Anson and Alida Rood
Theodore Anson Rood, son of Rev. Anson and Alida Rood
Esther L. Roos, wife of Ernest Ture Enquist
Ada Ryan, wife of Peter J. Fournier
John T. Saunders, husband of Marie Evelyn Collins
Garret Garretse Schenck, husband of Jannetje Van Couwenhoven
William F. Shoe, husband of Pearl Van Dyke
Benjamin Smith, husband of Emeline Scholl
William N. Smith, husband 1st. to Sophia Peck; 2nd. Fannie M. Van Deusen
Syvert Sollid, husband of Marie Hegblom
Walter G. Soucy, husband of Irma Charron
Cornelia E. Stillwell, wife of Howard W. Voorhies
Margaret T. Stonebarger, wife of Charles H. Peters
Adam Stonebarger, husband of Sarah Zug
Mary Sullivan, wife of Andrew Jackson Diamond
Mary Sutphen, wife of Rev. Jacob Van Arsdalen
Edmund S. Tappen, husband of Susan Meighy
Hiram Bartlett Tuthill, husband of Nellie Durland
Infant daughter of John B. and Jane Tuthill
Infant son of John B. and Martha S. Tuthill
Infant daughter of John B. and Susan Tuthill
Janice Tyre, wife of Dr. Rupert Von Trapp
Rev. Jacob Van Arsdalen, husband of Mary Sutphen
Jannetje 'Jane' Van Couwenhoven, wife of Garret Schenck
Fannie M. Van Deusen, wife of William N. Smith
Benjamin Van Doran, husband 1st. Sophia Van Dyke, 2nd. Dinah Ditmars
Charles L. Van Dyke, son of John Van Dyke and Margaret Hazelwood
Daisy Blanche Van Dyke, wife of Charles G. Jones
Dorcey C. Van Dyke, husband of Jennie Ware
Earl L. Van Dyke, husband of Betty J. Demotte
Edgar Van Dyke, son of James W. and Nettie Van Dyke
Eliza Ann Van Dyke, wife of Levi Nelson Brewer
Franklin Van Dyke, son of James and Nettie Van Dyke
Isaac B. Van Dyke, son of James W. and Jennette Van Dyke
James C. Van Dyke, husband of Ella Lafever Harnish
James Ward Van Dyke, husband of Jennette Peters
John Franklin Van Dyke, son of John and Margaret Van Dyke
John Van Dyke, husband of Margaret Hazelwood
John M. Van Dyke, son of James W. and Jeanette Van Dyke
Loren W. Van Dyke, husband of Hazel Vorice Cccord
Lourinda Van Dyke, wife of William Wylde
Martha Van Dyke, wife of George W. Day
Pearl Van Dyke, wife of William F. Shoe
Rose Van Dyke, daughter of John and Margaret Van Dyke
Russell S. Van Dyke, son of James W. and Jennette Van Dyke
Sarah E. Van Dyke, wife of Dr. Lewis Brookhart
Infant (son) of James and Jennette Van Dyke
Charles Vliet, son of Richard S. and Mary E. Vliet
George S. Vliet, son of Richard S. and Mary Vliet
Howard W. Voorhies, husband of Cornelia E. Stillwell
Donald S. Voorhies, Sr., husband of Martha A. Walters
Cora Walling, daughter of Nathaniel D. and Gertrude Walling
Martha A. Walters, wife of Donald S. Voorhies, Sr.
Abraham Wanser, husband of Henrietta White
Jennie Ware, wife of Lora Wayne Van Dyke
Winfield Scott Ware, husband of Malinda A. Sears
Henrietta White, wife of Abraham Wanser
Agathe Whitehead, 1st. wife of Georg L. von Trapp
Nett Wylde, wife of Edward Hibben
William Wylde, husband of Lourinda Van Dyke
Dorothy (Mary) Ziegler, second wife of Robert R. French
Frank M. Ziegler, husband of Lois L. Lawson
Lewis Edward Ziegler, husband of Alice M. Pabstman
Louis Edward Ziegler, husband of Stella Mary Miller
Martin Zinner, husband of Matilda Ber
Jacob Zug, husband of Margaret Keller
Sarah Zug, wife of Adam Stonebarger