A person who is not a blood relative, but is married to spouses of Siblings and Cousins, and "other" spouses of Ancestors. Persons linked only by marriage to one who is marked as M are not included; that is, the second spouse of the spouse of a Cousin is not included.
Pauline ________ , wife of Elwyn C. Leathers
Addie A. ________, wife of Otis H. Smith
Jean Etta _______, wife of Robert H. Blaisdell
Jean B. ______, wife of Edward B. Burrill
Mertle ______, wife of Frank Barrows
Sigrid M. ______, wife of Glynn E. Smith
Hannah ________, wife of Col. Stephen Lovejoy
Molley Ames, wife of David Gurney
Walter C. Apt, husband of Francis A. Fenderson
Rebecca S. Atherton, wife of William Henry Burrill
Elvira Badger, wife of Henry B. Pratt
Bradford Baker, husband of Helen M. Burrill
Minnie M. Baker, wife of Clyde L. Lovejoy
Mary Bancroft, wife of Rev. Francis Lovejoy
Jabez Barrows, husband of Sarah Davee
Eliza P. Bartlett, wife of Roswell B. Pratt
Susanna Bartlett, 2nd wife of David Gurney
Jesse Bate, husband of Ruth Burrell
Anna Bates, wife of Asa Burrell
Helen Luverine (Bechman) Barre, 3 rd wife of Noah H. Pratt
Hervey Leroy Bennett, husband of Vera K. Johnson
Dillana Berce, wife of Rev. Albert Pratt
Wendell H. Bickmore, husband of Avaline E. Lovejoy
Job Billington, husband of Hannah Burrill
Jessie T. Black, husband of 1st. Julia A. Burrill; 2nd Emeline S. Wheeler
William Wallace Black, husband of Nancy J. Burrill
Josiah F. Blackwood, husband of 1st Hannah Smith; 2nd Mary Norwood
Irene Blake, wife of Sharon Cross
Elsie B. Blood, 1st wife of William Gordon Burrill
Lewis M. Blood, husband of 1st. Mary Hubbard; 2nd. Marcia S. Burrill
Elmira Booker, wife of Samuel J. Pratt
Harley R. Bradley, husband of Wilhelmina
Martha E. Braley, wife of Levi H. Lovejoy
Alvra H. Foss, husband of Ella Bridges
Amanda Dobbas Brown, wife of Charles W. Lovejoy
Helen F. Brown, wife of Adelbert Merton Pratt
Irene G. Brown, wife of Charles R. Fenderson
Sophia Brown, wife of Adoniram J. Pratt
Rhoda P. Bryant, wife of Benjamin F. Pratt
Evelyn Mae Burbank, Wife of Dean Burrill
Julia F. Burke, wife of Harold G. Fenderson, Jr.
George P. Burrill, husband of Clara Ellen Pratt
Lillian Busse, wife of Edward L. Burrill
Josie Buzzell, wife of 1st., Calab Davis and 2nd. Walter J. Herrick
Joseph Cain, gusband of Abigail D. Burrell
Vasco E. Carter, husband of Madeline W. Burrill
Zana M. Chandler, wife of Edwin A. Smith
Anne L. Clark, wife of Rev. William L. Smith
Effie A. Clark, wife of Chester L. Barrows
Francis M. Clark, husband of Abbie E. Cain
Jonathan Clark, husband of Jane Washburn Burrill
Abigail L. Condon, Wife of Daniel Stephens Burrill
James F. Condon, husband of Abra W. Burrill
Mary Ann Cornforth, wife of Collins Lovejoy
Daniel Cowing, husband of Rachel A. Blaisdell
Ann J. Crafts, wife of Hezekiah L. Pike
Elenor Craig, 2nd. wife of John Burrill,
Louisa Crocker, wife of Capt. Charles Gurney
Sarah A. Currier, 1st. wife of Jeremiah Cross
Photo courtesy of FindAGrave.com member # 46937639
Mary Abigail Damon, wife of Rev. Hosea Smith
Everett W. Davee, husband of Sarah W. Weston
Carlton Eugene Davidson, husband of Phyllis M. Tyler
Betsey Dexter, wife of John Burrill
Nathan Dexter Jr., husband of Lucy Burrill
Arthur Allen Dinsmore, husband of 1st. Nellie Colord; 2nd. H. Lizzie Barrows; 3rd. Lucy M. Elliott
Malcolm L. Doore, husband of Carolyn I. Knowlton
Mildred Doore, wife of Sheldon V. Scribner
Bertha M. Dorr, wife of Harold S. Burrill
Nora Downs, wife of William A. Pratt
Zelotes Downs, husband of 1st Emeline A. Burrill, 2nd Catharine Farnham
Mary A. Draier, wife of Stephen F. Lovejoy
Annie M. Dudley, wife of George H. Fenderson
Myrtle T. Dumars, wife of Lawrence B. Smith
William Francis Durant, husband of Salome A. Smith
Elsie O. Duren, 2nd wife of Benjamin Smith
Elizabeth G. Eldridge, wife of Asa Burdette Burrill
Ella Emerson, wife of Charles C. Smith
Livingston L. Estes, husband of Feorge D. Estes
Phebe Ewer, wife of Benjamin F. Pratt
George W. Fairbanks, husband of Lucy Lovejoy
Verna Mabel Anthony, wife of Harold George Fenderson
Virginia Seeds, wife of Harvey L. Fenderson
William P. Fenderson, husband of 1st Sarah S. Scott, 2nd Achsah A. Smith, 3rd Emma E. Ashby
Frank W. Fogg, husband of Emma L. Burrill
Helen E. Foster, wife of Stanley S. Lovejoy
Joseph L. France, husband of Angie Lovejoy
Robert Gardner French, husband of Louise E. Lovejoy
Alice May Frost, wife of Howard L. Burrill
Augusta E. Goding, wife of James Pike
Abiel Gould, husband of Catherine Smith
Frank E. Gould, husband of Ellen M. Cross
Grace M. Gould, wife of 1st. Charles Phelps, 2nd. Walter F. Lovejoy
Mary L. Grant, 2nd wife of Ephraim A. Danforth
Benjamin Gray, husband of Mary Lovejoy
Elsie T. Gray, wife of Zebah W. Burrill
Herman S. Gray, husband of Bessie E. Cowing
Walter H. Gray, husband of Helen M. Black
Clara G. Greenleaf, wife of Loriston H. Lovejoy
Alton L. Hadley, husband of Myrtle F. Cowing
Carrie F. Hall, wife of Gustavus A. Burrill
Harriet (Hattie) E. Hall, 2nd wife of Asa G. Lovejoy
John Amial Hall, 1st husband of Nellie J. Danforth
Stanley H. Ham, husband of Elsie Maude Cross
Adora E. Hanson, wife, 1st of Henry W. Longley, 2nd Henry S. Smith
Sarah Harlow, wife of Thomas Burrill
Emily Harriman, wife of Sharon Cross
Burrill B. Harris, husband of Elaine D. Fenderson
Stella M. Harris, wife of Fred Baker
Louise A. Haskell, wife of Hiram Barrows
Photo courtesy of FindAGrave.com member # 46937639
Sarah Hastings, wife of Nathan Austin
David G. Hempstead, husband of Margaret F. Burrill
Mary A. Hibbard, wife of Noah J. Pratt
Oscar B. Hill, husband of Eleanor S. Burrill
Photo courtesy of FindAGrave.com member #47269694
Helen M. (Hobbs) Campbell, wife of Adelbert C. Pratt
Photo courtesy of FindAGrave.com member # 46937639
Photo courtesy of FindAGrave.com member # 46905816
Gertrude M. Hopkins, wife of George T. Blackwood
Emma L. Hutchins, wife of George F. Lovejoy
Isabelle Israel, wife of Marcellus Pratt
Kathlyn M. Jack, wife of Leon K. Lovejoy
Emma E. Jackson, 2nd. wife of Thurston B. Burrill
Arthur C. Johnson, husband of Patti Florence Lovejoy
Benjamin Priestly Johnson, husband of Reba M. Smith
Florence M. Judkins, Wife of Carroll H. Knowlton
Ida M. Keene, 2nd. wife of John B. M. Lovejoy
Joseph E. Keith, husband of Cora M. Lovejoy
Huldah Kelley, wife of Josiah Danforth
Robert E, Kiah, husband of Josephine D. Burrill
Dora B. King, wife of Austin S. Reynolds
John A. King, Jr., husband of Irene E. Philpot
Mary 'Polly' Knapp, wife of Azel E. Gurney
Carrie M. Knowles, wife of Herbert F. Pratt
Harry L. Knowlton, husband of Gertrude M. Cross
Thomas Knowlton, husband of Rosilla W. Pratt
Stanley W. Leathers, husband of Margaret B. Curtis
Photo courtesy of FindAGrave.com member # 47206425
Georgia A. Libby, wife of Fred L. Lovejoy
Winniefred M. Paine, wife of Henry W. Lovejoy
Sally C. Lovell, wife of Joseph H. Burrell
Dolly Lowney, 1st wife of Bela Burrill
Sarah Elizabeth Lyford, wife of Leonard W. Pratt
Laura F. Lyman, wife of Leonard Roscoe Black
Mary E. Maddocks, wife of Ernest W. Burrill
Louisa Maker, wife of Clyde N. Antone
Albert F. Mansell, husband of Ann M. Cross
Caleb Marsh, husband of Louisa P. Burrell
Mary Abby Babson, wife of Stephen Marsh
Orville L. Martin, husband of Nina C. Cowing
Mary E. Matthews, 2nd wife of Sanford P. Webber
Clara W. Mitchell, wife of Willard S Fenderson
Lettie M. Moody, wife of Charles H. Davis
Anna Belle Moore, wife of Daniel S. Burrill
Cora B. Moore, wife of William P. Dodge
Adah Morrison, wife of Abisha W. Burrill
Elizabeth J. Murdoch, wife of Eben T. Smith
Sarah Nichols, wife of Nehemiah Cushing
Ellery W. Niles, husband of Blanche E. Lovejoy
Avaline B Orcutt, wife of Levi Lovejoy
Gladys M. Osborne, wife of William E. Burrill
Lucy F. Packard, wife of Joshua H. Davis
Aldana J. Paine, wife of John R. Smith
Martha G. Parkhurst, wife of Frederick N. Burrill
Isaac M. Parsons, husband of 1st, Samantha G. Pratt, 2nd, Prudence L. Stedman
Photo courtesy of FindAGrave.com member # 46953331
Thomazine Pearce, wife of Hadley Proctor Burrill
Betsey Peasler, wife of Stephen B. Lovejoy
Nathan G. Peasley, second husband of Anna F. Burrill
Sarah T. Penley, wife od Gustavus C. Pratt
Ellen J. Pettengill, wife of Benjamin L, Blackwood
James D. Plummer, husband of Ada M. Pratt
Charles L. Pond, husband of 1st, Zoa P. Condon, 2nd, Lulu A. Young
George Emery Pond, husband of Gertrude B. Burrill
Cynthia Pratt, 1st. wife of Roswell B. Pratt
Hannah Pratt, wife of Samuel Bates
Harriet _______, wife of Warren Pratt
Ruth M. Prescott, wife of Charles W. Danforth
Hiram E, Raymond, husband of Georgiana Cain
Harriet D. Reid, wife of Rufus N. Lovejoy
Abigail S. Reynolds, wife of Oliver P. Smith
William W. Reynolds, husband of Cora D. Smith
Photo courtesy of FindAGrave.com member # 47868100
Corilla E. Rose, wife of George F. Fairbanks
Martha Ann Ryan, wife of Elbridge G. Burrill
Carlisle W. Ryder, husband of Ruby P. Burrill
Elsie A. Saunders, 2nd wife of William Gordon Burrill
Lucy A. Saunders, wife of John F. Cowing
Oscar L. Saunders, husband of Clara M. Fenderson
Nelson Ned Scales, husband of Florence Pratt
Horace R. Scribner, son of Richard and Amanda Scribner
Lurinda A. Scribner, wife of Fred A. Smith
Velzora K Scribner, wife of Fred A. Smith
James E C Seavey, husband of Almira N. Smith
Ella E. Severance, wife of Estes A. Pratt
Everett W. Severance, husband of Miriam H. Pratt
Amy M. Shaw, wife of Charles H. Horn
Hannah Shedd, wife of William Howard Lovejoy
Olive Gerry, wife of Benjamin Smith
Sarah A. Smith, 3rd wife of Isaiah D. Smith
Eveline F. Snow, wife of Hugo Silas Cross
Sherman A. Spaulding, husband of Evelyn M. Hall
Jacob S. Sprague, husband of Harriet A. Barrows
Mary E. Sprague, wife of James A. Smith
Murray M. Stanhope, husband of Elizabeth G. Smith
Prudence Lavania Stedman, wife of 1st Noah Pratt and 2nd Issac M. Parsons
Stanley J. Steward, husband of Mary F. Weston
Mary W. Stoddard, wife of Martin Burrell
Eunice Stors, wife of Butler Denham
Walter L. Strout, husband of Althea Mildred White
Moses Sweet, husband of Lucy Lovejoy
Mary E. Thayer, wife of Charles S. Pratt
Frances O. Thompson, Wife of Joseph D. Smith
Sadie E. Thorne, wife of Harold C. Weston
Sally M. Toddwife of Nathan O. Danforth
Joseph Totman, husband of Lucy Burrell
Oliver Townsend, husband of Lydia Lovejoy
Sarah Sally Townsend, wife of Jacob Lovejoy
Cora M. Tucker, first wife of John B. M. Lovejoy
Edrie Maxine Turner, wife of Daniel E. Carter
Lester C. Turner, husband of Hazel Lovejoy
Lovina A. Turner, wife of Leonard H. Smith
Irvine Wesley Tyler, husband of Blanche M. Fenderson
Albert E. Vanadestine, husband of Lena B. Black
John F. Vanidestine, husband of Freda M. Hadley
Edward W. Veazie, husband of Mary Jane Burrill
Sanford J. Ward, husband of 1st. Mary Ann Staples, 2nd. Maria E. Flanders
Abra L. Washburn, wife of Thomas Burrill
Marcia B. Waterman, wife of John C. Cross
Bertha May Watson, wife of John Alden Blackwood
Stanley E. Watson, husband of Dorris M. Smith
Joseph Webber, husband of Almeda Burrill
Nancy Wentworth, wife of John Smith
John Colby Weston, husband of Jennie W. Pratt
Marinda E. Wheeler, wife of Josiah W. Burrill
Ann L. Besse, wife of Cyrus G. Pratt
Fred P. White, husband of Sarah A. Webber
Sumner W. Whitman, husband of Nellie R. Smith
Betsy D. (Wilkinson) Gibbs, second wife of Noah H. Pratt
Effie M. Williams, wife of Archie White
Mehitable Wing, wife of Jacob Lovejoy; (photo courtsey of Lucy Morin)
Alcie F. Winslow, wife of Oramell G. Pratt
Noah Wiswall, husband of Elizabeth G. Lovejoy
Iva Mabel Wood, wife of Donald H. Cross
Mary Louise Wood, wife of Clyde E. Danforth
Lovena E. Woodbury, 1st., wife of George W. Pratt; 2nd., wife of Moses A. Colburn
Elmer A. Wright, husband of Mary E. Lovejoy
Jennie L. Young, wife of Orman T. Pratt